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Everything posted by Msgee

  1. just goes to show- there just aren't enough co-ed comps in south east London, and there's evidently a huge demand- ie for non-Harris, non-single sex, non-denominational schools...
  2. Kingsdale used to test the kids in the first week and then band accordingly if I remember correctly- don't know if that's still the case... they do move children up and down and are pretty flexible- so don't wory about bands being set in stone
  3. I've not read the whole thread but I'm ::o at some of the comments on here If I was a firefighter I'm pretty sure I'd be thinking: nuts to you lot- I'm off to do something a bit less risky. "Noone asked you to be a firefighter"???- are you going to say that to all members of the emergency services when they have a grievance? I'm not. I'm grateful for every last one of 'em. there seems to be an ingrained attitude in this country that anyone who goes on strike- for whatever reason and under whatever circumstances- must be taking liberties. Margaret Thatcher certainly did her job good and proper good luck to the lot of you.
  4. hmm. Maybe I mean that it was inclusive to anyone who wanted to go there! at least the lottery means everyone gets a fair crack at it I spose... as I say this was the opinion of people who don't have much in the way of prior knowledge of the school. I'm not all that comfortable with the idea of people leaving there with that impression!
  5. in one hospital they called it bronchiolitis and pneumonia- when I queried it I recall one staff member shrugging and saying "well it's the same thing really" (I had just got round to accepting the b word without bursting into tears- when they said pneumonia I nearly jumped out of my skin- over anxious teary first time mother :))) think bronchitis is the bronchial tubes but bronchiolitis is the smaller ones inside the lung? mind you tis many many years since I did biology so I may well be barking up the wrong tree! Hope she gets better soon. How old is she?
  6. all of mine had this I think- my eldest when he was 6 weeks- is it bronchiolitis? the symptoms sound identical. None of them have asthma now if that's any sort of reassurance. I've also heard that NHS Direct is to be cut. Do hope not.
  7. I've got a child at Kingsdale in Y9. No complaints here at all- though I don't know what will happen with the change to Academy status... just a little aside- I understand that the school is changing very quickly and that a lot of people who wouldn't have touched it with a ten foot pole a couple of years ago are now battering down the doors! It always seemed to me to be a very inclusive school and you got a real sense of "every child matters" there- now I've heard from open day visitors (ie 'new' people- not old 'uns grumbling ;-)) that they're shamelessly courting the middle classes- and I think I read something similar on here last year. Is this true? or an unfair judgement? I really hope it's not true. One of the great things about Kingsdale is its inclusivity imo
  8. it's worth pointing out that the daily rate for part time mindees is normally higher than the daily rate for full time- for nurseries as well as childminders also what everyone else said- about it not being all that great for children to have an adult constantly hovering over them and not expecting the childminder to do more than you would- I'd say every childminder I've known is more than capable of keeping an eye on charges and chatting to friends at the same time. Once you start down the "coffee mornings with mates? is that what we pay her for??" route that's when it gets all feudal- if you know what I mean:))
  9. this guy has serious mental health problems and is- I have no doubt- not doing it for fun/to ruin your sleep I've seen him walking about with no shoes on :'( I always think of trying to track down the community mental health team at 4 am when he wakes me up but find I manage to forget all about it in the morning :-$
  10. you could try the nunhead forum- it's a bit sleepy but someone on there may know the area
  11. she did me a few years ago, over in Nunhead it was just before Christmas, freezing cold and we were skint. She was very smartly dressed, obviously distressed and gave a number from about 7 doors down (pretty smart this- how many of us know "neighbours" that far away? yet because it sounds close...) and did the key meter story, asking for three quid I opened my purse like a silly sausage and gave her our last twenty cos I was flustered and didn't have anything else (would say our kids had crisps for their Christmas dinner, in case she's reading this- but the next day we got an unexpected cheque for a grand :) -chalked it up to karma!)
  12. Modern Parents (my m n' d) Millie Tant (me) Don't like the profanisaurus much as is appallingly sexist (see above)
  13. Just like the title says...we saw a load of coppers piling (well, more strolling) out of a police van at the weekend evidently going into a block of flats on Evelina Rd (Nunhead) while blasting the Bill theme over the tannoy! What's that all about, then? Is this a one off, do you think? Or now standard practice??
  14. The Candyman, Amy Lame (sorry can't do an accent on the e so that comes out wrong. She is of course absolutely not lame), Mark O'Donnell and David Kwo (sp?) ...and if HelloLandanI'mrrrrrrrrRobertElms gets it I will run amok up and down Evelina Road till the filth tazer me.
  15. my 6 yo daughter, visiting Kingsdale on an open evening with her brother referred to it as "one sick school"!
  16. Hi Inglesa- think I already posted on another of your threads that Kingsdale definitely don't have a catchment area as they're in the most affluent part of the borough and it wouldn't be fair...they take kids from Lambeth Lewisham and (I think) Bromley, as well as Southwark...do double check with them though, they're very helpful.
  17. nhewitt and curly- sorry only just stumbled on yr posts by chance! re "bullying" at Kingsdale- we have only experienced what I'd call minor incidents- my son started at the same time as about 8 of his friends from primary, I'm in touch with most of the parents and nobody else has had any problems. Without going into too much detail (which may make my son identifiable!) he was taking what were, with hindsight, prob unnecessary risks with his school route...bigger kids got wise to this and were "asking" them for money (all their dinner money is on their fob, but some of them take sweet money in (which I think may well be against the rules)...anyway as I say the school dealt with this very very tactfully and effectively. Unlike other schools which are loth to admit they have any problems with bullying and are maybe a bit relutant to deal with incidents, Kingsdale are really "on it". Eg they have signs all over school prompting kids to share any problems they might be having, and as far as I know the Yr 7 staff are v aware and approachable... As far as starting school goes- I know of one girl who was the only one from her primary going due to a last minute offer. By October I noticed her at an open evening with her arms round two friends. As far as my son is concerned (and he's not one of life's mad extroverts!) he's made loads of good new friends. Also the teachers have got him to do things he would never have dreamed of- eg getting on stage in the "pod"! We just love it. To be honest the positivity and "good vibes" of the school are nearly overwhelming. And my son, in his last week of holiday isn't walking round with his customary face like a slapped arse...he's (quite!) looking forward to going back again next week. I bet your daughter has a fantastic time. And the music scholarship, from what I know from other parents, is brilliant. Good luck!
  18. Kingsdale hasn't got a catchment as such. Most of the kids seem to be from Peckham/Brixton/Dulwich/Nunhead etc. I think the reasoning behind it not having a catchment is that the area immediately surrounding the school is very posh- this would necessarily advantage more priveliged kids so they cast their net a bit wider to give other kids a chance in what would otherwise be "black holes" for secondary ed eg Nunhead, ED. (should think that also a lot of parents in the immediate area wouldn't dream of checking out Kingsdale cos of its old reputation...their loss imo!)
  19. Inglesa68- my son is about to go into Year 8 at Kingsdale and I can honestly say that although we've found a lot of pros over the last year, I'm racking my brains for cons! We have had a few problems- eg some what I would call low level general bullying of younger kids by older ones- mostly of the "giz your dinner money" type. The school dealt with this calmly and efficiently. He also had a homework wobble at one stage-ie stopped doing it- and again the members of staff involved dealt with it very well- they took a kind and sensitive approach and it worked. Every time I go into Kingsdale I'm struck by the enthusiasm of the teachers and the kids. It seems like there's a massive will to succeed on both parts- without the pushiness I've seen in some other schools. The staff seem to motivate the kids really well. The "extras" like the music and sports are really excellent- specially if you get a scholarship. My son says..."the PE department is probably the best one in the school the PE teachers dont push you too hard but they encourage you instead. The commute is really easy on the bus [from Nunhead] and will be even easier with the coaches. All the teachers are really friendly. It's very well organised like on parents evening and stuff. The building is excellent because it's modern and all shiny..Cons- the big kids sometimes aren't the nicest people. They give massive amounts of homework,however the homework is set to your ability.The school trips are quite expensive but it is definetely worth it." Have to say as well that we had planned to move out of London at the end of year 8 but are staying mostly because of the school. It's fantastic.Too good an opportunity to pass on, I think. Anyway will shut up now- don't want the school to get too mad popular cos I want my daughters to have a fighting chance of getting in in a few years' time ;-)
  20. Just in case any Kingsdale parent hasn't had their letter yet...special transport has been arranged and incoming yr 7s are getting priority. There will be two routes- an ED one and a Lewisham one, taking in Nunhead as well.. Contact the school if you haven't received this info yet.
  21. I worked in housing for 10 long miserable years, and this was an oft repeated old chestnut then. A points based system is the only fair way to allocate social housing, and there wouldn't be a problem if they just BUILT MORE OF IT (6)
  22. I don't even think it's for LA tenants, it always looks like PR puff to me, and the "quotes" always look highly suspect.. I remember getting a copy through when all the Livesey stuff was going on, with the council pleading poverty.Grrrrrrr. The cheeky rotten gets(6)
  23. My son has nearly finished year 7 at Kingsdale. He's gone from being horribly shy to...not quite so horribly shy (come on, Rome wasn't built in a day!) Last week we actually saw him in a PLAY. He couldn't be dragged anywhere near a stage at his primary.He looked happy and confident- it was fantastic.. Tbh all my experiences of Kingsdale have been overwhelmingly positive- it's a lovely school, and they really try to nurture and look after the kids- year 7s at any rate.
  24. Msgee

    Naked Train!

    Eeeeeee, never heard of this! brilliant idea! Naked Foxtons! Who's up for it?? I'm in!
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