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Goose Green councillors - how can we help?

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Hell James

Do you know when southwark proposes allowing street maintenance to start up again?

On a walk this afternoon I noticed a lawn growing out of the tarmac in one road and on another a tomato vine with four or five actual plum tomatoes growing out of the pavement.

I fear the eventual costs of fixing all the roads and footpaths is going to be phenonemenal if these weeds are allowed to continue rewilding our streets.

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Hi all,

Rockets - keen to hear creative and practical suggestions, with wide support from the local community!

first_mate - not sure of details re emergency services, but as I said before these things do have to be agreed with them

Jakido - there will be another tranche of measures soon but currently unsure what will be included in these.

abe_froeman - hope the tomatoes were tasty! Send me the address (and ideally a photo) of the street and I will get it followed up.

Lynne - yes, soon! Here is an update from the council on libraries

Libraries and Museums in England have been included for re-opening in July as part of the government?s phase 3 re-opening plans. The government have advised that libraries cannot open before this point. Re-opening plans for Southwark libraries are being informed by Southwark?s corporate Covid 19 guidelines and advice and guidance from the government's Libraries Taskforce.

In current plans we are hoping to re-open six of our libraries in the week beginning 13th July using a phased approach in order to ensure a safe environment for staff and library users (Canada Water, Dulwich, Camberwell, Nunhead, Brandon, and Blue Anchor). It must be stressed that the plans depend upon the Covid 19 situation and government advice- if the infection rate increases or government advice changes then plans will need to be adapted in response to this. In the current plan the libraries will re-open on a limited basis offering an order and collect service where books are pre-ordered and collected in the entrance/foyer area. Books can be returned and there will be a 'grab and go' service of pre-selected stock. There will be no general public access to the library beyond this. If the Covd 19 situation continues to stablilise then during August the service will be extended to reinstate limited public access to libraries, with potential full opening currently scheduled for September/October. All of this will be subject to social distancing guidelines and any other measures that the government advise.

Best wishes


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Hi James,

The example of the Loughborough Junction fisaco indicates that while agencies are consulted they may not necessarily be across the detail and implications. I wonder if in this case emergency services are across the detail and aware that only a minority of local residents support the measures?

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Hi James

Pretty much every street in the ward is riddled with weeds growing out of the kerb stones and pavements. In some places it's long grass in others nettles, thistles and dandelions.

The tomatoes are in Pellet Road I think.

They were too green to eat but the plant will probably permanently damage the paving.

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I note with interest that Rye Lane in Peckham has had significant efforts to aid social distancing for shoppers in place since May 1st - your boss proudly tweeted pictures of the new traffic light contraflow system to allow social distancing on May 1st. Any reason why you haven?t been able to implement any aids to social distancing on Lordship Lane - or could you not get wide community support for anything?

Also, do you have updates on all the great ideas people suggested in response for your request for ideas? An update on progress might be timely.

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James I suggest you visit Dulwich village to see what the new road closures has resulted in - plus east dulwich grove now that Melbourne grove is shut. Please observe and report back to the necessary persons at the council. Whilst there perhaps measure the levels of pollution.
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James, are the surgeries still open at the community centre? Would be great to see all three councillors face to face (with social distancing) to discuss current covid measures in East Dulwich and also the ones in surrounding areas ( and the impact they have on East Dulwich residents) as well as what?s on the councillors agenda for the next few months. I have signed up to the newsletter too. How often do they get published as I haven?t had one yet?
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James can you please urgently look into the huge amount of congestion caused by the closure of roads in Dulwich Village (which as noted above is based on dodgy data...now where did I see that happen before...CPZ you say?). During every afternoon last week congestion stretched down Lordship Lane from the junction with the south circular almost to Townley Road and backed traffic up down Barry Road. I have lived here 15 years and it has never been like this. This is causing significant pollution across a large area of our neighbourhood and wastes huge amounts of time on a cumulative basis. It is also causing additional concerns to local businesses in east Dulwich who fear a further disincentive to potential customers visiting the area on top of the impact of COVID-19 and the CPZ. All for the sake of a 20 square yard space...

For once can you please look past the desires of Richard Livingstone and the politburo in Tooley Street and do something to help the community you purportedly represent.

And yes, before you point me there, I have responded to the feedback site which asks as loaded questions as I would expect from the Southwark council traffic department.

Really hope you can do the right thing here and get this reversed as quickly as possible.


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Very pleased to have found the One Dulwich website- I have just signed up and would encourage anyone that lives in East Dulwich to sign up for news too.

Make no mistake- you will be adversely affected by these road closures. Either by having to sit in traffic to get anywhere west of SE22 or by having to breath in the fumes of the traffic that is queuing to get onto the South Circular or East Dulwich Grove if they can no longer drive through Dulwich Village.

Show your support by signing up too- www.onedulwich.uk

Its a shame that there are two threads on here about the same thing as I think the call to action is a bit diluted...

Has anyone been able to erect banners with the One Dulwich website details anywhere yet, as I think that will encourage people to sign up too...?

We need to make this visible whilst people are furloughed/schools are closed as the full horrors of this traffic displacement won't be clear until September.

At which point I am sure Southwark will have claimed it as a victory & it will become permanent

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Just a thought, any case being made that the traffic is a problem now, had perhaps best capture evidence on film/photos.

The council will require evidence if they are even to discuss the situation with protestors, even though they themselves have no useful empirical evidence that there was a case in the first place for commissioning the works in DV which have caused the problems.

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Hi all

Yes - great news about the pavement widening. This is something we pushed for right at the beginning of the lockdown. Not sure why it took so long but better late than never!

I'm afraid surgeries are not going ahead at the moment but one of us could give you a call if that would suit you?

Thanks for the useful feedback on the works in Dulwich Village. As KidKruger says, photos are very useful!

Best wishes


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James. Can you please look into none collection of garden waste due to not getting stickers. The environmental dept don't answer the phones. The refuse collectors have told me that I'm not on their list for collection and they are not allowed to empty the bin. I have paid ?30 for a service that I'm not getting.
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I attach photos - last Wednesday at 6pm.

jamesmcash Wrote:


> Hi all


> Yes - great news about the pavement widening. This

> is something we pushed for right at the beginning

> of the lockdown. Not sure why it took so long but

> better late than never!


> I'm afraid surgeries are not going ahead at the

> moment but one of us could give you a call if that

> would suit you?


> Thanks for the useful feedback on the works in

> Dulwich Village. As KidKruger says, photos are

> very useful!


> Best wishes

> James

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Nigello Wrote:


> Where?s the pavement being widened?

I think James is referring to the one section outside of Oddonos and Moxons where the council put some temporary widening measures in place a week or so ago. There doesn?t seem to be any anywhere else as far as I am aware.

James, are there any plans for any other measures to assist on Lordship Lane? As I am sure you are aware there are many more choke points along the road and given traffic seems much heavier along Lordship Lane since the street closures the council has implemented across the area it will be interesting how the council plans to further aid social distancing.

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Hi James. The road closures that have been put in place are causing significant disruption to myself and, judging by the congestion I?ve observed, a very large number of other people in the area. What is going to be done to address this situation?
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James - can you please acknowledge that you have seen the photos posted regarding the road closures. I suspect you are paying lip service to people?s genuine concerns to the impact to us normal folk that the road closures are having.

I know you have to probably have to tow the line and I personally feel the council really don?t give two hoots about how they impact us little people once they have an idea in their head but it would be nice if you could understand (and maybe go and have a look for yourself)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi James,

two and a half months after doing the job on the zebra crossing, Conways are going over their previous work with tarmac. This looks like an awful waste of our money. How is it justified?

Alan Medic Wrote:


> Hi James. The guys (Conway) who started working on

> the new zebra crossing this morning on Crystal

> Palace Rd, moved our car and maybe others. There

> was no prior notification that it was too close to

> the crossing. The only indication that work was

> going to proceed today were notifications on two

> lampposts and a couple of marking made on the road

> last week.


> I spoke with the driver who moved the car and he

> said I should speak with the site manager, and

> admitted to saying to him before moving the

> car(s)that there was very little notification for

> car owners. I didn't bother speaking to the site

> manager as it wouldn't achieve anything and the

> car appears undamaged.


> However, as Conway is presumably employed by the

> Council and I pay my tax, how the hell can they

> get away this this cowboyish behaviour?

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Hi James,

May I ask why Heber hasn't seen an accelerated 'School Street' scheme put in place under TFLs StreetSpace initiative (like Goodrich and others)? Is there anyway that Heber Road could look to be included?

There has been a camera installed since a road traffic incident earlier in the year, but closing the street to traffic would be more effective in preventing such things.

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