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Blue Traveller's Van parked in our street

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I've done a brief search to see if a thread already exists, but surprisingly couldn't find anything, so here goes:

there is a huge, bright blue traveller's van (reg. EYA 416T) parked at the end of Rodwell Rd (Crystal Palace end), and it's been there for about 4 days & nights, hasn't moved. There are obviously 1 to 2 people living in it (it has curtained windows & a chimney coming out of the roof!), my partner has seen the inhabitants, what looked like a youngish guy & his girlfriend. The amazing thing is, this guy climbs out of the van & jumps into a BMW parked closeby & drives to work maybe? Who knows? Weird & annoying. Where are they dumping their rubbish (in our bins probably), and what gives them the right to live on our street, when we all have to pay extortinate prices for the privilege! Yes, I'm ranting now, I know!

Has anyone else had these guys on their road (I spotted the van on Jennings Road a few weeks ago)? And what can be done about them, any tips?

Many thanks

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he may move on after a few days. he 'may' do a lot of things but at the moment it's just someone living cheaper than you do so, excercising an option that you also have open to you, but have decided against !

There could be a whole story there - why not introduce yourself as one of the neighbours and bring them some bin liners.

I lived for 2 months in my VW combi in Glasgow while working and looking for a flat (I needed to save-up the deposit) and thankfully no-one hassled me apart from the odd copper who was fine when I explained.

There could be a whole story with theblue van - why not introduce yourself as one of the neighbours and bring them some bin liners...

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@ KidKruger: Are you for real???? If we all decided to take that route in life, can you imagine....

It's a sad fact that living costs money, yes, it's hard for everyone sometimes, doesn't mean this guy (or you for that matter)should have the privilege of not paying like everyone else. Who gave you the right? I have a whole street full of wonderful neighbours & really don't need another one thanks. x

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rubyshoes Wrote:


If we all

> decided to take that route in life, can you

> imagine....

But what would be the point in expending any energy whatsoever in trying to imagine such a pointlessly unlikely scenario?

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rubyshoes, it's a bit like saying people why pay unemployed people dole money, if we do they'll all go on the dole and then what a mess we'll all be in. It just doesn't happen does it ? You're not doing it.

You may not need another neighbour, but you've got one haven't you.

make the most of it, be friendly not hostile they may be nice. Surely you have plenty of boxed-in predictable types on amazing Rodwell Rd already ?

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To be fair to Rubyshoes i've noted a concern in another thread about this as well.

My main problem is merely engine running all evening with noise and fumes outside my front door.

Also the uncertainty of not knowing how long this may continue.

In response to dv1, i believe it is also illegal.

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Your attitude isn?t terribly Christian is it?

I am going to invite all my crusty mates from the peace convoy and the Newbury bypass protest to come down to Rodwell Rd to party over the Royal Wedding.

I hope you will be welcoming.


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Well said KidKruger,

I would not choose to live in a vehicle, I like my creature comforts, security and privacy too much. However, I take my hat off to those who can be adaptable in this very complex city.

There are many types of human habitation throughout the world, from igloos and tents to gated apartment complexes and private estates- all those who reside within are in essence the same- human.

It is all to easy cast judgement on others from the sterile anonymity of the virtual world, but why should everyone be forced to exist as part of the bewildered herd? As Kidkruger said, why not try to get to know these potentially interesting people rather than scorning them?

Different strokes for differents folks, remember?

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I'm going to be really boring here (moi?) but what exactly is causing the annoyance?

Is it

a) lack of sanitary facilities resulting in some nasty deposits somewhere? If so, contact environmental health

b) constant running of the engine causing pollution. If so, contact environmental health

c) loud music being played into the small hours. If so, contact noise team.

d) constant shouting, fights, arguing in the street or other antisocial behaviour. If so, contact police.

e) one less car parking space. If so, get a grip.

If they're managing to avoid paying council tax by moving on a regular basis, then it is annoying but if they aren't causing any major problems then I think I'd simply say hello, and ask them what they're up to. With all the burglaries taking place recently - as long as they are not the perpetrators - then they may be quite useful in keeping guard.

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Drove past there earlier which is my mobile version of curtain-twitching.

One thing that van needs is a couple of blocks to stand the kerbside wheels on, must be a pain for them living in the wagon at an angle like that, maybe someone could help them - sort of a 'moving in' present.

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