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Everything posted by EDOliver

  1. In response to an earlier comment: do you honestly think that youth spending cuts make a shred of difference to young people who carry guns? Surely there's many deeper and far more complicated social and cultural factors that have attributed to this gun culture we're now seeing?? Seems so easy and pretty harsh just to point the political finger. Anyway, just to clear up a common misconception, Trident attend and investigate all shootings in London and not just those within the black community.
  2. ibilly99 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Damn no more free buses. I think that was the problem! Conductors get on.......passengers get off! Weren't the new buses meant to have an old route master type open back??
  3. Slightly off topic but anyone else seen Richard Grieve on the train/getting off at Peckham Rye?? quite a bizarre feeling sitting in front of someone you used to watch on T.V as a child! http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/showbiz/tv/975156/Emmerdale-controversy-Boss-criticised-For-axing-characters-Anita-Turner.html
  4. Anyone else think it's a tad weird that the reporter uses a hotmail account to be contacted on?? Surely he would use his Southwark news account when doing business??
  5. Sam is a brave guy - hats off! What was he suppose to do, let the thieving s*** just walk away with two new t.v's??? Wouldn't it be a sad society if we just turned a blind eye. Thieving is thieving and you need to be dealt with accordingly.
  6. Keane - Hopes and Fears. A simply stunning record.
  7. Does anyone know if an iPhone can still be used even when your provider has disabled it?? Surely apple/blackberry could do more to render their phones useless when disabled? This would stop this kind of thing over night!
  8. Damian H Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Loz Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > You wait until you need them, then I bet you'll > > have a different opinion. > > The question is, when you need them will they turn > up? I know an officer working in a control room > who sat on the phone for an hour listening to a > woman having the s**t kicked out of her by her > partner fo an hour before he was able to locate a > car that was free to respond! > > His verdict, informally expressed: "Get out of > London, we can't protect you." > > I have had the same experience with a guy running > around near The Plough threatening people. I > caled the police twice and they had no-one to > respond. Another occasion at Mile End - young > woman nearly assaulted and robbed in a coffee shop > - forty-five minutes after the police had been > called they still hadn't shown and I had to leave. > Friend recently was burgled just off LL while he > and his family were upstairs. Police were called > in early hours - didnt turn up till about 8am. In > the meantime said thugs had come back and > attempted to steal his car. > > I love the idea of the police - works in theory. > Problem is it is a complete lottery as to whether > they will actually be available to respond. Unfortunately Damien, London is a hugely demanding place to Police especially in an inner Borough such as here in Southwark. The police don't have an infinite number of uniformed officer to deal with calls and many calls they respond to take time to report/deal with properly. So to be honest yes I can believe that sometimes the police do take a while to respond or have no one to send. Cant we just give them our support instead of criticising what is an incredibly challenging job?? Just an idea.
  9. Paid ?11 for a pint in Dubai last year - funnily enough I didn't get p****d that night!! Beat that!
  10. Am I the only AFC Wimbledon fan living in ED? Just wondered really! Up the Dons. Oliver
  11. It's a long shot but how about speaking to the bar/pub owner and possibly viewing CCTV? looks like you've nothing to lose. To be completely honest I'm a little bit sceptical when people say they had their drinks spiked. I'm really not doubting what any of the above posts are saying but know from my own experiences of drinking. I often find that various factors (how tired I am, what and how much I've eaten, what mood I'm in, do I feel fatigued etc etc) can make a massive difference as to what effect a few bevvy's might have. Anyway, I hope you're friend is ok. My mate had a similar experience about 2 years ago whereby we had a modest amount of beers (certainly not a session) and he became worryingly sick: constant vomiting for 3 hours, triple vision,the feeling of being out of body. An aweful experience for him and his mates!
  12. Stating the obvious I know but have you thought about spending a few hours going around the local jewellers, cash converters etc etc?? You never know!
  13. Lotty Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Sorry to hear about your son. I wonder whether it > was the same gang that targeted me, my husband and > a couple of friends a few weeks ago. There were > three of them on bikes, one of which was silver. > We reported it to the police. Lotty, what were the circumstances when you were mugged?? Sounds like there was a few of you?
  14. Out of interest what kind of lock did you have? Thieving bas*ards.
  15. huncamunca Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > No doubt we shall see the populace of ED out and > about tomorrow, waving the union flag & toasting > those have have enslaved millions of people,forced > millions of others to endure short miserable lives > and been the instigator of wars of colonialism & > oppression that yes, once again, led to the deaths > of millions. > Not a fan of the Royals I take it then?? What an utterly pathetic and boring post! > But its OK, because they give you a day off & all > is forgiven. > > The only toast I shall be drinking will be at > their gallows.
  16. went to the CPT the other night for a cheeky beer and paid ?4.10 for a pint Staropramen lager. Anyone else think that's a bit much? Just thought I'd throw it out there.
  17. Apparently she shouted "how dairy" at a security guard when he grabbed her arm. I'll get me coat.
  18. If anyone wants me to pee in/around there gardens on Friday night let me know, would about midnight be ok when I'm staggering back from LL?? I knew there had to be a use for urine one day!
  19. The idiot drivers will still be treating Barry Rd like a racetrack so I'm of the opinion that road " improvments" will make little difference - hopefully I'll be wrong!
  20. What a fantastic story this is and love the pic. Would never have thought we'd have owls around here, just presumed it was too busy/built up. I'll keep my eyes peeled from now on!
  21. Hi Guys. On one of my frequent trips on the No 12 several months ago I overheard two TFL fellas discussing the end of the bendy in Feb/March this year. Apparently the oyster system just isn't cost effective 'cos so few people pay for the service/bother swiping their Oyster cards. Anyone know if this is this the case? For some bizarre reason I actually like the bendy buses but always amazes me how few appear to swipe in when climbing aboard. Also love it when revenue inspectors get on and there's a mass exodus for any available door!
  22. Another burglary, this is worrying. Out of interest what was there method of entry?
  23. Peckhampam Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Well done. Isn't funny how abusive people get > when they are in the wrong. I witnessed this the other week. A seemingly pleasant and polite woman was trying to point out to another woman who these spaces were for and she got nothing but abuse back. Was quite shocking to witness and I waited in my car observing the situation incase things got out of hand. Unfortunately when it comes to driving and parking alot of people dont give a damm about rules and regulations and have a " I'll do whatever I want" attitude. Complete arrogance and very very annoying.
  24. Find this sort of thing really interesting. Unfortunately I live in a new build but would love to know what once stood on the plot. Where can I find the census?? Is it free?
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