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Neo Nazi poster in Peckham Rye Park (Lounged)


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My post was reasonable and true and surely not racist or whatever u r calling me.

I can?t believe that in one of the comments someone said well either said I?m a neo nazi or I?m using words symbols what a neo nazi would use if I remember correctly either way it?s pathetic.

Good night all


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Do you really think there is nothing extreme or worthy of condemnation on that site PeckhamGuy?

It is a simple question, one simple emough that even you should be anle to answer. And when you answer that question, take a look at your deleted post again (it is copied in the following post) and have a really good think about it.

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Hi Peckhamguy -

I'm going to assume that you genuinely are mystified about what's wrong on that site.

The issue for all of us here is your remark that you 'see nothing wrong' with the website.

So - first off the poster for the website had a swastika and a knife on it, and the site logo is an SS-style bolt of lightning. This obviously references the Nazi party. There are posts promoting graffiti saying 'Nazi', with swastikas, and another image of the swastika combined with a union jack.

I hope that you are aware of the second world war. I find it hard to believe that you are not aware of this major event in world history.

Displaying the insignia of the Nazis is disgusting. There's no two sides to that argument. Showing support for the Nazis is offensive.

It's also unpatriotic - I expect you think of yourself as a proud English man, don't you? So I'm sure you can see that combining the union jack and the swastika is an insult to all the British people who fought and died in the war to stop the Nazis.

As you go down the page, it says 'Non whites, jews, muslims are all bad.' That is very unambiguously a rascist remark. If you agree with that remark you are a rascist.

If you 'see nothing wrong' with the site, you are a neo-nazi and a rascist.

I'm sorry if you don't like those labels, but on the other hand, if your behaviour fits those categories (and it does) that's what we are going to call you.

Given that you've put your full name on other posts on this site, I don't think it's been the best advertisement for your electrician business and perhaps your non white neighbours will be a bit upset to find out what you think of them.

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Amy A;

Thank you for a far more coherent and reasoned response than I was able to muster. I had to delete my reply before pressing ?post? because it wasn?t going to be helpful, but you?ve managed to do it much better.

Peckhamguy - you really should have a word with yourself.

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I just want to make one further point here. I should start by saying I am the type of 'Marxist maggot' that the poster is threatening, and I'm very much anti-racist.

However I take issue with the way in which Peckhamguy has seemingly been ganged up on and almost silenced by other posters. I am not for a minute taking his side in terms of his argument, however I'm taking his side as I think people have been rude to him. I've seen a couple of posts, for example, insulting his use of English, or just shouting him down in a way that isn't particularly constructive. I don't see how personal insults of right wingers do anything productive.

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Jim1234 Wrote:


> Hi,


> I just want to make one further point here. I

> should start by saying I am the type of 'Marxist

> maggot' that the poster is threatening, and I'm

> very much anti-racist.


> However I take issue with the way in which

> Peckhamguy has seemingly been ganged up on and

> almost silenced by other posters. I am not for a

> minute taking his side in terms of his argument,

> however I'm taking his side as I think people have

> been rude to him. I've seen a couple of posts, for

> example, insulting his use of English, or just

> shouting him down in a way that isn't particularly

> constructive. I don't see how personal insults of

> right wingers do anything productive.

For starters, Jim, his original post was absurd, saying that there was nothing on that vile neo-nazi website that was untrue or offensive:

Peckhamguy Wrote:


> Went on the site and could not find much wrong as

> there is loads of news articles on there about

> police scandals ,Muslim grooming gangs etc will

> have a better look on the site but the articles

> they have put up are all true as people have been

> prosecuted for all offences labelled on there, you

> lot must have seen something I did not see.

He then deleted his post (though he's still defending it and saying it was reasonable and true) and called everyone who disagreed with him "snowflakes." He has not been "ganged up on" unless you regard anyone with whom the majority disagree as being "ganged up on." I can see one post which might qualify as mildly rude (not as rude as Peckhamguy's own posts though); the rest of them are simply asking why he finds a site that advocates killing Muslims and Jews, rants about "Paki rapists" etc etc acceptable. If someone puts up posts effectively saying they find a neo-nazi website acceptable, and calling those who object to it snowflakes, it's perfectly reasonable that they should be challenged.

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Jim1234 Wrote:


> Hi,


> I just want to make one further point here. I

> should start by saying I am the type of 'Marxist

> maggot' that the poster is threatening, and I'm

> very much anti-racist.


> However I take issue with the way in which

> Peckhamguy has seemingly been ganged up on and

> almost silenced by other posters. I am not for a

> minute taking his side in terms of his argument,

> however I'm taking his side as I think people have

> been rude to him. I've seen a couple of posts, for

> example, insulting his use of English, or just

> shouting him down in a way that isn't particularly

> constructive. I don't see how personal insults of

> right wingers do anything productive.

Are you for real? Are you genuinely saying we should be respectful of apologists for neo-nazi?s?

There?s a ridiculous idea that during online discussions one should always - without exception - ?play the ball, not the man.? The idea that a person may espouse any view whatsoever and be accorded respect for themselves despite what they say? Well it?s (to put it politely) absolute rubbish. Some stuff is too much.

He came on here and told us that a bunch of extremist white supremiscists were basically ok. Someone who does that just lost all privileges.

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You're right that insults are an unhelpful and hasty response - though I would stand by my probably insulting post that anyone who can't see something wrong with that site has something wrong with them. It's not sane or right to go round painting swastikas on things, or making posters saying 'Paki rape gangs coming to your area' that appear to be promoting the idea of lynchings.

On the subject of silencing Peckhamguy, there are some viewpoints so repulsive they don't deserve to be listened to, and that site contains them. Peckhamguy announced that he saw nothing wrong - therefore we must surmise that he thinks they're right.

I think, given the content of the site, it's fair enough to say you wish to end all dialogue there. You're right: people should silence Peckhamguy politely. However, although anger and attack are not a good, cool response, given how horrible the site is, the anger is hardly surprising.

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But I would also say that PeckhamGuy (like anyone else) has to take repsonsibility for what he writes. He could have responded by saying that he hadn't looked at the site properly but on a second viewing he could see the problems with it. But he didn't. Instead he choose to laugh at everyone with snowflake emojis.

The far right often use reported cases of criminal behaviour from individuals that come from the groups they seek to demonise to justify their hatred. The rational response is to counter that with reported cases where white Brits have engaged in criminal behaviour. The point being that all types of people are capable of heinous crime. PG seemed to argue that context and agenda does not matter in the selection of which cases to highlight on that site. That is either genuine stupidity, or deliberate trolling or an alignment with the views expressed by the site. That is the question PG seems reluctant to answer and it is perfectly ok for others to ask it.

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Thanks for the responses all. I'm too lazy to respond to everyone individually, however I think pretty much every criticism of my point holds a lot of weight and I largely agree with you.

Regarding equating extreme right with 'moderate' right, not my intention at all, apologies.

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Haha cheers some, and most of you on here are very funny people in this thread 😂 very hypercritical it?s unreal

All of your hateful comments have made my day my week even

Thumbs up to private education hey 👋😂

You mostly know nothing about the issue, study it check it out properly then come back

All so worried about my English that u r sadly blinded by the real life

Have a beautiful day

Snobbery is a big thing on here but gladly there are some straight headed people on here what knows what the real world is all about, the true working class who has never had nothing handed to them on a plate the ones who actually see the real world.

Protesting things that u don?t know harm u is a thing what loads of people are doing, because know one knows the true depths of things

Anyways I?m sure a lot of u have met up and had some meetings in your nearest Starbucks and had a long good chat about the matter ,hopefully things went rite for the latte liberals

Good day to you all and I truly mean that!

Yours sincerely PG

Ps those of u who have private messaged me because they are worried of getting involved in the pettiness thanks for doing so, but it is sad coz I know the only reason we spoke through that is because u did not want to be labelled nothing like me , but I truly love and respect the messages Nuff love! 🤘🏻😘


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Say what you like mate, but you still supported a neo-nazi website, and you?re still using a load of whataboutery to deflect from your own failings. You display the same faults that you accuse others of, but apparently it?s ok because you?re white working class and therefore more ?real? than anyone else, yeah? Twat.

The silent majority supports you eh? Yeah, right...

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It's not snobbish to object to someone saying that a neo-nazi website that talks about killing Jews and "Pakis" etc is not a problem and all true. And flaunt your supposed working class credentials all you like, the working classes have always fought against fascism - certainly all my working class friends would despise everything you've said and would tell you so extremely forcefully.

"You mostly know nothing about the issue, study it check it out properly then come back" - you mean if we go and have a better look at the phrase "Zero tolerance for non-white races" we'll decide (as you clearly have done) that it's OK? Pillock.

You're either a rather tiresome troll or the nastiest piece of work in a five-mile radius, I wonder which?

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sidebirds Wrote:


> rendelharris Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> "all my working class friends" -


> rather 'inclusive' of you !

I'm not really sure what that means - I assume it's some sort of dig? Just objecting to Peckhamguy's absurd statement that "the true working class who has never had nothing handed to them on a plate the ones who actually see the real world" would agree with him - plenty of my mates fit that description and don't think neo-nazis are OK.

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I *#%^ing hate it when people flaunt ?working class? as some kind of moniker that signifies them to be somehow a ?purer?type of person, untainted by all that high falutin? education and so on.

It?s this repulsive idea that (to misquote someone else) ?my ignorance is the equal of your experience?, and it?s just a hop, skip and a jump away from the Khmer Rouge, frankly. Hyperbole? No, I don?t think so. This whole chip carried widely on the shoulder of some white working class people, that somehow their limited worldview (and it always is limited) is still a clearer view of how the world really is than those who have travelled, read and studied is dangerously frankly.

It?s an insidious kind of bigotry, one that discriminates against education, of all things, and derides any contrary viewpoint as somehow ?not real?. It?s an Orwellian level of contradiction that Peckhamguy is embracing.

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JoeLeg Wrote:


> I *#%^ing hate it when people flaunt ?working

> class? as some kind of moniker that signifies them

> to be somehow a ?purer?type of person, untainted

> by all that high falutin? education and so on.


> It?s this repulsive idea that (to misquote someone

> else) ?my ignorance is the equal of your

> experience?, and it?s just a hop, skip and a jump

> away from the Khmer Rouge, frankly. Hyperbole? No,

> I don?t think so. This whole chip carried widely

> on the shoulder of some white working class

> people, that somehow their limited worldview (and

> it always is limited) is still a clearer view of

> how the world really is than those who have

> travelled, read and studied is dangerously

> frankly.


> It?s an insidious kind of bigotry, one that

> discriminates against education, of all things,

> and derides any contrary viewpoint as somehow ?not

> real?. It?s an Orwellian level of contradiction

> that Peckhamguy is embracing.

would you like to join me for a "latte" and "nibbles" and we can discuss these "white working class people"? feel free to bring a clothes-peg for your nose.

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Got anything constructive to contribute sidebirds, or are you just bored and filling the time with a bit of (frankly low quality) trolling?

P.S. I don't speak for JoeLeg and have never met him, but I know he's a former serviceman so I suggest he probably has a lot more experience of the "real" workingclass than you - and nothing in what he's said suggests that he is in any way snobbish as you try to imply.

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