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Pregnancy = pizza face?

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When I was pregnant with Baby Baldock, my skin and hair were MAGINIFICENT. I was radiant and lovely, truely. It was brilliant. This time round, with Mystery Foetus , my hair is an absolute joke- greasy, lank, crap. DON'T get me started on my skin- it's never been this blotchy and gross, not even when I was a teenager. The usual 'sort yourself out, you greasy mare' products aren't working and the thought of another 5 odd months of looking like a frightmask is too much to bear.

Are there any products that all you lovely Mums recommend? ANYTHING? Price no object, Husband feels guilty about it all and offering to buy shedloads of maternity related items("It's my fault you're in The Family Way, afterall..." think someone needs to give him a lesson on The Facts Of Life, two way street and alll...)

Ta all!

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No advice, mine is foul too. The advice I had last time re face was actually to stop using product at all, and go back to basic water and wiping.

They reckon its like that for girls though (was true with my 2nd - was fine with my 1st (boy)......

I feel your (spotty) pain xxx

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As it's no doubt hormonal I'm not sure there's going to be a miracle product (hopefully someone will prove me wrong!!) but make sure you are eating well and drinking lots of water!

I have heard that a baby girl steals your beauty...

Sorry for the unhelpfulness (and yet, I'm still posting..hmm..) but I'm sure you still look lovely and stylish... :)

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I was the same during pregnancy ( mine was a boy) and I just ensured I ate lots of healthy food, drank lots of fluids and took pregnancy vitamins to ensure my body was as fighting fit as it could be with a baby taking all the goodness out of me. Creams and shampoos won't really help but maybe you could book a course of face treatment? they will make you feel better about yourself if anything else.

Give it a few months and the hormones will settle down.

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Rest? REST?! Are you taunting me? Although, saying that, Baby Baldock has got a lot better with sleeping 12-14hours at night (long time coming, he used to only sleep 6hrs/24). Yesterday we had a 3 hour co-sleeping nap in my bed, lovely! Have started to nap at work, too.

At least I am keeping up with my fluids/pre natal vitamins. I suspect going through boxes of Quality Street is NOT helping...

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Maybe start having monthly facials? That's what I did although I never had issues with my skin whilst pregnant (two girls and currently boy - so not sure if it was the gender of the baby in my case). My skin never looked better. It was after I stopped breastfeeding that I noticed changes to my skin (and my boobs for that matter!). Hopefully it's limited to the first trimester and will pass. Good luck!
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I am suffering too with acne. It's all along my jawline and chin which suggests it's hormonal. As a long-term sufferer of acne outside of pregnancy, I thought I'd had solved the problem over the last 18 months... Not so! I have been assured it will pass after the first trimester though.

(Sorry, this is my first post in this group, have been lurking for a while though...)

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Ah shucks,SW :-$

Last night, my husband tried to console me from howling 'My faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaace, my beaaaaaaautiful faaaaaaaace...' by telling me the strawberry chocs counted as one of my 5 a day...

I think facials/treatments may be the way forward. If only for the 'me time'. I keep telling Husband that he should be extra lovely to me as I am a 'holy and sacred vessel'. He's definitely getting sick of this now, at this rate Mystery Foetus will be the last one!

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LadyR and Ruth_B - I've been getting it on my jawline and neck too - and I thought I was the only one with freakily-located spots! If I take nothing else from this thread it will be not being alone in oddly located pregnancy induced spottyness. I am half way through second trimester and I've had no sign of it getting better (yet...). This weather can't help can it, with the mixture of arctic blasts and indoor heating that we are exposed to. Bring on this "blooming" malarkey that I hear so much about...

And welcome, LadyR from another semi-lurker!

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I too had lovely hair and skin for number one (boy) and generally have looed a bit crap throughout my pregnancy so far with number 2 (a girl, if the scan is right), so maybe there is some truth in the girls steal your beauty thing. Looks like BabY B no 2 might be a girl! I too have no idea what I am going to do with a girl, just getting used to the little boy antics!
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I was the same with my 2nd litle one. I looked like i was falling apart at the seems. Pregnancy bloom? I wasn#t even close. Tried a few things to keep myself looking half decent but gave up after a couple of months. Men have it so easy!
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