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Are you going to find out?


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Never did for baby number 1, and was a lovely surprise when baby girl came along.

Have 20 week scan tomorrow, and think we are going to find out... Mainly bacause, if it's going to be a boy, we want to get our heads around ir. Not that it would be bad news, just fear of the unknown.

Did anyone else decide to find out on the second one?

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I decided not to find out with this one (No 3) as I already have one of each. Went to Kings for the scan, and they put us on one of the special 3D one which is amazingly clear - and there he was lying with his legs wide open, as plain as plain can be! Bang went that surprise ;-)
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We found out with our second, not the first. Like you, I just wanted to be able to think through the implications for the longer term - did I need new clothes, longer term was sharing a room not an option etc, etc. As first was a girl, wanted to know for hubby so he didn't get too hung up on a boy, just in case. In the end, just as well, as he's now got a housefull of women!!

It didn't affect how I felt on the day - the second was just as nice, even though I knew in advance. Is nicer too I think for no1 if they're in the clear 'urgh, boy/girl' split phase - no nasty surprises.

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Found out for first, second and third because I'm just like that and as sad as it may be I like to be uber organised. Having said that, I was no less surprised at 20 weeks than I would have been at 40 weeks. (does that make sense?)
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With #2 Mr Pickle and I had different ideas on whether to find out or not. I got the gender written down for me, so I knew from 20ish weeks and Mr Pickle didn't :))

He never tried to trip me up on it, and I was good at referring to "the baby" rather than him or her. When she was born I had to remind him to check whether he had a son or a daughter!

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I really wanted to find out the baby's sex. Hubby didn't. At the scan, we flipped a coin. Heads to find out, tails to wait. It was heads, I won :) We found out our baby was a girl. The technician seemed very certain, but still we always reminded ourselves of the possibility of the scan being wrong. A midwife told me that some parents who think they know the baby's sex, only to discover that it is the opposite, then go on to grieve for the 'lost' sex. This can make it hard to bond with the new baby. I really think though that this was more the case in years past when scan quality was not as high as it is now. But still it's food for thought. (Obviously it didn't change my mind though. And I'm glad I won the coin toss!!)


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We didn't want to find out either time but after having an amniocentesis (with our second child) I had an ante-natl appointment with my GP who told me we were having a second boy! I was just relieved we were having a healthy baby and didn't care what gender it was but I decided not to tell my partner. Our then 3yo kept saying he wanted a baby brother and we kept telling him he'd get what he was given. When our second son was born I told my partner I'd known since 23 weeks and he was really glad he'd still had a surprise!
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ah such a dilemna and personal decision. I think not to find out as it is a nice surprise at the end of the hopefully short and easy labour :)) (we wish !) and as mentioned above they can be wrong. It happened to a friend of mine after they had been preparing for their daughter to arrive for it to be a son....

My scan is a couple of weeks away (second time round) and we wont find out again. The only word of warning though is have names prepared for boys and girls. We werent last time as had the idea it was going to be a boy and due to the very long labour I allowed my husband to choose the name for the girl - obviously then it is my choice this time ...yeah ...Hurrah !

either way, as long as they are healthy etc and mum and baby are ok - what does it matter....

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I am glad you are pleased with your news! Congrats whether blue or pink! Personally I would never be able to wait, expecting my first and had an elective scan as soon as I could to find out. It helped me bond with the baby and made it feel a lot more real :-)
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We did not want to find out with No. 1 but the OBs let it slip ("I can't really see a peepee.", he said). He then said he could not be totally sure but then we knew. We have (I think) decided to find out (officially) this time but not tell anyone else. My cousins nanny used to be a midwife in Romania, gave me the feel and predicted the gender (not that i believe predictions). Sadly its for practical reasons like do we keep No.1's old clothes to be reused or give them away, will we eventually need separate rooms for them and stuff like that.
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