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Hi my name is..., and I feed my child ...

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Hi my name is KatsuQueen and I feed my 20 month old son Birds Eye Potato Waffles. *hangs head in shame* Yes I know I should be steaming carrots and making stews but it's so easy. Oven on, 20 minutes and they are all done. Let them cool a bit and MiniKatsu wolfs them down.

Am I going to be thrown out out the EDF family room? PLease don;t judge me...

(So any other mothers feeling guilty out there? And what is your guilty food product?)

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Delivery pizza from pizzahut...

Also these days the only fishpie and cottage pie they get (I used to do homemade but DS1 and I are veggy and DP doesn't eat mash) is Little Dish.

Oh, and somewhere along the way somebody brought cheerios into the house, previously my regime was just porridge, shreddies and weetabix. Now cheerios is everybody's favaourite! Addictive stuff.

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And I buy both frubes tubes for the twins and frubes pouches for DS1's packed lunch. So much less MESSY than organic pots..

I think you have to weigh it all up. A certain amount of convenience = a mother who isn't a screaming harpy, after all!

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Little dish and the other kid's ready meals for both kids - 2/3 for eldest daughter (aged 3.5), 1/3 for 9 month old mushed up more.

Or - adult (posh) tortelloni/ravioli, served with butter sauce, cheese sauce or (cartoned) passata for eldest, no sauce or a tiny bit of butter sauce for littlest (she adores the mushy finger food thing and wolfs it down).

Frubes for both until recently as 'car yoghurts' - not allowed any more post v-expensive valet!

The odd Maccers or KFC for a post swimming or a 'we're doing a long trip' treat. Maccers seems to be on the black list now as my OH thinks it makes our eldest D hyper.

I do pride myself on the lack of chocolate they get though - and they don't like sweets! Weird kids (I'll 'ave 'em).

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You guys make me feel so much better :) One of my worst guilt trips came on when I was having a pub lunch and feeling pleased because MiniKatsu was eating lots of chunky chips. Then I saw at the next table a little girl the same age eating a carefully home-prepared lunch of carrot sticks, steamed vegetables and fruit. Including delicate melon slices. Oh bad mummy moment!
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Sainsburys breaded chicken breasts (it is proper chicken breast) and microwaved pouch of vegetables or veg with rice that cook in 3 minutes..

Pasta and pesto- he gets a choice of shape of pasta (this is his fave)

Sausages (very often) with said microwave veg

And absolute bribery essential, Marks and Spencers Percy Pigs (bad, I know...) However, he will do ANYTHING for one.....

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We had a fairly traumatic haircut the other day, the only successful bit of which was achieved by a lolly they produced at the end. I took two and am storing the spare one up for when bribery is next needed, and next time will ask for the lolly at the start.

Re chips - my son loves them and I love that he loves them (I AM Scottish). I tell myself that most of the chips round here are superior gastropub quality anyway ;-)

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ahhh love butterscotch angel delight, haven't had it in years though.

I also end up sharing any treats I'm having with my son as it's the only way I get to eat them in peace/at all - so cupcakes, chocolate, biscuits, pain au chocolat etc.

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lol!! brilliant, made this bad mummy feels so much better. mine are also raised on beans(i belive they are a veg)and fans of nuggets sadly they are not chip / waffle/smiley faces fans, much the pity i love them! I find teh cod in parsley sauces a life saver for a busy working mum...look I have tried chopping up the veg and pots of houmus and to be honest I end up eating the veg whilst they eat the houmus with crisps! My 22 month has a deep love of biscuits so i bribe him most days with a custard cream!

I shalll continue to give my mad bunch a little bit of everything, I have seen the results of being denied goodies and its not pleasent!

viva le revolution!!!

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Baby Baldock (9 1/2 months) eats:

-Chips. Most notably, the awful ones at Ikea today.

-Biscuits (home mad oatmeal and cranberry, but still...)

-Chocolate bourbons (only when I'm not looking)

-Crayons (err...)

-MIL's dry dogfood. For the dog, not her.

We're having our kitchen totally re-done at present (sorry to any forumites that know this, I won't stop harping on about it, it's a source of constant joy and terror) and all our kitchen stuff is in boxes in the living room. I found Baby Baldock happily licking the outside of a stock cube he'd managed to prise out of it's wrapper today. Ah well.

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...boobie. Ah, now you're thinking breastmilk isn't a bad thing, right? But it's like an all night boob-a-thon at the milk bar around here. All the sleep books say to put them down sleepy but awake, and definitely not to bf them to sleep. But Little Saff (8 mo) only wants to bf to sleep, and has always been like this. She gets into screaming sobbing fits otherwise. We've tried loads of other sleep "tricks", but it seems to be boobie or nothing. Sigh.
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Since being 18 months or so C's favourite thing is to get a Rich Tea and dunk it in MY tea before eating it....now where, or where can she have learn't that from? :-$

I've taken to hiding the biscuit tin on top of the kitchen cupboards now as the other day when I told her there were no biscuits left she went out to the kitchen, found them in the back of the cupboard I'd hidden them in (removing assorted tupperware boxes to do so), and reappeared with them saying "no all gone Mummy, ere are.......". I may never get to have a cup of tea in peace again!

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