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Everything posted by j-mo

  1. Hi ladies, I'm up for the cafe today. This weather is fabulous! I'm going to aim for 11am. Jude is coming too. Hannah hope to see you there. I'm in a navy spotty dress. Hoping to be sat outside. Jennie
  2. Hi ladies. I'm intending to come although have stupidly arranged food delivery for 11. So I'll be there when I can. Jess - I also can't believe our little premie is 3 months already! You're an old hand now and can teach the rest of us how to do it again! Jennie
  3. Hello, just wondered if anyone had successfully got their child into the villa at 4 having not been there for nursery? My son is v happy at current nursery and it will be convenient when number 2 starts in November, but when he is 4 and number 2 is 2, I was hoping they could both go to The Villa. They've told me that all school places go to their nursery children and I wondered if anyone had experience of this? We live on the same road and seem to be in a bit of a no mans land for state primaries. Just outside catchment areas.
  4. Wm can I ask what age your child is going to the villa? I'd like our son to go there at 4 but they have told me all places are taken by children who have been there for nursery. Just wondered if this is the case.
  5. We stayed at the azur hotel in cirali last year and it was excellent. They have some 2 bed bungalows which are ideal when travelling with children. V kiddy friendly and lots if other children running around, esp good at dinner time :)
  6. Hi ladies, I'm up for a regular meet now I am off work too. Tuesdays are fine by me (my toddler is staying on at nursery). Interested to try the clock house as that's new, but the cafe/club is always a winner too. Maybe we could try clock house next week and see what people think? Jennie (3wks to go!)
  7. I used to go to a pool on college road at a private house. A few of the big companies used it. It was perfect but the classes seemed to have stopped. Do you want me to see if I can find the address?
  8. Hi Jude, 4 weeks to go! Eek! 5 weeks now for me. Maybe we'll bump into each other on the ward... I'm interested in t he city jogger too so will be interested in how you get on if you go with it. Are you on mat leave yet? Feel free to pop by for a cuppa on way past from nursery drop off. Jennie x
  9. Hi everyone, I met some of you at the Victoria inn a few weeks ago. A few of you were due end of march so hope those of you who have produced already are doing ok, and those who are due any day have a good birth experience! I am now on maternity leave - hooray - and so am looking forward to meeting up with you again. I'm not due till end of April so hoping for plenty of time to rest before number 2 arrives. Weekday meet ups def better for me and I'm all for a regular drop in slot. On another topic, has anyone found any daytime yoga sessions? See you all soon, Jennie xx
  10. Hi ladies, I can't make the 8th but hope to be there to meet some of you on the 9th. I live just round the corner so it's ideal for me! Current hot topics in our house: - when to implement duvet for toddler (21 mths) as first step towards sides off cot. Hoping to have him in a bed by time new baby grows out of crib - double buggy or no (current thinking no but change mind every 5 mins) - who will look after B when I go into labour and if things happen fast - how to fit in some kind of exercise around job and childcare so that I am a bit prepared for labour. They seem to have stopped all the day time pre natal yoga classes since I had B And 100 other things about how I'll cope with 2!!!!!! Look forward to meeting others and talking new babies, toddlers and whatever else comes to mind! J x
  11. Hello ladies I am due with number 2 on 1st May and would love to meet some other local mums. I am working up until 26th March so am not around in the daytime till after then. My son will continue at nursery (Asquith) while i'm on maternity leave but I am also on the look-out for a mothers help for when the baby arrives. Is there something scheduled? Hope you are all feeling well - i have terrible back ache already and am fed up of my whole maternity wardrobe!!! Best wishes Jennie
  12. Congratulations you two!! Still 6 weeks to go for me. No more stories about screaming madwomen please until afterwards!!
  13. Hi ladies I hope you all had a lovely time on your evening out last Friday. I look forward to meeting some of you at the next one. We went on our tour of the Kings labour ward last night and I recommend it for anyone who hasn't yet been. Although it is quite scary contemplating the reality of giving birth and taking home your baby, it was great to have a look round and see what the facilities are really like. Mr Mo is now planning the cd compilations he can make for me for relaxation purposes. J-Mo
  14. Hi Karine You don't have to book to go on the tours - just turn up. Its at 6.30pm in the Nightingale Birthing Unit which I think is on floor 3 of the main Jubilee building. Its every Thursday and they also have one on an afternoon but I can't remember which one as I couldn't go. I rang them to check and they were v helpful. Maybe see you there! Jennie
  15. Has anyone used a private midwife that they can recommend? I want to get some extra support/advice in the first few weeks post-birth and my NHS midwife only visits twice I think in the first 12 days. Thanks!
  16. Hi - I am with DMC on Chadwick Road. I had my booking appt at 11 weeks and then nothing until I rang up myself and asked whether I might go in again at around 18 weeks then she said come back in 5 weeks (23 weeks) and then every 3 weeks after that (26 weeks, 29 weeks,and 32 weeks so far). At all of these appts I have heard the baby's heartbeat as she does one of those little sonar scan things. She measures the bump each time too and my blood pressure. I had blood tests at 28 weeks. I haven't yet done a urine test but I think I was supposed to and forgot. Since the huge gap between 11 and 18 weeks when I heard nothing and wouldn't have done if I hadn't rung myself to see whether an appt was due, I have actually felt well looked after by them. I see the same midwife each time and can talk to her about all sorts. I'd would raise your concerns with them if I were you - surely they could do the heartbeat thing as its not as if it costs them anything and only takes a couple of minutes. Its so reassuring to hear even if there is a football match going on inside your tummy and you're pretty sure all is ok. Good luck
  17. Hi ladies - I am due with my first on April 11th and would love to get to know some local ladies. I'm booked on the NCT Nunhead class that starts on 3rd march - anyone else on that one? We're away this weekend and so I will miss both the meet up on Friday (which is a bummer as I live on the next street over) and the NCT sale. Boo. Better planning needed on my behalf next time. Count me in for a meet-up in March then (seems to be vaguely monthly)? I'm working until 24th March and already starting to get itchy about what I'm going to do with myself afterwards for the long weeks until baby-Mo makes an appearance. Any suggestions from those of you who've been here before?! How do you balance tiredness and boredom?! I have bought the entire boxset of the West Wing but think even I might get tired of Rob Lowe if I watch it all and never leave the house. Also, is anyone doing any pregnancy yoga? I am doing one near to work but thought I might start another one nearer to home so that I can carry on closer to the birth. And has anyone does the birth prep class offered by Sitaram? My husband thinks it looks hideous but I'm looking for all the help I can get! Finally, we're going on the Kings tour this Thursday. Anyone else going/been? Have fun on Friday and I'll look forward to meeting some of you soon Jennie
  18. Thanks everyone for your comments. I think we probably will go for it, although probably for the Nunhead classes as the ED ones are during the daytime and I will still be working then and won't be able to get the time off. I'll def be using the forum to find other ways to meet new mums too.
  19. Hi everyone Wondered if anyone could share their experience of NCT classes in either Nunhead or ED. What are the teachers like? I've heard some horror stories from elsewhere about very 'new age' teachers who encourage the fathers to draw their ideal birth experience. Thats really not my kind of thing and will end up stressing me out more than making me feel better. Have also heard lots of good news about meeting like minded people who go on to be really good friends. Also, the ED courses seem to include daytime sessions. How did people manage that with their jobs? Any comments/advice very gratefully received. Thank you
  20. Am not sure whether they would count themselves as a 'power couple' but my best friend and her husband are doing pretty well. He is a senior manager at Deutsche Bank and she is a director at Hays Recruitment. She works 4 days a week but this hasn't hampered her career. They use a nursery and have a family member for 1 day each week too. If this sounds interesting, let me know and I'll forward your message on to them.
  21. Hi - I have seen a few posts on here mentioning independent midwives. I hadn't realised until then that the possibility existed. I wondered if anybody would recommend their midwife? And also anybody who had a hospital birth with an independent midwife in attendance could tell me how it works. Did you have your 'booking-in' appointment with your normal GP midwife first before you took on an independent? Particularly interested in hearing from anyone who gave birth at Kings and can shed any light on whether the midwives there take kindly to having someone else along for the party? Also, how did the husbands/partners handle having someone else there too? Any thoughts/comments very gratefully received. Thanks J-Mo
  22. Any idea where the next one will be? I'm away this Friday but would like to come along next time. I've been living here for 18 months and not met a single person yet.
  23. Hey - after getting really fed up with buying small bags for lots of ?, or those strange paper wax parcels that you burn all in one, we did an online seach and came up with these guys: http://www.onlinelogs.co.uk/ They are realiable and cheap and it is mostly good wood. They do kindling too. We were advised that it is fine to burn wood - its only coal that you can't burn these days. We have taken to using smokeless coal too, although its a bit rubbish - takes ages to heat up and then lasts all night and I worry we're going to burn the house down. Think we get that from the shop at the Goose Green end of LL near to the bookies - Mr Mo always gets it cos the bag's a bit heavy for me...
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