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Everything posted by Inkmaiden

  1. I have a 13 month old and an ever-growing number of slings! The best ones I've found for toddlers so far are the Sleepy Nico for front and back carrying: http://www.sleepynico.com/ and the Scootababy for hip carrying, although can also be used for front and back carries: http://www.amazon.co.uk/s/?ie=UTF8&keywords=scootababy&tag=googhydr-21&index=baby&hvadid=5110290515&ref=pd_sl_4t3bo4m87e_e Both quite pricey but very comfortable and I get so much use out of them- I still use a sling more often than the buggy. You're very welcome to come and try them out if you like.
  2. Just to resurrect this thread for a minute- you can also use a maclaren young profi plus car seat with the Techno XLR so you don't necessarily need to buy the soft cot as well. The car seat clips into the buggy facing you and comes with a separate rain cover- the clips used to come with the buggy but you might have to buy them separately now.
  3. So, new mother- you first posted looking for a nanny 8 months ago and have so far posted about live-in nannies, live-out nannies, mummy nannies, childminders and nurseries, generally in fairly uncomplimentary terms. How's your childcare search going?
  4. Asked a member of staff last week when the pool was re-opening and he said due to some problems they've had it will be August at the earliest.
  5. Apparently, freshly squeezed orange juice is a very common craving- I drank it by the gallon. Probably to counteract all the salty and cheesy food I was craving (and eating), especially prosciutto (hmmm) and M&S cheese curls.
  6. Have you looked at www.ebico.co.uk?
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