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Ill, ill, ill....anyone else?

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Another moany venty post. I'm ill. I don't do ill!! Achey/shivery/snot filled/hacking cough/aching chest (pelvic floor being tested to the limits!)...been like this on and off for a month then it's suddenly ramped up a gear this weekend. Oh and 7m pregnant, so no hard drugs. Sorry for self and how to cope with demon toddler tomorrow? And argh snow! Husband thinks I might have man flu - it really is that bad!!

Anyone else suffering? Any magical cure? What I really hope is that husband and toddler don't get it just in time for christmas.....

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My hubby had this and spent 4 days in bed (as typing this thinking of other recent post re men taking to their beds for days when ill .... obviously I was delighted to spend Saturday, Sunday, Monday AND Tuesday nursing him as well as looking after the 2 girls)....anyway, he's just about over it - took about 10 days as predicted by the doctor.

Snowboarder - you can take Night Nurse when breastfeeding (I know this due to the nightmare chest infection I had last year from September until Christmas), not sure about when pregnant, I know most things are off limits, but first 12 weeks are the really dodgy time. If you are really suffering I'd phone doctors and ask for a call back to discuss whether there is anything you can take, or go and speak to a chemist - best if you have a 'tame' one you see regularly???

The tummy upset part of the bug is very definitely a part of it. I think it is this years flu bug I'm afraid. Hubby was shivering, sweating like mad (having to change clothes 2 or 3 times during the night. It is really nasty. I get the Flu Jab due to asthma thank goodness, and seem to have avoided it so far.

Hope you feel better very soon - you and Fuschia.

Big hugs, Molly

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Yes, me too. Dying seems like the easiest option instead of a week of looking after both children in the house following by hours and hours in the car to the in-laws.

If you discover a preg-friendly remedy then please do let me know. Am making do with paracetamol, squash and shedloads of moaning at this stage.

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Yes. Dying good option. Am now considering might be pneumonia or grim flu chest infection after google session. Hypochondriac, me?!?

Horrid though. And what to do with toddler all week? He is developing a serious tv addiction,and I have no strength to fight it. Waybuloo....

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SB, If you think this for a minute, go to the dr and get antibiotics, notwithstanding pgcy. I know a girl who had two children and was expecting another. She died of pneumonia as a result of refusing meds. and refusing to believe her diagnosis was accurate ie it was a lot worse than a cold.

Please do this ditto anyone else reading this who has a recurring/ongoing problem.

edited a styping too fast

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Well doctors not an option apparently - only taking same day appts first come first served all this week and all gone by 8.20 this morning. Advice to go to a&e if that bad...yeah...right....I've got kind of a coldy flu..maybe bit of a chest infection...couple of antibiotics will do the trick...can see that going down well. And accommpanied by toddler.

First come first served all very well but surely then cannot take into account seriousness/babies etc. Annoying DMC yet again.

Anyone know if normal paracetamol dosage ok in pregnancy?

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Snowboarder, you shOuld be able to request a phone call from a doctor at the surgery, even if no appointments.

You just need him to advise (by looking in his book) whether you take (for example) night nurse. Or whether he can Prescribe something for you. It should be possible to do this over the phone - the issue is not what is wrong, just how you can treat it given you are pregnant.


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In case you need to see a doctor and can't get an appointment at your regular GP but don't want to go to A&E then the Hurley Group Practice at Lister Primary Care Centre on Peckham Road may be worth a try as they do all day walk-in clinic Mon-Sun, from 8am to 8pm. Here are their details: http://www.nhs.uk/ServiceDirectories/Pages/GP.aspx?pid=CDDDA84E-A248-45C6-8672-717FA2A8858A.
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Snowboarder, sorry to hear this. I had something similar sounding back in October and it was absolutely brutal. I tried to suffer through but eventually did get an appointment and needed a heavy course of antibiotics to clear up a chest infection. It is worth getting this checked out before it develops into anything like pneumonia.

When you tried for an appointment at DMC did you mention that you are pregnant, feverish and having trouble breathing?? That seemed to do the trick for me. I haven't used the walk in clinic near Peckham Rye station but my Mum has and she said it was fine.

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Me too. Toddler has temp of 39.5, doing the nurofen / calpol thing with her, which brings it down and she doesnt seem bothered at all....still very cheerful and chatty...I on the other hand feel awful, sore throat, achey body, hacking cough, am 8 months pregnant so not keen on taking anything, even if I had the energy to go to the pharmacy....feel really guilty as resorting to TV...but figure its not an every day occurrence. Watching Mary Poppins with her at moment!! A few friends have had same thing and took 5 - 10 days to clear up. Snowboarder, yours sounds a lot worse, I would call doctors and insist someone calls you back, they should if you explain symptoms and that you are pregnant. Good luck x
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Well called nhs direct who said should insist on doctor calling me but DMC phone receptionist was mean to point of rudeness and says no, nothing doing, chance your luck and call again 8am tomorrow. I don't think I have the energy to drag self and toddler to Peckham so guess we too will watch tv and hope for better tomorrow. Sure is not that bad just feeling sorry for self!! Typical that the one time in many years you want to see a doctor and its not possible.
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I've got this flu thing too. Haven't felt this ill in years. Couldn't get out of bed yesterday but have had to today as my husband had some quite important meetings so I have 2 kids to look after! My eldest (5) has it too but to a lesser degree and she's actually being brilliant - bringing my drinks of water and entertaining my 2 year old. I am barely functioning. Everything hurts. Haven't slept for 2 nights as I can't get comfortable. Meant to be heading off for our Christmas visits to the family on Wednesday but if i still feel like this there is no way I'll be going anywhere.
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Bad luck to you snowboarder; If there is any solace to be found in numbers, well, yes, over here we are an ill household - our little one (3) has had a terrible cough-cold hybrid with accompanying drowsyness. Got the point where he didn't speak for two days and slept for nearly the entire day on Sat. This was so unlike him as he usually throws off illness superfast and is such a resiliant little soul that I ended up at the Seldoc route, (after hours service at Dulwich Hospital) on Sat eve with him just d=so that he could be seen by a medical bod. Next problem: administering antibiotics and painkillers to a determined child! Bribery?
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This is going round our house too - youngest last week, me and eldest over the weekend. Really nasty one. Even Calpol & Nurofen wasn't bringing down DD1's temp.

I've found SELDOC really good if you just want to speak to a GP. The GP calls you back anyway to assess if you need to come in and often will be just as happy to give advice.

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Yes, we are all ill too. I usually manage to ignore all symptoms, but 3 bits of bad news last week brought my defences down and now I have everything mentioned above. OH is being v helpful and strong with similar fluey symptoms, so thank you to him. The gold medal has to go to DD though, as she has been bravely putting up with cough and cold, lack of appetite, constipation and eye infection for about the last fortnight. Poor little thing :(
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Snowboarder, I FEEL YOUR SNOTTY PAIN. Me, Seb and DH have had a cold/cough for about 4 weeks. It is never-bloody ending. Seb now eating and happy in himself, with massive pneumatic sneezes but nights still a bit touch and go. I want some lovely hard drugs to shift this, but I'm only just out of my first trimester and scared silly.

Bah bloody humbug.

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