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Everything posted by Jasmina

  1. I bought my from Myriad and it only took 3 days. I appreciate your concern due to Xmas but if you call up they may send special delivery so you get in the next day. Hope things get easier for your LO - I know how hard it is when they are suffering.
  2. Fair point about the inconsistency re baby Led Weaning. The individual leading todays event wasn't particularly pro, her advice pointed out the cons but not the pro's. Anyjoy - Glad you got to make it. x
  3. It's so good to read that others have experienced the 4 month regression. My LO is now 4.5 months and the last 10 days have been knackering! I'll look out for the Wonder weeks at the library. Thanks, Jas
  4. I'm interested in this too. Have you already organised?
  5. A friend informed me of a weaning workshop that is happening tomorrow from 1.30-3pm at the Albrighton Centre, next to DKH School.
  6. hello, I'd like to recommend D&G services. Steve has just completed a job in my garden. I'm very happy with the work he carried out he was also very tidy and cleared away the cuttings / soil etc. Thanks
  7. Thanks cmacnew and kristymac. I have to pay my deposit today if I want to enrol my son. I'm glad I'm not the only one who found them pushy for money and had trouble getting answers to our questions. I just wanted to be able to control what my son eats as he'll only be 6 months and just beginning to try solids, so I'd rather him try different foods individually than a mix of pureed veg. Maybe I'm just a control freak? It's great to know they grow the veg on site and that Kristymac rates the chef. I had checked the forum ages ago and again last night - there are many posts that give great feedback. I viewed the nursery twice when pregnant but there were questions I didnt think of until my baby arrived. Cmacnew - did you ask about naps? The manager said it was baby led, which is fine, but mine does try to stay away, then gets over tired, melts down and then sleeps for hours, which is a nightmare at night. So I have him in a routine, currently trying to teach him to self soothe, which should be nailed by 6 months (hopefully) but at this moment he needs encouraging to have morning and afternoon naps. I'm planning on going there today, the manager just asked me to leave the cheque in the post box outside, but I'm hoping someone else will answer the door so that I can actually go back in and finish off my questions. I'd love to know what you decide to do and whether you manage to get any further with your decision. Thanks again. x
  8. I was on the waiting list to send my son to go to Greendale in Jan (he will be 6 months old), I was originally very happy with the nursery and no concerns until I was called to be offered a place (earlier today). I felt as though I was being pushed to pay the ?200 asap and my queries (as a new Mum) were not welcomed. Has anyone sent their babies there? One of my queries was about food - I'd like to bring my own food in for my baby as he will be weaning and only just going on to solids. This idea was discouraged "as parents don't usually bring in their own food" and the lady said that they would just puree whatever the kids were eating that day. When I queried what foods they give babies she said examples were spinach and ricotta or chicken and veg! She called me back soon after to say she had made a mistake.... And that Mums can choose from the menu as to what is given to their child. This conversation has left me feeling somewhat nervous, however I don't want to judge a nursery on one phone call with one lady. If any one has any experience in sending their babies there I'd love to hear from you. Thanks,
  9. Hi Pilsbury, I'd love to hear which pool you choose and how you find it. Julia is my midwife at the Brierley, the one thing she mentioned is that the blow up ones some times allow water over the edge if not blown up really hard as collapse slightly when leaning on it. Although I'm sure water on the floor will be the last thing you're thinking of when little one is arriving.
  10. Awww... thank you newmother. Thats good advice re nice clothes. xx
  11. Hi All, My baby is due on the 22nd July. I've booked into the NCT classes but we chose an intensive weekend course at end of June to accommodate our work schedules. Lets hope baby isnt early! So, it's great that this thread was set up as I dont imagine I'll make local new mum mates on my intensive course (which is based in Brixton). With regards to the antenatal yoga, I highly recommend Ingrid Lewis, she teaches at The Shala on Clapham High Street but it's worth the journey, she is also a doula and a healer, I've known her for 15 years and her knowledge is endless. The classes have a mix of women from 20 weeks to 34 weeks. This week was my second week, it's a gentle yoga class but I also learnt a lot too. I practise a lot of Yoga and am fairly fit, but this class is sooo right for how I feel and it's lovely to be in an environment where I feel nurtured and can learn from other women who are further in their pregnancy. It's not too hippy, additionally I go with a mate who doesn't do hardly any exercise and she found it right her her too. Ingrids website is http://www.aroundbirth.org/ Hope to meet you all soon and will enjoy reading your posts. Congratulations to all you Mummies. x
  12. SarahLP - You're so right about borrowing and 2nd hand... Babies are expensive. I've already got a cleaner and there is no way I could do with out her now, let alone when baby comes along. She may even get an extra day. x
  13. This thread made me laugh... Oh I cant wait! :)) x
  14. Oh My Gosh! Thank you, thank you, thank you! So very helpful. Everyone has been wonderful. I really appreciate the time you've all taken to share your advice. xxx
  15. Hello, I'm a mum to be and seem to be creating a very long list of things I 'need / should have'. I'd like your advice and wondered what are your best pieces of baby equipment and what they never used? Thanks, x
  16. fidgetsmum and sandy_rose, thanks so much for taking the time to post. It's my first birth so I've been quite worried about what could go wrong even though I would love everything to run smoothly and enjoy an incredible and beautiful experience. It's great to know the mw's stayed with you both even though you went to King's. That had been my main worry, I didn't want to feel abandoned. Knowing you drew strength from their expertise and continuous support is music to my ears. It's also good to know that you were visited in hospital and at home, post birth, and received a detailed report of your labour. It's the first time I've posted such queries and the EDF has been amazing in receiving such detailed and helpful information. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
  17. Thank you fidgetsdad, so lovely to hear a mans opinion and that you and your wife had such a wonderful experience. I've confirmed that I want my place with the Brierley and feel much more at ease with the birth now I've read everyones brilliant feedback. Thank you everyone. x
  18. Thanks everyone, this is really helpful. Anna r and snowboarder - I'd love to have a home birth, in an ideal world, yet if there are complications or I get scared and want to go to hospital, I'd like to know that my midwife will stay with me for continuity. So, I'm not sure I like the idea of getting referred to a Kings midwife halfway through or at the 11th hour. I'll call the Lanes and ask where I'm at on their waiting list... I'd like to have options available to me. Overall the Brierley has great feedback, so I feel lucky to have a place. Thanks again everyone, xx
  19. Already at DMC. Had my first midwife appointment last week, she suggested Lanes and Brierly. Brierly have just called. I've heard great things about The Lanes, but nothing about the Brierly. I do need to spend time researching. I'm sure both are great. I just like to know as much as poss, before I say yes. Can you give feedback on The Lanes?
  20. I'm due in July and I've been put on the waiting list of the Lanes and the Brierly. Which is better? Are both the same? What is the difference? I've just had a call from one of them and they can fit me in, I've asked for 24 hours to decide, as once I make the decision I cannot change it (apparently).
  21. Wow!! This is a really useful thread! Can anyone give me advice on which midwife service to use? What is the difference between the Brierly and the Lanes? I apparently need to make a choice and I've got no idea which one is best and why? Feedback and thoughts welcomed. Thanks, x
  22. Cliff turned up on time and fixed it in 20 mins ;))
  23. I wondered the very same thing myself! ;-)
  24. Just to clarify I meant Cliff not Chris ;) x
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