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Everything posted by Shu.Kurimu.Sensei

  1. http://seclists.org/isn/2000/Dec/0126.html That was the story, yeah a few years ago, brains getting old, must try to sharpen it via some Layer Section 2 http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_dTJCOGBUipA/RkhMKHiRYrI/AAAAAAAAAN8/vFdV1G6L4_Y/s320/reviewgalacticattacksat-2.jpg
  2. Think you'll find it was the PS3 which was restricted, due to the Cell chip, a shipment of a few thousand did go missing around the Middle East, google and you'll find the story. Up to 2 weeks without a deck? I've heard worse from several associates, on several occasions. It's a great platform, but I'd rather pop down the arcade and play when it suits me these days. There are rumours that this http://misc.insomnia.ac/random/deathsmiles.jpg may end up as DLC in English soon, along with possibly the wonderful, now improved Otome-Gradius, which along with Death Smiles, has its own custom stick for the 360 http://www.konamistyle.jp/upimages/001/051/itemOTOME-001p1_1.jpg (although the DS one has far better parts). Personally, SF4 and VF5 arcade, plus a full Mame set are all I need at the moment.
  3. You could always run an emulation of it, along with tons of other emulators for arcade, console and computer on one of these babys.. http://gp2x.co.uk/
  4. Heh, that's pretty sweet, still think the Stella one was the best of those mashups though ^^ http://technabob.com/blog/2006/12/21/atari-2600-portable-updated/
  5. Bear in mind that its not a SSD in there, and that although running from HD is quieter, you are also putting it under far more access stress than usual, which do you value more, your .sav files or a bit less noise? Meh, any real hardcore gamer would have bung their 360's innards into one of these long ago... http://www.likecool.com/Gear/Gaming/Lian%20Li%20XB01%20Xbox%20360%20Case/Lian-Li-XB01-Xbox-360-Case.jpg http://www.bit-tech.net/news/hardware/2008/06/05/lian-li-xbox-360-case-is-just-weeks-away/1
  6. Ah, you mean the anime? The one they censored over here? It wasn't bad, never bothered to check out the TV series though, seemed a bit too influenced by the Udon school of things for me. Agreed on the western soundtrack, along with the custom soundtrack for Cyber City Oedo, its the only other replacement of the Japanese OST that was an improvement.
  7. Man, I thought I'd logged on to 4-chan on reading the above few posts...
  8. Went to a trade premiere of the SF movie, the money men from Capcom were not happy about a cinema full of gaming journo's and cool hunters throwing popcorn at the screen in hysterics... Forbidden Siren (not sure if it ever came out in English), now that's how to do a movie adaptation of a game! Thought the first RE movie held its own too, have yet to see any of its sequels though.
  9. This is what you mean, in most cities you have to pay more according to the size and how much of the rubbish can be recycled http://www.city.yokohama.jp/me/naka/contents/english/life/garbage/garbage.html http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=-2-6dEG4W4kC&pg=PA135&lpg=PA135&dq=sodai+gomi&source=bl&ots=UqV0FCxGxt&sig=mQgiVrVnmGS4tVXgGiqZNfC064o&hl=en&ei=t6TGSYmTNIS2jAfbuZmeCw&sa=X&oi=book_result&resnum=1&ct=result http://wordmagix.blogspot.com/2006/04/gomi-japanese-trash-is-serious.html EDIT: In the 80s- early 90s yes, it was common for foreign residents to furnish homes with street rubbish, but I believe that its now illegal if the stuff has a paid label on it for collection. Also, in some council approved markets there are sometimes places where you can drop off stuff for others. There was one community that got written about by The Japan Times (a pretty crap paper, actually) and our BBC who have one of the best recycling rates in the world. Ah, linkage here: http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2008/aug/05/recycling.japan http://www.greenpeace.or.jp/campaign/toxics/zerowaste/localgov/kamikatsu_en_html If you sign up to a local scheme, depending on the area, on top of the enforced recycling (unless you live in a "mansion") you can also trade your stuff like newspapers and cardboard etc for toilet rolls, blank cdrs (made from corn starch!) and other recycled goods.
  10. I don't have one, preferring older games, but the thought of playing the HD remix of SF2 and VF5 online are very tempting, but those red rings of death are what keeps me from accepting one.
  11. Must have been a vegetarian only day at Greggs.
  12. From the look of your emoticon, looks like you had a sausage instead.
  13. Teppanyaki isn't Japanese food at all, its an interpretation of certain Korean meat dishes, and the Koreans do it far better. There hasn't been a decent Japanese restaurant in London since '98 anyhow. Just had an amazing home cooked Japanese meal actually, its wonderful being married to a Japanese goddess whose culinary skills have yet to be rivalled by any professional chef/master. Japanese, Korean, Italian, Arabic, Italian, English, she is incredibly skilled in these cuisines and more, I hate going out to eat as it is never, ever a spot on what she can cook!
  14. http://londonikebana.blogspot.com/2008/11/ikenobo-demonstration-by-junko-kikuchi.html
  15. http://i495.photobucket.com/albums/rr314/Shu_Kurimu_Sensei/whateverLG.jpg
  16. Thought this may be of use for the forum freaks out there, nice tool saves posts and content in Jpeg or Png formats, nice for a whole range of reasons, including capturing posts that are bound to be deleted or edited by their author amongst other things... http://pearlcrescent.com/products/pagesaver/ An example: http://i495.photobucket.com/albums/rr314/Shu_Kurimu_Sensei/LocalLotharioLounged-EastDulwichFor.png Fast video download is a sweet plugin for saving Youtube vids etc.. http://www.applian.com/fast-video-download/ Downthemall is the choice for any respectable image freak.. http://www.downthemall.net/ Obligatory trash cinema image follows, points if you know where its from. http://i495.photobucket.com/albums/rr314/Shu_Kurimu_Sensei/yatta.jpg
  17. OMFG a total lack of capitalisation there, grammar nazi alert! http://i495.photobucket.com/albums/rr314/Shu_Kurimu_Sensei/grammar-nazi.jpg
  18. Probably help clear out some of the undigested red meat, and give your Dr a better view next time you have a camera up your arse when checking for cancer, which incidentally is a good thing to do when you are getting close to 40.
  19. Thanks for clearing that up you two, back to the topic in question, any official plans to sort this mess out? {also, good word that, moos... http://www.progressiveliving.org/plutocracy_defined.htm }
  20. Heh, on the flipside during those times, my Irish colleagues said they felt terrified of speaking to their friends on the bus/tube as they came close to being lynched a couple of times. By the way, Piers, you're middle class, right? Got a question for you, there were these two decidedly upper class blokes in Sainsburys (slumming it I suppose) who seemed to be wearing suits of credit crunch proof threads sewn by Keynes [sic] himself who said XXX of XXX company is arranging a "Jolly" to New York, what on earth is that? An expense paid "research trip" or something? Am out of touch with such expressions, been some time since I worked in Inner Temple and mixed with titled folk.
  21. ???? Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > If you build it, they will come Misquote... >>> http://www.flixster.com/articles/luke-i-am-your-father-movie-misquotes Pedant mode off.
  22. I've been at work in separate buildings where there were confirmed bombs 3, yep, 3 times in London, lucky for me, each time, thanks to the sterling efforts of the Police and Bomb Squad, and other services, my colleagues and I managed to get out without being turned into catfood. The last thing we need is this kicking off into another bombing campaign over here. The company I work for is Irish and the bosses are not happy about this one bit!
  23. We could be heroes, just for one day... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zQFuNHCMF2Y
  24. Heh, well strictly speaking that would be Super-Sentai (which are a lot of fun, unlike the western versions), although this series is more from the Kamen Rider school of gnarly Monster of the week + ANGST... If you look around, Kamen Rider Decade is currently showing in Japan, and there's plenty of places to check it out Related linkage here: Original Kamen Rider: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kk4d5cg9teM Kamen Rider Decade: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kYncrdqIVGQ Super Sentai If you are an old school geek, Go Nagai's Starfleet (original title X-Bomber) his homage to Anderson recently got released on DVD
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