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Potty training - day 2


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My nearly 2.5yr old girl has been ticking all the boxes for a while and as my CM is taking a week off, I thought this would be an ideal time to ditch the nappies. We've been doing the pre-potty build up for a month and all has gone well.

I know it's only day 2 but I'm already wondering if I should give up so need some words of wisdom from those that have already done it please.

Yesterday, we got 2 wees out of 7 in the potty. The first was possibly a lucky coincidence but the 2nd I'm pretty sure she sat on the potty cos she knew she needed to wee. Result! She was about 2 hrs between wees which I was quite surprised at, but also pleased as I thought it showed good bladder control. She produced a LOT of wee each time.

Today however (and I know it's not even midday) she's having small wees every 15-30 mins and none have made the potty. She's even got up from the potty about 30 seconds before weeing on the floor a few times.

Do you think I've started too soon?

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I've been asking her to sit on it fairly regularly and she's happy to sit whilst we read a book or even on her own for 10+ mins. I'm worried if I ask her too much, she'll start resisting however. I know that she knows that the wee should go in the potty, I'm just not sure if she can predict when she needs to go.

We've got a star chart which she likes.

I know I'm being impatient but if we don't crack it this week, I won't get another chance until Christmas which isn't an ideal time.

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Sounds like you're doing great! To be fair, she probably can't predict when she needs to go, that's a big part of what she's learning but in fact not the most important part to start with. Learning to let go and pee on demand is the biggest thing, and by just spending a little time focusing on things she'll get it. Best advice I can give you is to keep the fluids going in to maximise chances, Flood her with whatever she will drink, be it full of sugar or tooth decaying acid.

If she's doing mini pees, and getting up just before she does one, then I'd say she can definitely feel it coming and is thinking about it and you are not too early at all.

Swallow your impatience and paste on your happy face.

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"Learning to let go and pee on demand is the biggest thing" I didn't think of it that way - will put on my happy face and start this afternoon with a different focus.

Thanks to both of you for your replies - it helps a lot :o)

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Sounds like she's doing well - we found the first couple of days were days full of accidents, then all of a sudden it seemed to click and we never looked back. Stick with it, lots of praise, do your best not to make a fuss if you end up cleaning pee off the floor.

Good luck.

P x

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I second what Pickle said above - we have just been there (my son was trained in June when he was 22 months) and the first 2 days were full of accidents, because he either didn't want to sit on the potty, or didn't make it on time to sit on it etc. But with a lot of praise, clapping and cheering, it all clicked on day 3. It has been 2 months but we still praise him every time he pees it in the potty, and he loves it

good luck!

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She hasn't made the potty once today yet! I am now convinced she knows when its coming though as she will always do it about 30 seconds after getting off the damn thing. In fact, whilst I was typing this she shouted "mummy!" then proceded to wee right next to a potty. I've tried bribing her with Cbeebees if she does the next wee in the potty but clearing it didn't work.

Thanks for your encouragement, I'll keep going..

Unexpectedly now got some visitors over tomorrow afternoon, really didn't want to revert to nappies for it but looking like I might have to.

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damzel Wrote:



> Unexpectedly now got some visitors over tomorrow

> afternoon, really didn't want to revert to nappies

> for it but looking like I might have to.

Can't you stick with it?

Sounds like she is trying hard

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I'd like to but she hasn't made the potty once today so can't really be having her weeing all over the place when they are here. Will keep going until they arrive then put a nappy on her whilst we're out for a pub lunch. Not ideal but might be good workaround if we're out of the house.

I'm still waiting to see what she does when she wants a poo...

Gawd, I'm exhausted

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I too am potty training now my 2 year old but I think we are almost there - the first week was mainly misses and she was weeing really frequently too - but now she holds it for about an hour - and today we went our for 2 hours - I put her in a nappy - and when I came back it was dry and she did a huge wee in her potty - wey hey! She won't poo in the potty though - I just stick a nappy on her after dinner when she likes to poo. She likes to go off and do it behind the curtain privately so I think until she can take her own pants down and go off to a little corner somewhere she won't do poos. I put her in nappies to go out though so really need to take the plunge now!! I was despairing to start with too - but then I met some other mums who just said take it easy - and it's a lot easier now. She slept really badly the first 2 weeks too and was exhausted all the time - I think it's a big thing to learn.

anyone got any advice on how to get her to learn to take her pants down - they I wouldn't be running around after all the time worrying she's about to wee! She doesn't ask yet to go - I can just see the signs. I think she has asked a few times the last few days but more just by tugging at her pants not by actually asking (and she can talk!).


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Sounds like kids are all doing fine, my best advice is just to relax and you will get there eventually, accidents will happen even when you think they have cracked it, poo and wee can be cleaned up, but a child with anxiety is a lot more difficult to put right.
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Day 4 and I'm more relaxed than I was (helps that it's sunny today and we can be outside). Still failing to wee in the potty but every poo has made it. She seems to want to wee standing up rather than sitting down. Not sure how to crack that one.
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Well done!

Potty training is as much about the parents being ready as the children, it's so daunting going out nappy free isn't it - in the end I simply forgot to put one on as dashing out on day 3 of proper training as was amazed it was all fine! Do remember her sitting on a potty in the queue at a bank in central London and having to get customer services to take the potty and tip the wee away in the staff toilet - eeekkkk!!

Getting pants down is tricky but try to buy them a bit big so they aren't too tight and avoid trousers and dungarees for girls (harder for boys of course)! Oh yes - those belts in Jo Jo look good - they clip on the belt hooks each side of the zip so don't have to be undone each time little one goes to the toilet.



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That's a good idea re buying bigger pants will try. although she just isn't interested in trying at the moment.

Tomorrow going to do first trip out without nappy - as the last two days she hasn't had any wee accidents in the house - save pooing in her pants. Sigh. Not taking a potty just going to keep finding toilets in shops.

What do you do if you go out somewhere there aren't really any toilets accessible? She won't wee in the potty in the garden - only indoors - so no point me getting a travel potty.


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Having just trained my 2 year old boy I can only say that we (parents) seem to get quite stressed about the whole thing: weeing or pooing on the floor, not being able to take pants down, accidents, going out without a nappy etc. I was trying not to show my son how stressed I was every time he pooed on the floor (I am 8 months pregnant and very sensitive to the smell, so I hated cleaning it up), but I think he sensed it anyway and kept doing it (http://www.eastdulwichforum.co.uk/forum/read.php?29,492933)

When I finally relaxed about the whole thing and kept praising him for doing a wee in the potty, he just sat on the potty without any encouragement and pooed. Simple like that ;-)

good luck damzel, susyp and everyone else!!!

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Thanks Millsa, I'm hearing you! Day 6 now and she's clearly not "ready" although this has been a good exercise for both of us. She's learning a lot from it so whilst there's no way we could leave the house without a nappy yet, it's definitely been worthwhile. I think my expectations were too high. Darn GF and her potty training in 7 days book!
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I am not GF fan either and havent seen the book, but I pressume she says that once you have started potty training then you shouldnt put a nappy on (apart from sleep times). I would agree with it because I think that a nappy can confuse them: 'you dont want them to do it in the nappy while you are at home, but then put a nappy on when you go out - where is the logic?'

I know it is hard to leave the house without a nappy, the first time we did it my son did wee 3 times before we got to the end of our street and I had to go back home as run out of spare pants! But we persevered and he got a message that he needs to do it in the potty wherever he is. I'd say dont confuse your little girl, just pack a potty and a few pairs of pants and brave the outside world! xx

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Whilst she poos in the potty (probably only because it's easy for me to pre empt it) she's only wee'd in potty about 5 times in 6 days! It's just not an option to go without nappy out of the house yet. It seems that I was ready but she wasn't. Still a few days left to keep at it, maybe it will click, fingers (and legs) crossed!
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