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Everything posted by pommie

  1. and people wonder why there are so many accidents involving cyclists....some of them have no regard for other traffic on the road or pedestrians and ride their bikes like they are the only ones on the road
  2. should ring wildlife aid or fox project rather than the RSPCA
  3. I have been a vegetarian for 16 years now and I don't eat meat because I don't want to eat animal carcasses and also I don't agree with they way they are killed too.
  4. usually foxes only attack sick cats. My cats used to play in the garden with the foxes
  5. Have you contacted celia hammond to ask for advice
  6. also be careful with the bags through the door as I have seen people rummaging through them and also taking them who are not from charities
  7. Really sorry to hear about your dog. Have you thought about helping at a dog rescue centre with walking their dogs and spending time with them?
  8. Whereabouts are you? If not too far im happy to pick them up and pass them on to CHAT
  9. There is an article in the paper today that there is a guy in Lewisham hospital that has Ebolo!
  10. have you seen some of the great things you can do with plywood? https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=images+of+plywood+floors&rls=com.microsoft:en-GB:IE-Address&rlz=1I7NDKB_enGB528&tbm=isch&imgil=xP3tF-zfBmbCUM%253A%253B9oVt0O4cUeYlrM%253Bhttp%25253A%25252F%25252Flovingmyfloors.com%25252Fplywood-flooring%25252F&source=iu&pf=m&fir=xP3tF-zfBmbCUM%253A%252C9oVt0O4cUeYlrM%252C_&usg=__1aHPzovmQ7LQpMRD9atqn-cOEe4%3D&biw=1477&bih=710&ved=0CEMQyjc&ei=4TssVMm-D_PB7Aaw24CgBQ#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=cHk2gYS3S6SI6M%253A%3BkaY9ZqyqN5A2-M%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.designdazzle.com%252Fwp-content%252Fuploads%252F2012%252F11%252FIMG_54692.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.designdazzle.com%252F2011%252F02%252Fdiy-plywood-flooring-in-kids-rooms%252F%3B600%3B450
  11. Bob Martin products are rubbish. Always get flea treatments from the vet
  12. the one in bell green, Sydenham I think allows you to walk in but only with two bags
  13. we have problems with Virgin internet/connection on a weekly basis. Always plays up even more so now we have the higher end package. My partner rings them up and then demands that if its not fixed by the time they say it will be, then he would like a refund which they usually do.
  14. I thought I saw a post about this but now I cant find it. Has it been deleted or moved somewhere
  15. I had a similar experience when I did it a few weeks back. When we arrived we were directed into the warehouse to set up which was fine but what annoyed me was that there was already buyers there going through our stuff. I had a run in with a guy who was trying to haggle my 50p price on brand new girls clarks shoes. I also had another one trying to put a pair of shoes in her bag without paying. Another one haggled over ?1 when I had already given her ?5 discount for bulk buy. also because our car was parked outside situated behind another seller we had to sit in the car and wait whilst they took their time chatting and slowly packing up even though they could have actually movef I haven't sold there again but I have been a buyer there and I very rarely haggle the prices as I understand people have to make a profit
  16. Vgrant why do you think its a piss take post
  17. Why should your cat have to suffer and be rehomed. The other cat needs sorting out maybe its not neutered ring up a rescue centre and ask for advice
  18. It's a ahame some people on the demo didn't take their placards/boards home with them rather than dump them at a property my partner manages. Who does he send the clean up bill to
  19. Or try celia hammond as they have an emergency vet on call
  20. we did the Sydenham one the other weekend. its good because you can either sell inside a warehouse if the weather isn't great or outside. I don't have contact details for them but we turned up around 9am
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