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Captain Marvel

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Everything posted by Captain Marvel

  1. https://www.subtel.co.uk/index.php?cl=details&offerId=878338516&lang=1&anid=100734&cnid=9f09120a56c515d2155e32616e8c2cd8&campaign=co.uk-pla/Ladeger%C3%A4t%20Steckdose/100734&gclid=Cj0KCQjw_absBRD1ARIsAO4_D3vb_EgOlsLHH8Dz7YCa8Tw5TWfok-9mktVx2bfUhzIlV_5kFdNSQd4aAj5fEALw_wcB
  2. Interesting map. Here's a pic of the Grove. Where did it all go wrong?
  3. People's expectations are nuts. He's a copper not a frigging sheepdog
  4. Ta. It's stopped thankfully. Can't they do that from saddelites these days?
  5. A light airplane has been flying back and forth over Dulwich all morning. I would say it gets to Norbury, turns around and heads back over Dulwich, where it probably gets as far Deptford, turns again and heads back to Norbury. Ad Nauseam. Droning on. What's that all about? It can't be tourists, if so they'd be very bored by now. The eye in the sky? Does that exist? Is it ze Germans?
  6. The only time I can recall ever enjoying the expression 'Reach out' was when the Four Tops used it The name of this thread should be changed to 'Vile misuse of the English language' and could serve as a repository of rants containing examples of apostrophe catastrophes, the literally millions of times one hears the word 'literally' spoken by people who have literally never read a book, the wrongful usage of 'enormity,' and other grammatical crimes that should, in my opinion, be punishable by either a light prison sentence or perhaps tazering.
  7. This thread needs reporting to somebody
  8. Five Euro wine boxes I thought I'd leave that there
  9. Marseille: Le Panier (old town) district is very cool. We did a long walk down the JFK boulevard and spotted beaches. Warning: lots of them are private i.e. associated with a restaurant/bar. There are public beaches though
  10. Why couldn't they register it then and there? They don't expire. There's something wrong with that story
  11. I did one ten years ago so my memory is a bit hazy (and it's getting worse) but I think it was pretty straightforward. No solicitor necessary. Just remember not to lose the certified copies... like I did
  12. Mowing, hedge trimming and other general stuff. Please PM me
  13. You can come and do ours for a hobby if you like
  14. In Se22. Mowing, weeding, hedges etc. Please PM me
  15. > > Separately I've heard a branch of the Le Manoir > aux Quat?Saisons chain is coming to Dulwich - > perhaps Belair? Now that would make Mrs. Marvel very excited
  16. Isn't that why people live in London so they can avoid the neighbours?
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