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Posts posted by Gooders79

  1. We feel your pain at the moment, we have a 23 mo whis taking longer and longer to get to sleep at the weekends for naps, our current strategy is to do something really physical in the morning, we are out from 8am and then to a park, last weekend to battersea zoo, then home in the car where he is dropping off and transferring to bed, he's still sleeping for nearly 2 hours without it affecting nighttime sleep so I think he still needs it... No real advice but its a tricky phase.
  2. Our son (4mo) hates his car seat, today we travelled back from Norfolk and he slept for the first 30 or so mins (having been transferred to seat asleep) then woke and got himself into quite a frenzy, he cried along the a10 and all the way down the m11 until stansted services about 50minutes. Very distressing for all involved, got him out of the car at stansted and he's fine, not hungry, not dirty, no wind, just wanted a cuddle...repeated the whole cycle again when we got back in the car. We are driving to France on Saturday and starting to feel a bit desperate, any experience with this and anything that helped?


  3. I think they would see her and take it seriously, I'd feel really let down by kings if they didn't... Maybe early tomorrow morning when it might be quiet? If you need reassurance about any aspect of her management I think it is entirely appropriate to seek that...

    We saw David atherton consultant paediatric dermatologist at the Cromwell with our son, appts every Tuesday and Friday I think. We were lucky to be able to go on our health insurance attached to partners work but he was very reassuring.

  4. Poor little girl, sounds awful... No experience here so sorry, is it worth a trip to paeds a and e if you're having to wait so long for the dermatolgy appt? I can't remember how long we waited to see Zoe goss, community dermatology nurse but I think I was a couple of weeks, she was excellent and has helped hugely with our son but your situation at the moment sounds like it shouldn't wait at all...
  5. You probably don't need extra help but it almost certainly will make life a bit easier...

    19 mo between our two, we have quite a lot of childcare, our oldest (22mo now) is in nursery 4 days a week, he's been there for 10 mo and is really happy there. The nursery is very close to home so we are not going out of way for pick ups and drop offs, he will obviously keep his place for when i go back to work again as well. We are very lucky that we don't technically pay nursery fees whilst I am on maternity leave as the nursery is attached to work and we salary sacrifice the fees. We also have a cleaner and some additional mothers help for a few hours most weeks...

    #1 loves nursery and is happy to go, he's well established there. His days in nursery give me a chance to spend some 1:1 time with #2 and get other things done without him and catch up on sleep or rest if needed.?

    Is it all essential? Probably not, but we are in a fortunate position to be able to have all the help, we have no family at all locally to support us so this is our balance. It's allowing us to focus on both children, maintain our home and my partner and I can manage a night out or he can do a later night at work if needed without a complete bedtime meltdown.

    We found our mothers help via the edf and so far it's working well, initially working out what we would need help with was a concern however we are comfortably using all of the help that we have and we are all grateful for it.

  6. Chillaxed the netting idea made me laugh... On a flight when our son was 16mo I sat on the floor to block the exit.

    Slings help just to free up your hands, generally I find they are quite interested in what's going on around them anyway. Keep them on their uk routine throughout flight if you can. Regular snacks, small toys can be good. We tried stickers at 16mo but he didn't really get them so it might be worth trying these a bit at home before you go if you decide to try them out.

    Resign yourself to the fact flying is different with a toddler and ignore what other people say around you.

    Good luck, in all the flights we've done both long and short haul they have never been as bad as I thought they would...

  7. I have a lively 20mo (ds1) and a 6 week old (ds2), on Wednesdays have them both all day and would like to get out and about. I originally thought would just head to the local play park but ds1 still really needs help with climbing frames, slides etc and isn't happy in a swing for more than a couple of pushes...

    So... What groups/activities have you found work for 2 young ones? I plan to use a sling for ds2 when out but he is a bit variable in how content he is in it and ds1 starting to get crazy jealous and trying to hit both myself and baby when I'm carrying him...

    Any advice on managing the whole situation also gratefully received!

  8. At 16 mo ours wouldn't have been entertained by a DVD player or iPad for more than a minute or two, we always tried to do long journeys after bedtime or over nap time to get as many miles done whilst they are asleep as poss. Having partner sat next to Ds in the back providing endless stream of snacks/meals/toys helped. Breaks where they can run around good too, more picnic and a park than quick service station stop.
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