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new gates for Camberwell Cemetery

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There are new gates at the corner entrance to Camberwell old Cemetery, replacing a rather rickety wooden gate.I am so pleased. I have to admit that when the council closed this entrance I thought here we go, it'll be years before they get around to dealing with it, but i am pleasantly surprised. I live near this entrance and my children and I enjoy walking around and exploring this place.
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tamblynhirst Wrote:


> dear james,

> I know nothing about the green chain walks, but

> i'd like to know more. My kids and I like to

> explore new things .

Try this Green Chain Walks. It incorporates part of the Capital Ring of which so far I've walked - in day long sections - from Woolwich around to Greenford. It's an "inner" London green walk almost all of it on paths, parks and bridle ways, avoiding roads. The Capital Ring complements the London Loop which is an outer London long distance walk - and at 150 miles quite a decent one.

PS: Spotted the new gates this afternoon - agree they do look good.

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The original application for funding and planning permission for the gates was made a while ago - maybe 2 years for the funding and about a year ago for the planning application? The wooden gate was a temporary solution. I think they're great. As one of the consultees, I felt a lot of thought had gone into the proposal - including being sensitive about potential unmarked graves in the area of the gates and increased foot traffic over them.
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Hi dbboy,

I'm proud that when the Lib Dems led Southwark Council we decided Southwark should join the Green Chain walk. To achieve this we had to agree to some quite reasonable expectations of what Southwark part of the Green Chain would look like and these gates are part of that.

Take a walk along the green chain and then tells us if a complete waste of money in your opinion.

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I referred to the cost of the gates and york stone,so do not twist my words. I have never stated the green chain walk was a waste of money, rather the contray. The ornate gates cannot have been cheap to have had custom made plus have york stone laid which is highly expensive to purchase. It's a gate, something far less ornate would have sufficed. Added to that the lengthy time taken to do the works.

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I think they're stunning. It would be nice if people didn't bang on about how much it all costs as rate-payers etc etc. Those gates will outlive us all, and are far better than the nasty wooden gate which preceeded it. Worth the wait.

Just one question...At what time in the morning does it open?

Thank you.

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Hullo everyone,

Given the interest in these gates might there be some interest in the Green Chain itself? See my post entitled "A Green Chain Walk in January anyone?".

If there is any interest I'll ask Walk London to have one of their guided walks on the Dulwich to Crystal Palace section at the end of January. These walks come with narration and old photographs etc. but there's 50 miles of the GCW for Walk London to choose from, not just Dulwich!

Best - Ian Bull

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