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Everything posted by Nigello

  1. James - Is there a visual plan/diagram of what the plans - all of them, yours included - might look like? Has anyone even done a mock-up of the Tube map? I do hope it happens, even if it is only to Camberwell or Denmark Hill. Also, don't assume that we all know what an SPD is. I don't and would like to know!
  2. I disagree, lanelover. Over the past five years at least there have been more passengers at bus stops and the buses have been fuller at peak times at least. I try to get on at Dulwich Library but by the time you get to two stops after that (Townley Road) the 176, 40 (185 not so much) are getting close to full. Does anyone else support this view?
  3. When The Times has a list of 'cool' places you know it is really time to not use that word ever again. I avoid it when possible as it has lost its meaning. (I also have a problem with people saying 'guys' or 'you guys' to strangers, kids, their pals etc. It doesn't sound right!)
  4. I really do hope this comes true. The pressure on local buses here in SE22 is growing. Many a morning, poor sods have to wait ages, haplessly looking on at the relatively lucky passengers ('relatively' because squeezed in like sardines) on the 176 or the 40. Does anyone know whether the operators of these routes have put on more buses at peak times, by the way?
  5. Glad that the Goodrich Road/Barry Road wall will be painted soon, though I would like to know more about the people behind the decision. IngridB - over to you.
  6. Hello, Does anyone know how to get in touch with him? There is a mural - now spoiled by repairs and subsequent vandalism - on Goodrich Road near to Barry Road that could do with being painted over with something new. Please PM me with any details and I will contact him to see if anything is possible. Nigello
  7. Hello, Has anyone had recent experience of going for an ECG at King's? Does it take ages? Is it best to go at a particular time of day? Thanks.
  8. Good for emza for doing something other than whining on vainly on an internet forum. Write a letter, speak to the manager on the day, reprimand selfish people for not following the 'this way' signs, but don't just bang on about it here. It is the definition of a waste of time.
  9. I agree with rgutsell - if there is a bit of litter near your house, pick it up and put it in the bin. Call the council and report fly tipping, graffiti etc and challenge shops and individuals that litter.
  10. 2 x deadlocks on your door, lights that come on when it gets dark, an alarm that's visible and double glazing all can help.
  11. Why can the work not be continued at the weekend? Is it because of double-time issues? I have seen work being carried out in London on Saturdays and sometimes Sundays, so why not here?
  12. Iceland is good for fresh fruit like bananas, apples (non-fancy varieties), blueberries and oranges and for fresh veg like mushrooms, leek, onions, garlic and cabbage. Frozen berries are sorely missing from there but they have great frozen peas and beans.
  13. There's also a wall on the corner of Barry and Goodrich roads that would be the perfect place for a larger scale image. It was home to a nice picture of a woman with two funny-looking dogs, but it has been vandalised. Why not ask the owner if you can do your stuff on the wall?
  14. There are some places not mentioned on this thread, either much or at all. Perhaps it is because few people go to them or because those that do and who come on here don't consider them good enough to be included. However, I like: Homemade (Barry Road, near the Rye end) for good breakfasts (egg butties, bacon butties, porridge) and good teas and coffees with decent service and good prices; Luca's (Lordship Lane, near the police station) for good takeaway items (which are more expensive to eat inside) and a great value breakfast of scrambled eggs on sourdough for ?2.50 (M-F before 1100);
  15. ''On the other hand, they're Christian folk who no doubt care a lot about the local community so if you ask nicely they'll probably try to do something about it.'' Good luck with that!
  16. This is timely, given that Boris spoke about the need for big projects to kick-start the economy in London. He mentioned tube extensions.
  17. If you are coming straight from Euston the quickest way would be to take the Victoria line to Brixton (the end of the line), turn left out of the station and walk about three minutes to the stop for the 37 which is near to the Ritzy cinema. Get off at Townley Road, walk down there, cross the road and Goodrich is on the left with a church on the corner. If you are coming on a Sunday or late in the evening, get a 68 all the way to King's College hospital and then change for the 40, 176 or 185. The buses in London announce the stops so that helps. During the day it might be busy and take a fair bit of time. If you are travelling a bit in London consider getting an Oyster card and loading it up with about ?15 or so. Tube fares are pricey if you pay one off fares, buses likewise. If you are coming from Euston, a train to East Dulwich and then a 40, 176 or 185 to Goodrich is easiest and simplest.
  18. Sending a letter saying you will be making a lot of noise at an upcoming party is no excuse. It is like saying 'I'm about to fart lengthily, noisily and in your direction' before letting rip. You might think you are being polite when in fact you are being disingenuous and selfish.
  19. Typical laissez-faire, cuddly-wuddly reax from a fair few ED residents. How can you like bedraggled, rainwater-filled, dirty signs and how can you tolerate the selfishness and laziness - for that it what it is - of those who put them up and don't take them down. If they are up for a week or so, fine, but after the event, they should be taken down. To leave them up is the same as saying 'not my problem guv, someone else can clean up after me'.
  20. The council puts the bright yellow ones up often, but never removes them. Residents and local businesses, schools etc tape them to trees, posts, fences etc and never remove them. All of them look tatty after a while, but the people who put them up never think of that. So, if you do put up a notice saying 'happy birthday Marjorie' or 'baby yoga classes this Sunday', please take them down afterwards. Or, if you are like me, rip them down yourself. You can also post them back to the offender, like St John's and St Clement's school, whose tatty laminates for their Christmas fair of five or more weeks ago are still hanging around.
  21. The Bridge was a bit off the wall but entertaining. A BBC 3 horror(ish) series called The Fades was good and referenced Mork and Mindy too! Parks and Recreation is a funny US series with a feel of The Office about it, but more slapstick and less mean.
  22. Paving or tarmacking the whole of that stretch - from the barber's down to the new shop on the corner of Dunstan's Road - in a uniform way would be a big help and not that difficult. Of course, you'd have to stop the motorists who ride the pavement and park outside the shops (usually the betting shop and the launderette) otherwise it'd get damaged all over again. Anyone know whether driving over the pavement - which seems to the be a thin strip of paving that then gives way to the odd assortment of tarmac in front of various properties - is legal?
  23. The white wall at the side of the property in question had large and ugly tagging on it the other day. I was about to report it to the council (which would then approach the owner and offer to remove it for them) but the day after I passed by and the graffiti had been painted over, so thanks to the owners for doing that.
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