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Everything posted by phobic3000

  1. Vanstone, are you the bloke that serves up the hog roast on Northcross Road?
  2. Thanks Sophron - see, a fine example if community spirit!
  3. And apologies for getting admin to pull it - I was getting abuse from members of the stag group.
  4. Dumpgate verdict - GUILTY! Whether or not he was actually from ED remains a mystery but it was definitely him! Anyway, that aside, I've lived in Sth Croydon, Balham, Clapham and now here (for the last 4 years) and I feel that ED has by far the best vibe as far as community feel goes. Helped by the forum and the EDT in my opinion. I am always accommodating and nice to my neighbours, and in return they are nice to me!
  5. I agree with cordsm - I've also lived here for 4 years. Apart from one incident where an idiot on his stag do took a dump on the floor in the EDT, I've found the area to be quite friendly.
  6. Yeah I could see them out of my window, it was really loud, there were about 4 or 5 people milling about setting up for sports day... Arrogant at 8am!
  7. There's one at north Dulwich train station, or Shannon's up at Forest Hill maybe?
  8. Oh no - Their scotch eggs are amazing. What am I going to do now? This is bad... May have to stock pile!
  9. Shame about the paint on the pavement but it's for a good cause. I wanted to rip it down when I saw it. Paint and a Hitler tash is much more creative / thought provoking. Have you seen James O'Brien interview Farage on LBC? Worth checking out if you've got 20 minutes spare.
  10. I almost had my card nicked from there by a very basic Lebanese loop about a year ago but luckily managed to pull the contraption out of the card slot and retrieve my card. Reported it to the police. It was a metal coil that someone had inserted into the machine so it looked like the machine had swallowed my card. I was just about to walk off and leave it then realised and used my key to prize it out of the machine. I think someone would have been hanging around nearby hoping to get the card... Scuzz buckets!
  11. We have a greater spotted woodpecker that regularly feeds in our garden. It is quite shy but was brave enough to feed when I was sat outside yesterday afternoon.
  12. northlondoner Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Ok Phobic. Explain to us EXACTLY why it sounds > suspicious. > The irony of your username has not escaped me. I meet victims of burglary on a daily basis in my job. I hear a lot about circumstances leading up to these crimes first hand. I have heard many accounts from victims of burglary where the police have subsequently caught the criminals and informed them (the homeowner) of the circumstances of the crime. Some of these cases bore similarities of this. Now it could well have been an innocent mistake, wrong address etc. Or it could possibly have been someone checking the house was empty to carry out a burglary.
  13. Sounds suspicious to me. He could have been cycling away because the light was turned on and someone came to the door.
  14. If you genuinely didn't realise those bays are wider for getting kids in and out then fair enough, maybe I was a bit harsh on you. I did have an avocado baguette today so some good has come of this!
  15. Wow! I can't believe they revoked the charge. You were out of order, and rude. And lazy! Just park a bit further away and walk! I had someone dent the side of my van recently in that car park, maybe it was a parent with kids not being able to park in one of those bays because of someone like you. And you feel hard done by? Are you for real?!
  16. One final post from me in defence of Otta? Here are some facts? 1. Stag party members were witnessed allegedly guarding the door. If they were queuing why would they allow other people to go into the disabled loo in front of them? 2. I was the first person to walk into the loo after the stag, I saw him come out smirking, then I walked in. 3. There was a big pile of steaming shit on the floor smack bang in the middle of the floor in an area where there is an extremely low, in fact practically impossible chance of not stepping in it. 4. When spotted, the staff were immediately informed and they sorted it out. They put a sign up and they guarded the door when it was being cleaned. 5. When outside the pub we asked the stag if he?d shat on the floor of the gents. He was not in the slightest bit surprised or miffed by the accusation, in fact they found it hilarious. I for one would have been disgusted by the notion of being falsely accused of such a heinous (or should I say anus) crime. 6. And finally, they left pretty sharpish after the incident. So make of this what you will. I strongly believe it was him. There is too much circumstantial evidence that points toward him. If it wasn?t him, then I apologise. Like I said before, he didn?t hurt anyone, he just had a shit on the floor, it?s not the end of the world. And that?s the last I?ve got to say on the (faecal) matter.
  17. Ok upon reflection... What was done was wrong and inappropriate behaviour. I never intended there to be a lynch mob domino effect. I just felt he should be embarrassed for doing something so grim. Mainly out of respect for the guys who work in the EDT who are a lovely bunch. The guy in question may well be a decent bloke who just happened to do something outrageous in a drunken state, probably thinking it was funny? People do stupid things when they are drunk. Especially on stag do's! People can act out of character. In all fairness the stag lot were pretty well behaved. I mean some people go out fighting and starting all sorts of trouble. This guy had a shit on the floor. Horses for courses. At least nobody was hurt. Administrator, thank you for removing the photo. Perhaps now it would be appropriate to remove the thread entirely out of respect for the guy and anyone who knows him. I'm sure he regrets his actions. Many Thanks
  18. Yeah that is the guy in the photo! He is the guy that shat on the floor! I refer to my earlier statement? What a tosser!
  19. re: stag poo Edited - I have asked the administrator to remove this thread out of respect for anyone that might know him. Worse things have happened at sea. Nobody was hurt. The guy behaved inappropriately and I'm sure he feels suitably embarrassed about it. Lets not blow it all out of proportion, it was just a bit of poo.
  20. If you are going to Franks Cafe and intend to park in the car park - Make sure you buy a pay and display ticket! The machine nearest the entrance to franks cafe is broken and the car park is always completely empty so it's easy to assume you don't have to pay - as I did. Find another machine or pay a ?40 fine... The parking enforcement people hang around outside the car park and probably watch you on cctv - if you don't pay and display you will get a ticket. I've been to Franks cafe 4 times this year and every single time I see cars with parking fines tucked under the windscreen! Really out of order... be warned!
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