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It would be helpful,if car park floors could have different colours painted on the walls.

This kind of colour coding would help people to find their cars easier.

What suggestions, would anyone else think would make life easier and reducing stress for others.

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Not my original idea but someone on an invention show on telly said this;

that every chinese takeaway throughout the land used the same numbers in their menus for the same dish so a number 44 in East Dulwich would be the same meal if you ordered a number 44 in Hull, Cornwall, Ramsgate or Rhayader.

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Another suggestion to save waste ,paper coffee cups that are strewn about in the streets,parks and gardens.

Re-usable cups are better.

As some may have noticed,I have edited this post to clarify what I mean,and on the advice of Honacouchie, input

on recent innovations on the coffee cup. I thank you.

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Tarot Wrote:


> Another suggestion to save waste. Re-usable coffee

> cups,ther are too many cluttering up the place,

> cost too much

> money to produce, passed on to the customer.and

> causing a mess.

Yes they could be made of pottery or as it might be china, possibly with slogans and logos printed on them and be called something like the Multi Use Gulp System.

Let's fly this one to the Dragons and make lots of money like The Pet Shop Boys.

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HonaloochieB Wrote:


> Tarot Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > Another suggestion to save waste. Re-usable

> coffee

> > cups,ther are too many cluttering up the place,

> > cost too much

> > money to produce, passed on to the

> customer.and

> > causing a mess.


> Yes they could be made of pottery or as it might

> be china, possibly with slogans and logos printed

> on them and be called something like the Multi Use

> Gulp System.


> Let's fly this one to the Dragons and make lots of

> money like The Pet Shop Boys.

I was referring to the paper type ones dumped in the road and gardens, Who are the pet shop boys?

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Yes eco friendly cups seem ok. But it will be a thing of the past soon enough, this trend of carting cofee round

will be a thing most people cannot afford anymore.

What some people are paying out each week for coffee is costing them a small fortune.

Just two a day and your up to six-fifty.

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Re: Sugestions. new

Posted by: Hill Dweller Today, 04:57PM

A thread where mods can paste the posts they remove autonomously and explain why they did so.

They did explain, publicly and privately. Not that they have time to do that for every post obviously. But from you they still get childishness

Very good at whining and martyrdom arentya

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I could suggest you stick to the topic of the thread Pgc .....

oh, having started off topic you did finish by getting back on to it.

I can see you're someone that, if nothing else, is capable of recognising a bandwagon.

Well done that wo/man.


You must be very delicate in what you consider 'lewd' or perhaps you simply have no

curiosity or interest in what the OPer elsewhere was actually on about.

A poster I took (still take, as in presume) to be a female OP/threaded about

a 'suspicious caller' offering to cut her (or his) hedge, but carrying no gardening tools

then spending some time staring at him/her.

My question was totally genuine, were they posting using a euphemism?

Hey just think, if they had been doing so it might have been because of stupid allegations

they've read here in the past about 'lewdness'.

I would find the eupehemism (had it been one) far more concerning than I would find a door to door handyman.


There was NO explanation about the split-second removal of my post till I asked for one.

Split-second equates to kneejerk, no consultation; it indicates little hitlerism.

Pardon me mixing topics but I'll repeat that I find it laughable that the remover (or supporter)

would have stayed anonymous (or even hidden) if I had not questioned the split-second action,

has posted elsewhere with approval of ASSange's exposures. LOLLLLLL

That's a someone that (I presume) has chosen their unusual posting ID,

one which (if not theirs IRL) is owned by / lifted from someone with quite a hobbyhorse.


PS: Pgc I find your choice of tag for me more lewd than my question to a poster that expressed real or imagined vulnerability.

Oh double LOL at some EDF members. Anyone wonder if I'm using a euphemism?


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Some people think the world was given to 'us' by someone they think created it.

Then groups of mankind grabbed what bits they wanted and put walls round what they considered their bit.

We know for sure, as he does exist, that someone sensed that the internet was tangible and, having proved it and set up the pathways to it he gave it to mankind.

Then groups who think they're achievers grabbed bits and make gormless rules and threats about what they dare assume to be their property.


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Tarot Wrote:


> HonaloochieB Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > Tarot Wrote:

> >

> --------------------------------------------------


> > -----

> > > Another suggestion to save waste. Re-usable

> > coffee

> > > cups,ther are too many cluttering up the

> place,

> > > cost too much

> > > money to produce, passed on to the

> > customer.and

> > > causing a mess.

> >

> > Yes they could be made of pottery or as it

> might

> > be china, possibly with slogans and logos

> printed

> > on them and be called something like the Multi

> Use

> > Gulp System.

> >

> > Let's fly this one to the Dragons and make lots

> of

> > money like The Pet Shop Boys.

> I was referring to the paper type ones dumped in

> the road and gardens, Who are the pet shop boys?

National treasures on a par with Stephen Fry. Only with added pop.

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Huguenot Wrote:


> And some people, like incontinent mongrels, just

> pissed over all of it and ruined it for everyone.


> :)

If you're suggesting that has happened somewhere or other, analyse it, display it, prove it, pretend to be ENGLISH and not just any stupid sod on a bandwagon.

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