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SONOS Music System - Advice sought

Marmora Man

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Does anyone have any experience of this music system? A Wireless sound system that allows a full iTune library to be played wherever there's a Sonos unit - it also connects (without use of computer) to internet to acess Spotify, and similar streaming services, and most worldwide digital radio stations.

It all sounds technically clever and fun. It's a possible joint Xmas present for the household - but not being quite at the forefront of IT / music technology I would welcome views from those with more knowledge / experience, and suggestions of alternative (cheaper??) systems.

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Yes, quite a bit. I use an alternative system (Squeezeboxes) and both have pros and cons. Sonos is very much more plug and play and has a proprietary wireless system (so you don't tend to have problems getting it to play nicely with your existing wireless network). The remote is a thing of beauty and it deals with "zones" very well (i.e. if you have more than one player you can "zone" your house).

On the down side, it's more limited in terms of advanced functionality than the Squeezeboxes, less configurable and quite a bit more expensive. There's a big user community of Squeezeboxers and the software is open source, so lots of plugins and fun things which you don't get with Sonos. Sonos also used not to support some of the more recent lossless codecs like FLAC, but has done a fair bit to catch up recently. If you're not that inclined to tinker with your setup that much and can afford it, it's a great option.


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I install AV for a living and have put some of the most expensive kit possible in peoples houses and I am yet to find any system as easy to use. If you have an iPad or iPod you can download free controller software and yen won't need to buy their controllers. Only thing I don't recommend is their own speakers.

Drop me a Pm if you are interested and I may be able to get you a discount

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Squeezebox is/are great, we've got one in every room.. This lot basically;


Plus for everyday use a Classic - http://www.themp3company.co.uk/load_image_gallery.php?product_id=249&image_id=6

Squeezeboxes are great, especially if you like fiddling around a bit but they are essentially plug and play these days.

You do need a music server running for your own tunes or can do internet radio and music services direct via mysqueezebox.com as it's now called. We have all our tunes (thousands) plus Spotify, last.fm, Napster and probably most popular iplayer running pretty much faultlessly off a Vortexbox dedicated music server.

Forgot to say, this is a lot cheaper than a Sonos system. Old comparative review here with the Squeezebox Duet being essentially not supported too much any more but a useful read. Feel free to PM with any questions MM.

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  • 1 year later...

Nice news for Sonos fans today....

You can now play music directly from any iOS device to any Sonos player you might have in the house. Up until now the only way to do this was to sync iphone/ipod/ipad music with your desktop itunes first or connect your ipod directly to a Sonos input. To do this you need to upgrade to latest Sonos software on your controlling pc and any mobile controllers.

Basically, this means that I can now walk into my kitchen, click my phone and have decent quality* Otis Rush blasting out my 100 watt ceiling speakers as I knock up a prawn balti. Happy days.

*As in good enough for all but the geekiest of ears.

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I looked at Sonus but can,t use it with the fantastic itunesmatch yet which was a deal breaker with me so I went Zeppelin. Love the add on capability of sonos but airplay zeppelin fantastic.and combined with iTunes Match yummy...not set it up yet tho...this weekend
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MrBen Wrote:


> Nice news for Sonos fans today....


> You can now play music directly from any iOS

> device to any Sonos player you might have in the

> house. Up until now the only way to do this was to

> sync iphone/ipod/ipad music with your desktop

> itunes first or connect your ipod directly to a

> Sonos input. To do this you need to upgrade to

> latest Sonos software on your controlling pc and

> any mobile controllers.

I used the Sonos Dock to get round the desktop sync problem, which also doubles up as a mega speedy charger for the iOS device, but this is upgrade is definitely the dogs doodahs :)

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???? Wrote:


> I looked at Sonus but can,t use it with the

> fantastic itunesmatch yet which was a deal breaker

> with me so I went Zeppelin. Love the add on

> capability of sonos but airplay zeppelin

> fantastic.and combined with iTunes Match

> yummy...not set it up yet tho...this weekend

I recommend you do it Saturday. Impress the guests...

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???? Wrote:


> I looked at Sonus but can,t use it with the

> fantastic itunesmatch yet which was a deal breaker

> with me so I went Zeppelin. Love the add on

> capability of sonos but airplay zeppelin

> fantastic.and combined with iTunes Match

> yummy...not set it up yet tho...this weekend

Looks like there are a few ways round the iMatch/Sonos compatability problem...


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Having the new house wired up for this. I'm glad to sonos does line outs as well as the end to end as in a couple of rooms I'll want to be putting it into a traditional hi-fi set-up.

Are there any decent sonos alternatives at all? Cursory searches doesn't really highlight any which is pretty amazing if they've bagged an entire market for themselves.

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Sonos has actually been around for ages (2004-ish) but has become a leader because:

A: It integrates so well with i-tunes they hang off Apples coat tails. Controller app works on any decent smart phone.

B: It's literally one button to press to set it up and it just works.

C: Really simple to add bits on for otehr rooms as you can afford it.

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  • 11 months later...

Old fashioned question - how is the stereo effect generated on a single speaker?

The speakers I see currently for sale via sonos etc are single speakers.... I'm used to the concept of well spaced left/right speakers with different outputs. Does the single speaker generate that?

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The Sonos Play models which are a single speaker with the wireless receiver built in, you can use one of these as a mono zone. you can add a second unit and group both together at set them as a stereo pair.

The other units in the range allow external speakers to be added either via the sonos internal amp or if you use the connect unit you can plug into surround sound or stereo amp.

there is also the play bar which is designed to go under a TV additional speakers can be added to allow 5.1 surround

I supply a lot of these units, not a big fan of the in built speaker units but are fine for minor rooms if quality isn't a real factor.

great bits of kit very user friendly.

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Mick Mac Wrote:


> Old fashioned question - how is the stereo effect

> generated on a single speaker?


> The speakers I see currently for sale via sonos

> etc are single speakers.... I'm used to the

> concept of well spaced left/right speakers with

> different outputs. Does the single speaker

> generate that?

Mick - My set up is the Sonos ConnectAmp in the kitchen which talks to my home wireless router. I've then got two ceiling speakers wired into the Amp. Because of the shape of my kitchen and deasdspots I didn't want separate right/left channel speakers so I have two stereo speakers. i.e. each speaker has a left and right channel built in and a sub woofer. Not a purist set up by any means but as you dont have a fixed listening position it's the only way.

If , lets say, you were getting an expensive kitchen extension then def get some speakers fitted and cables run at the same time.

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MrBen - This came to mind!

MrBen Wrote:


> Mick Mac Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > Old fashioned question - how is the stereo

> effect

> > generated on a single speaker?

> >

> > The speakers I see currently for sale via sonos

> > etc are single speakers.... I'm used to the

> > concept of well spaced left/right speakers with

> > different outputs. Does the single speaker

> > generate that?


> Mick - My set up is the Sonos ConnectAmp in the

> kitchen which talks to my home wireless router.

> I've then got two ceiling speakers wired into the

> Amp. Because of the shape of my kitchen and

> deasdspots I didn't want separate right/left

> channel speakers so I have two stereo speakers.

> i.e. each speaker has a left and right channel

> built in and a sub woofer. Not a purist set up by

> any means but as you dont have a fixed listening

> position it's the only way.


> If , lets say, you were getting an expensive

> kitchen extension then def get some speakers

> fitted and cables run at the same time.

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