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Everything posted by badger

  1. ooo hello MP! It has been a long time no chat! Hope all well with you and congrats!
  2. whoops wrong section - see What's On section...
  3. intriguing. if only i had the time and patience to read all the threads! any keywords I should look for?
  4. Ah yes - the friend auditions. I am thinking of holding them again this Summer. I am not at all satisfied with all of my present posse. One person did in fact make the grade - very nice chap. Alas he is out-of-postcode AND not on the forum making him a most undesireable sort. So what have I missed? Louisa being nice to people yet? any more gay-bashing?
  5. See - this is what happens when I go below radar for months on end. I slumber back to my sett and all the gays come out of the woodwork. Well sorry for my hibernation folks (how many more puns can I get into one thread?). MikeSE22 and I tried once in vain to organise gay drinks. There was me and him and 1 x lesbian and 1 x gay gent no gay frolics make. Sigh. So I know about Strawbs' drinkathon at the Rye. Any other titillating social activities for the queers to do in/around the postcode?
  6. glad others here are fans of the archers. just listened to tonight's installment. If eddie gets back together with emma that's it. I'll be switching to radio 3.
  7. Mr L - I have a confession. I actually laughed at that one. Must be the sun. I cannot recommend enough wireless that stretches to the garden :)
  8. I'm confused. I eat pasta and am half Italian. Does that mean I (i) should stop eating pasta and eat something else like lasagne instead; (ii) am a fascist of a liberal/lefty variety; or (iii) half of me should leave the country?
  9. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
  10. badger

    Gay Pride

    come on peeps = where are all the gays? (and i ask that in a completely non-segregationist-but-sometimes=you=need=to-mix-it-up=a-bit-and-meet-those-on-your-sexual-and-lifestyle-wavelength-even-though-you may-have-nothing-else-in-common way)
  11. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
  12. plenty of chavs doing gay pride - why don't you swing by?
  13. badger

    Gay Pride

    Anyone from the 'hood going weekend after next (or, indeed, going to Gay Shame at the RVT)?
  14. sounds like someone needs a competition lawyer...
  15. hmmm maybe the secret is not to obsessively read every single post???
  16. okay, me first... I have come to realise what a great bunch of people I share the postcode (and surrounds) with. Top notch Administrator & co.
  17. what a lovely thread! still my favourite flickr shot: http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2031/1705621063_90676118a9.jpg?v=0 (barryroad - nice to hear he's back)
  18. What can I say? I have very high standards.
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