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Summer babies thread (due June/July/August 2012)

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Sorry for the delay in starting this - I'm sure there are quite a few of you who are now at the point of wanting to share your exciting news!

Use this thread in whatever way you like... tried and tested morning sickness remedies, what to buy, whether your belly button will ever look the same again (it won't!).

Many congratulations to you all, and all the best for the exciting months ahead.


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Hello soon to be Mummies!

Also been waiting for this thread to arrive as I just missed the Spring babies group. This is my first baby and I am now over the morning sickness so starting to enjoy my ever growing bump. Look forward to hopefully meeting you all soon for an after work drink or morning coffee!

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Hello fellow first timers GemHeidi and Mavisbrackets.. Nice to see we've got some gurus in sydneyswan and qeetah to guide us.

Honestly, have no idea what's ahead either. At the moment, focused solely on trying to identify a bump - thought the superficial stuff would be a good distraction from the Big Stuff. Mainly, I just look like I've eaten a few too many packets of biscuits. Little man is hiding...

Hope you're all having great days. Morning sickness (mainly) gone for me, appearing occasionally after I foolishly eat some tomato based dish or some such other acidic wonder. I'm still having insomnia though; waking early (4.30ish) and getting back to sleep 10 minutes before the alarm goes off. Not so bad though. I feel reasonably human today, as much as I ever do....

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Hello, I'm a first timer too and due on July 4th. It wasn't a planned pregnancy, but my husband and I weren't avoiding getting pregnant either. So we've gotten over the shock and the terrifying feeling of "oh dear what have we done?", and now we're starting to get excited. I'm reading as many books as I can to figure what to do. Looking forward to hearing more from others!
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Hello! I'm delighted to have found you guys. I'm quite new to the forum, have been lurking for a while but keen to get more involved. This is my first pregnancy, I could have written exactly what vch did above about initial panic and terror and now starting to get excited.

I'm due on July 18th (same as queetah!). We had our scan last week - it was pretty awesome, it's totally a baby in there!

Really looking forward to getting to know some other pregnant mums in the area.


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Congrats Julie on your first scan! It's definitely confirmation that you're really pregnant. We weren't really sure until we saw the head and arms move on the screen!

Yay on having a boy, GemHeidi. We haven't checked the gender of ours yet. I think maybe in a month though.

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Congrats GemHeidi on the scan and your news.

Our scan isnt until 21 weeks (in 2 weeks - grrrraarrgh - too long) but I do know we're having a boy too though (CVS test at 14 weeks, horrible at the time but nice to know early)- Yay to boys indeed!

How are you doing on the names? We've only got 2 in the running (1 of which we don't really think we can get away with) and that's the result of 4 weeks planning.....Oh. Dear.

Still looking like I'm having a packet of biscuits though.

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Hi and massive congrats to you All!

I dont really come on here much but thought this would be a great time to meet other mums to be in the area!

I'm 1st time pregnant and due 2nd June! We have our 2nd scan next week and really excited!! :)-D

Hopefully get to meet up with those interested sometiem soon!


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I'm due 21 June and already have a boy who'll be 2 in April. Working full time right now and slightly terrified about the thought of minding two children from June! Qeetah and Sydneyswan I'll be looking for people who are happy to meet up with toddlers in tow

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Yay for the weekend indeed - I totally know what you mean, Ellie, I hope you're feeling better today. I have had two naps today, I can't believe how tired I get with this. I really can't complain too much though - I feel really lucky to have escaped morning sickness for the most part. I haven't had any strange cravings yet either - though maybe I'll try that squeezy cheese mentioned above!

Are all or most of us having our babies at King's? I'd be keen to know what it's like from those who have done this before - everyone at the hospital has been great so far. I can't quite wrap my head around the idea of labour yet, though - it's a bit remote and a bit too big to comprehend just now.

Congrats to those of you who have just arrived - it's so exciting that there are so many of us in this area. It would be great to meet you - should we arrange a coffee date somewhere sometime soon?

Hang in there everyone - you're doing AWESOME.


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Hi Natalie

I'd be up for coffee date, with or without toddlers (though I can't supply one myself - this being my first).

But...I'm going away for work though for 7 weeks, which I am NOT looking forward to, from 1st Feb but I'd like to keep in touch with you all from afar, and hopefully meet up when I'm back in end of March/April. I don't think I'll be able to meet before Feb anyway.

It'll be getting all very close then...

Moving on from tiredness (relieved it's not just me, Julie! How're you feeling today?)is anyone else experiencing PMT levels of violent grumpiness? I haven't had particularly bad mood swings so far, and it's really surprised me that, at 19 weeks, all I want to do is scream and strop at my boyfriend for no apparent reason. Scary.

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I forgot to check on here after joining, lovely to see so many people!

I am due on 17th July, still no bump as I think all that is there is the usual post christmas tummy issue that I suffer from! It is great not to feel as sick as I did last month, hope lots of you are feeling chipper. Told people at work on Friday so no one judges me on the number of biscuits I might decide I need...


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I don't think I had any biscuit cravings until I joined this thread! :) I figured this is the first time I'll get to eat almost anything I want without feeling guilty about my waistline. Would love to meet up for coffee if anyone else is up for it.
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Hi Sandyrose. Hope the tiredness has got better for you.

Hmm...vch...Biscuits. I want biscuits. Ginger biscuits. Chocolate biscuits. Any biscuit. I might have to go to shopping.

Re the whole vitamin D thing...

I want to come off the pregnacare because I don't think I'm absorbing the iron all that well (never had success with iron tablets despite doing everything I can to aid absorption)and I need a replacement vit d3 (?) source (am donig the whole liquid iron thing). Does anyone take anything they'd recommend for vit D3? I've heard that liquid drops (again) are better than tablets...

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