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Posts posted by Mark

  1. Anyway the point is that paths are for everyone*, there are laws and common sense to guide us to make sure they're safe and usable for everyone. Based on what's been written by the original poster the guy who asked your kid to cycle in the street is a bit of a nob and should learn to compromise a little bit of his space for a few seconds for a child on a bike.

    *except motor vehicles, horses, airplanes, submarines etc

  2. edhistory Wrote:


    > So, it is illegal.

    As rendelharris says whoever enforces the law is allowed to use discretion, I once went through a 30mph speed trap at 32mph and wasn't prosecuted. Makes me sweat still thinking about it. Anyway, sounds like you have a binary view of the law edhistory and want to prosecute 6 year olds, I think that's a bit cruel.

  3. Expanding on JohnL's point above I thought, how much will it cost to watch those 'known to police'?

    *gets back of a fag packet and writes down the low end estimate numbers*

    2,000 on the watch list (an estimate given by the head of Met Police on the radio at the weekend)

    Per individual, say, 10 police - 2 officers watching them for 24 hours means 3 lots on an 8 hour shift) + 1 support/control/backup = 7 police

    7 police x 2,000 watchees = 14,000 x ?20,000 (basic police starting salary) = ?280 million per annum in wages.

    And that's not taking into account the recruitment, training, equipment, detention etc

    Conclusion: Watching and knowing an individual is easy for me to relate to therefore I initially thought it's cheap and easy however policing them is a complex kettle of fish which costs lots of money, at least ?280 million a year. Having said that, that new resource won't stop street robberies and city fraud which I should be more concerned about because they are more likely to affect me and those around me.

  4. "Having sat through the entire case and heard the facts I am in a position to make a considered judgement" said...

    a) The Judge

    b) The people who read an article in the Mail

    I'm glad people's sentences are decided by judges and not the majority, but it would make a top TV programme. Imagine... Time or No Time - you hear the prosecution and the defence for one minute each then you decide what people get: green button for freedom, blue button for community service, yellow for prison or red button for a hanging. Choose now and we'll be back with your decision on their life after the break...

  5. Nice perspective backed with facts rendelharris, thanks.

    Some older people didn't know about the bad things when they grew up but now we have the news shoved in our faces it exaggerates it to make it seem like it's all, well, just outside, on our doorstep. That leads to people becoming more scared and thinking the world out there is more dangerous, fear leads to contempt and suspicion of others. The reality is different, yes there is knife crime, yes there are muggings but a insular life resigned to "we're all going to get killed on the streets by warriors who have come out to play" isn't a life with the correct perspective.

    Foxy, it's not "carnage out there" and most people are safe, in fact most people are nice and friendly. It'll be daft to say there's not a small amount of risk in city of 9 million people but please, lay off the biblical it's armageddon out there stuff. Is it really helpful to be spreading the doom from your armchair rather than doing something about it? I apologise if you are doing something in the real world to help.

    I say this as someone who's been stood by to someone as they were shot a with a sawn-off then stabbed, dealt with two people severely glassed in the face and seen someone have their head stamped on and fractured, all in the space of a year about 25 years ago, aka "the good old days". I know bad shit happens but in my opinion, help out if you can, and information supplied by others about things nd outside your control, well, maybe question your own perspective every now and then to see if your view is the only (correct) view.

  6. Thanks for posting Jen, always good to hear the facts and I hope you feel better today. It's tough hearing that you had one of the hardest days of your life, not because of illness or family loss or something critical but from non-news hysteria stirred up by people with nothing better to do. I wonder if these people know the effect that words can have.

    Anyway, now apparently that old man in the Norwegian hat shop in Stoke Newington once actually trained to be a paediatrician, disgusting. Can you believe it? I can, let's get him...

  7. b-b-b-but they called me an idiot sir!

    I agree with turtle that it's a "tasteless, nasty tweet by this person", it's just the daft storm in a tea cup but let's make it a big issue and bring this small company to its knees for a misdemeanor attitude that annoys me.

    It makes some people and small companies scared to be creative or try things out because they fear a massive reprimand from this type of thing instead of simply saying whoops, I won't do that again.

  8. As you said it's a respectable company however it made a mistake, it's apologised for it and positive action has been taken. This forum is meant to be a fun and useful place for East Dulwich, it's not exactly for "calling out a commercial organisation for a sh*tty, tasteless tweet", however it may be used for that, I can't see any problem. OK they're premises in Forest Hill and Camberwell but hey, this is the Lounge.

    Great, you've called out "a respectable company (which also runs the Crooked Well)", you're going to boycott them but why make all the staff 'suffer' because of lost business? Do we really need comments like "realy[sic] hope you go out of business". Do you think the barman at the Crooked Well should get his shifts cut because of lack of business because of a boycott because of a tweet from someone at the Perryvale that was live for a few hours? I don't.

    If they showed support the cat killer and suggest they do more cat killing then yes, take action but in reality it was a joke tweet that went wrong. Noone died and no cats died.

  9. Maybe I've missed something but the original poster asked for "community minded ... people" to join them to "introduce community elements" to a "community initiative". So I assume the people who come forward could be residents with no connection to the evil corporate street-traders and make sure it's about the residents as well.

    Like it or not the local businesses are part of the local community too.

  10. Leaving a dog outside a shop is not illegal whereas stealing is.

    Without knowing any other facts I think trolling the forum with phrases that the owners are "fool people" and "irresponsible selfish" are unjustified and purely written to be divisive and distracting of the original point, which is "Watch out there are dog thieves about".

    It's good to hear opinions, especially honestly empathetic ones and even better to hear constructive ones about how to help each other round here.

    Thanks for the warning PeckhamRose, I'll keep an eye out for anyone suspiciously untying dogs.

  11. Hi, can anyone suggest somewhere for a couple with a 5 month old to go away for 10 days this March or April? We have a window of opportunity between 18th March - 23rd April and would like to go somewhere warm and hassle free. Friends have recommended using Trailfinders, others to go to the Dominican Republic, others Majorca but if anyone has been to a, gulp, resort they would recommend please let me know.

    I see there's a post about long haul flights with a 5 month old http://www.eastdulwichforum.co.uk/forum/read.php?29,1766319, with some top tips already. We've read that we should keep travel time to under 6 hours for a 10 day holiday, do you agree?

  12. Hi, can anyone suggest somewhere for a couple with a 5 month old to go away for 10 days this March or April? We have a window of opportunity between 18th March - 23rd April and would like to go somewhere warm and hassle free. Friends have recommended using Trailfinders, others to go to the Dominican Republic, others Majorca but if anyone has been to a, gulp, resort they would recommend please let me know.

    We've read that we should keep travel time to under 6 hours, do you agree?

  13. Work out how big the room is in cubic metres, then divide by 14. That's the KWh rating you need, so if your room is 50 cubic metres then you'll need a wood burner that's about 3.5Kwh, don't be tempted to get a bigger one, it's inefficient.

    I've got a Heta Inspire 45 http://www.whatstove.co.uk/heta-inspire-45-stove-reviews, it's 84% efficient and it's also approved for smoke control areasv, ery happy with it. You have to get a multifuel one if you want to burn coal.

    BTW, that site, What Stove, is very good for reviews.

    Try and get seasoned wood to burn, it's more efficient as wood with too much water in it uses up the energy to heat the water and not your room. Ash or beech is very good if you can get hold of it http://www.flamingfires.co.uk/which-wood-burns-best.htm

    Yes they are warm but, depending on your house, it probably won't be a replacement for your central heating. Fitting costs will also depend on your house but you need to factor in getting a flue fitted, hearth, vermiculite (flue insulation) etc. Make sure you get a HETAS certified installer, and avoid anyone who charges to "test the fire". One company I saw had it as a ?100 line item, all they do is light some paper/kindling in the fire then say yes, it works. You might be looking at ?800 for a stove, and ?1,200+ for the rest including flue installation.

  14. So this means that chrisbeach is actually the "uncharitable and prejudiced cynic" peckham_ryu referred to.

    And just a reminder that Jack Straw was a politician and many politicians have committed crimes*. I'm not saying he's a criminal but they have committed crimes.

    Edited to add: Sorry to hear about the theft muffins78, my original point was going to be keep an eye on Gumtree.com for scaffold.


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