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Stolen plants Saturday night

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Just like to say how sad I am that someone pinched two plants from my front steps last night. Weirdly they chose one from the bottom step and one a few steps up, obviously keen gardener/thieves. Maybe they had been to Chelsea and got inspired. Well hope you look after them
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I know it will seem trivial to you but every theft report to the Police affects how many officers we have locally, where they look to prevent and solve crime, can be part of a bigger picture that they can;t see without all the detail.

These crooks went up to your front door looking to steal. They probably checked if the front door was locked or not....

I REALLY think you both should report your respective crimes.

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we also had out plant pot stolen after a saturday night a couple of weeks back - so annoying. When you try to play a role in making the place look nicer and some mug comes along and has it off !

We have replaced it and are waiting for this one to go also.

losing faith...

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I have lots of plants in the front of my house and they are often cut and or vandalised by passers by (drunks, kids etc). I have personally considered setting up a 24/hr webcam from upstairs so I can monitor the front garden area to catch any would be culprits. Not sure if this would work or perhaps just deter any would be criminal activity of any kind?


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I had a window box stolen last year, I was very cross but did chuckle a bit that it must have been a middle class thief! It was so annoying as it was part of a set of 3, 2 larger and 1 small. The remaining large and small look very stupid (at least if they had stolen the small, the two large would still look nice). They have now been resigned to the back garden!
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Potted plants at the front of properties (that can be easily lifted) often seem to get stolen at this time of year.....if you go to any boot fair a short distance out of town there are always blokes selling the sort of plant related stuff that looks suspiciously like it's come straight out of a garden (or several gardens). I suppose you either have to resign yourself to the risk if you want to put pots at the front of your house or move anything that you really value or would be seriously annoyed to lose to a more secure location for the summer months... or chain the pots down....

Always report it though. Theft is theft.

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niki_nje Wrote:


> I had a window box stolen last year,


I had three window boxes stolen in broad daylight. It was just before Mother's Day a year or so back, and the police said the thieves had been round the whole area in a van.

The replacements are now chained to the sills.

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  • 4 weeks later...

genwilliams Wrote:


> I didn't because I suppose I thought the police

> would think I was wasting their time over a potted

> plant, but if you think I should, I will!

A couple of years ago my neighbours had their potted plants stolen on Upland Road. However, the not so cunning thieves left a trail of earth leading to their front door! My neignbours reported it to the police, but despite the evidence guess what.... they did nothing. Unless you chain the pots down, I wouldn't suggest having them.

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We have had a spate of it of late in Dulwich and the Police were involved and even spoke with a number of residents locally. They apparently caught two guys and they were released, but advised all to put very heavy rocks/stones in the pots to start with, thus making it heavier and more time consuming to remove them.
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for the second time in 2 months we had another of our pots stolen from the front of our house - so frustrating - the cost is one thing, but the efforts to make the road look a little brighter seem to be wasted.

We have to give up, I am not going to be mugged off any further by low life who consider us to be some kind of manufacturer of their producs for sale, replenishing their stocks over and over.

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