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Everything posted by Huggers

  1. Don't mock Peckham Village. I'm just off to the the darling little local grocers, old Mr Lidl.
  2. I'm a bit suspicious there was no swearing, no 'innits' and actually quite impressive grammar from the young rascals on Poppy's bus. Perhaps those school improvements are having an effect.
  3. Reintroduction of dog licences together with dna hair sample of dog, then -like owners of mis-parked cars- owners of non-poo picking up dog can be tracked and fined. I think this is the best idea I have ever had in my life and will now do nothing for the rest of the day.
  4. thanks to Clazza and her wire-famine rescue mission we are about to embark on series 2.
  5. To break up a fight, douse with water- if you happen to have a bottle on you. To make a staffordshire type bull terrier unlock its jaws, insert stick up its anus. I personally wouldnt like to try this but if your child is trapped in its jaws it's a very useful thing to know.
  6. I found a diamond geezer kind of pub the other day by accident like you do - the Asylum in Asylum Road. Not only is it fantastically both a time warp 1950's in the best sense experience but also is very 'now' in its excellent loos. Darts, proper wallpaper, flowery carpet, brilliant. just imagine saying of your partner 'he's not here, he's in the Asylum'. worth it for that alone.
  7. Andy and Kez, I understand your concern, but random violence can happen anywhere- when I lived in Kensington twenty years ago, right outside my flat was the horrible incident of the police taking out a completely innocent motorist, dragging him from his car and gunning him down, thinking he was an escaped convict. There were armed marksmen, bullets flying all over what was a very main road. The guy nearly died, but luckily didnt. That was Kensington! Remember horrible things happen anywhere- that family murdered randomly in idyllic Kent woods on the way back from swimming. At least we live in one of the warmest most supportive child-friendly communities in London- and I mean ED borders too, as a Peckers lady who has never found such a happy place to live before.
  8. if you meant me Andy, I was just quoting the original posters post,
  9. School playground? you wrote this last night 'I really didn't think arseholes like him could exist beyond chav areas ....Honestly! At this precise moment I am pissing myself with laughter. Especially as that particular barman presented as a physically revolting speciman of humanity- unkempt, smelly, poor diction etc etc etc.'' actually, not just playground but pretty slanderous. and then... ''I really think people need to get off their high horses and actually LIVE COMPASSIONATE AND MEANINGFUL EXISTENCES. ''-but giving energy to the darkness of your imaginings is negative energy, imagining the worst in people is in itself biggotted. You were making all sorts of assumptions about the barman based on his appearance. You may say 'nah nah nah' when we counteract your arguments with actually some dialectic debate and then you decide we are not prepared to discuss this possibility, but that's just your intellectual cowardice . Perhaps in medieval times you would encourage your neighbours to discuss the possibility of some poor sod being a witch. When I read you post last night I thought it was incredibly nasty but thought that might be the beers I had had and decided to wait for the clear light of day to answer.
  10. ''weak possibility'' Kuntama?in your original post you said it was your first thought and then you said it was your reluctant conclusion. Then you brought in the other 'unhelpful' patrons who failed to point out to the woman that there were tables outside. Were they meant to be secretly racist too? Maybe they were just busy enjoying their lunch/drink. Why was it their responsibility to do so? why couldnt she see for herself. When I was a young woman, the most irritating men were the ones who proffessed to be feminists and who were always being outraged and offended on my behalf. Actually they were just trying to reinforce my 'weakness' and 'inferiority' and trying to get their leg over.
  11. Becks,I don't think anyone was saying that racism doesnt exist - East Dulwich or anywhere else. They were just saying that a barman telling someone that all tables were reserved in a gastro pub on a saturday lunchtime in lordship lane was probably not evidence of racism. Sometimes when white people project a racist interpretation onto an innocent situation they are actually being very patronising and infantilising.
  12. A lordship lane pub, midday, saturday...? Come on! I imagine all the tables would have been reserved for lunchtime and the reservees hadnt arrived yet, specially if it was a popular gastro type pub which pub opposite post office is as we all know. Staff wouldnt give over a reserved table just before lunch. And aren't Kuntama and Becks the same person? they certainly have the same voice.
  13. Two police vans on Goose Green right now. Could they have caught a non-pooper scooper in the act?
  14. Hey ED Oldie, is it really true or just myth ,that the victoria line extends all the way to Herne Hill after the last stop in Brixton, in order to give trains garage/workshop space? In which case a link to the overland station has been a missed opportunity.
  15. see you in the queue girls. You can't eat enough fish.
  16. Sopers has the better eye candy for the ladeez.
  17. Is anyone else experiencing flickering lights? is it the burden on the national grid or just us?
  18. p.s. so let's now all relax, make proper observations over the next six months, then campaign properly, sensibly and without hostility for something that makes Goose Green look whole, beautiful and accessable to all, with a special but not spacially dominating place for our furry friends and plenty of space to kick a football.
  19. 'There has historically always been a fence in that place on Goose Green '-wrong,the dividing fence appeared a couple of years or so ago. It was in response to a need for a dog free area but unfortunately there was no consultation as to where in the park this should be, and it was aethetically hideous. Instead of the dog area being enclosed, the dog free area was enclosed. Goose Green has been historically a 'common'. The trouble with the dog free zone was that it was not enforcable as it had been put up without a dog control order. So The area was being used by some irresponsible scary-dog owners anyway. It was aethetically horrible and forced people sitting on benches to eat their lunches next to dog poo bins. To my mind the solution is thus: dogs on leads across goose green but a free exercise zone at the large triangular grass area nearer the roundabout fenced in by a fence matching the outside fence, with proper enforcement and notices. This is my idea for a solution- as a parent AND a dog owner.
  20. Bad dog owners of bad dogs have been using the fenced off people only bit for yonks-the very people least likely to pick up poo and the kind of people you wouldnt want to confront about it-so in fact you've been more at risk of poo in the dog free area than in the dog area. At least in the dog area you were prepared for it and watched out for. You may find the bad dog owners now stay away- they used the fenced in bit because they had unsociable dogs that needed to be kept away form other dogs.
  21. Tell them you make your own electricity out of skulls.
  22. Thanks Matt....just heard Hoopers doing the lot too so up there first so will try there.
  23. Do you know if any pubs will be showing this match this afternoon- it's on terrestial too so maybe no demand? We fancy a pub sunday lunch screaming for Wales.
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