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Summer babies thread (due June/July/August 2012)

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Hello, can I join :-) ? Been holding off posting, but had my scan today and all well (12 +2 so due beginning/mid August) and kicking like a donkey! I have an almost 5 yr old daughter, I would love to meet up at some point, I'm fairly restricted at the moment but at the very least I'm looking forward to sharing updates on here.

Good luck to everyone, here's to happy & sticky beans......

Kristy x

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hello! i'm due june 9th and it's a boy! it still feels slightly surreal that i'm growing a little person, but it's definitely more real and exciting now that i've had the second scan and that all seems to be going OK. he's moving about a fair bit now and my bump seems to be growing by the day! and i can't wait for him to be here. (apologies for my naffness!)

congrats to the rest of you and i hopt that all is going well!


p.s. for those of you struggling with growing boobs and bra hunting, i've just posted a thread about a bra a bought today, the genie bra. is it sad to be so excited about something bought at BHS? probably!

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Hello ladies

I hope you don't mind me posting but i teach pregnancy yoga in Nunhead every Tuesday evening! Tonight is the last opportunity to attend the class for just ?5 (January special offer!) Normally its ?8 for your first class and then ?10 drop in or ?48 for a block of 6 consecutive classes.

Its a one hour class, 7.15pm - 8.15pm at Buchan Road Community Hall, SE15, we start with some breathing exercies which help release tension emotionally and physically and are also an excellent preparation for labour. We follow with some stretching to wake up the body and to help open areas such as the hips and the pelvis and continue with some standing sequences and sun salutations, ending with relaxation and yoga nidra.

One of my students is in the spring babies 'club' and i know she would be happy to give you her thoughts on my class if you would like a reference, just let me know and i'll put you in touch!

Yoga is extremely nourishing for you and your baby during your pregnancy and apart from anything else its fabulous and well deserved 'me' time.

Come along and try it!

Contact me for more details: [email protected] / tel: 07940705537

Find out more about me and yoga in general at www.facebook.com/catherinearnoldyoga



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We are a group of 6 people (3 couples) organising a new parents first aid course in ED on sunday the 26th Feb at 10:00. We are looking for 2-4 people to add to our group.

The course is called: "New Baby First Aid Course" (4 hours)

This course covers all the essential information you need as a parent, grandparent or maternity nurse in the case of an emergency.


a.. Safety in the home ? including sleep safety

b.. Infant Resuscitation and Basic Life Support

c.. Airway problems including choking and drowning

d.. Meningitis and febrile convulsions

e.. First Aid treatment for burns, fractures and other common injuries

At the end of the course you will receive further course resources and most importantly peace of mind that you can act confidently and calmly in an emergency situation at home.

The price will depend on the number of people in the group but will be in the region of ?50-65 per person. Please PM me if you are interested.



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Oh no, I'm sorry to hear that, kristymac1! I hope you're feeling okay. I will keep an eye out for recipes.

This might seem a bit precipitous, but if anyone is around this weekend, do you fancy meeting for coffee? How about around 2pm at Cafe Nero on Lordship Lane? I know it's not particularly glamorous but it's easy to find and hopefully there would be space.

What do you think?

If this Saturday is too soon, perhaps we can arrange another date soon?



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I'm down for this Saturday. I hope to see you there, Julie.

Kristymac1, do you know if you're allowed to have agave nectar as a sugar substitute? If so, there's a baking cookbook that has all sorts of chocolate recipes using agave, by Erin McKenna. You can probably google her name and the name of her bakery, Babycakes.

Craving of the week: frosted flakes with whole milk

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Hi all

I'd love to meet up but unfortunately can't make this Saturday but will try and make the next one. As I've already got a toddler I'm also around on Thursdays and Fridays if anyone else is.

Kristymac1 - sorry to hear your news. Good luck with everything!


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Saturday is good for me, I can leave my toddler with his dad... Any suggestions on how we can recognise each other? I think my bump is huge, but a lot of people haven't noticed that I'm pregnant.

nbb - I'm around most Fridays, would be good to have a bump n' toddler meet up

Kristymac - sorry to hear; no advice I'm afraid but I do feel for you having to give up chocolate muffins (a weakness of mine too!)

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Hi All,

I am due in early July with my second (I have a 21 month old boy). I would love to meet up on Sat for a coffee probably without the toddler in tow as he will hopefully be still asleep at that point. It will be lovely to meet some women locally who will be off on maternity at the same time.

Currently I work a 4-day week so am available for Friday meet-ups as well as weekends - can't do the 17th though.


p.s. So sorry to hear about your diabetes Kirsty.

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Thanks for your support/advice ladies - much appreciated and I will definitely check out whether I can substitute sugar with agave nectar - have diabetic clinic tomorrow and will report back! I can't make saturday which is a shame as I am easily recognisable - my bump is HUGE (unforunately most people agree with me ;-) ) and I'm only 14 weeks.

Hope everyone has slid gracefully into the second trimester.....

Hugs xx

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How to recognize me on Saturday...I'm Chinese, 5'8", have a sizable bump at 19 weeks and a slight waddle. If I'm trying to gain sympathy from other Cafe Nero customers so they give up their seat for me, I might let out a sigh or moan, support my poor back with both hands and look terribly uncomfortable. :)

Kristymac, agave is marketed as a low glycemic product. But there's a bit of controversy over what it actually is and isn't. So best to ask the experts at the diabetes clinic. Keep us posted though.

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Oh I'm so jealous! Have a great time on Saturday all. Not back in London properly until end of March but would love to join in the fun then. I'm feeling humungous at the moment (22w) though bump shrinks alarmingly over night so it's obviously muchly water.

Ah...Cafe Nero doesn't know what's it's in for....Get all those seats!Vch - I like your thinking.

Kristymac1 - let us know how it goes.... best of luck for tomorrow.

Debating on whether to have a 4d scan in a month or so - it's a really nice idea....and I'd like the opportunity to see him again before the Big Day... but they're so flipping expensive. I don't want half the rubbish they throw into these packages. Grrrrr.

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Hmmmm all a bit inconclusive re agave nectar, to be honest I didnt get too much info on what I ould and couldnt eat (apart from carb sugars). My levels seem ok with complex carbohydrates but go haywire with refined sugars. I did some research on t' web re agave nectar and it looks like a no-no for certain T2 diabetes with risk of heart disease etc..... nothing's ever straight forward is it? Still not to worry only 25.5 weeks to go :'(.......

Have fun on Saturday, eat a great big choc brownie for me!


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Looking forward to seeing some of you this afternoon! For recognition: I'm about 5'6", dark hair, red glasses, grey dress and blue scarf. I am very well-rounded to begin with so it's impossible to tell what is baby and what is just my regular belly.

I cam across a recipe for blueberry pancakes this week that was pretty tasty and didn't have any sweeteners, you may enjoy this kristymac!


I found out yesterday that due to my PCOS and a family history of type II diabetes, I'll be proceeding straight to the glucose tolerance test at 28 weeks, without the blood sugar screening first. Ah well - guess I'll just deal with it when the time comes!


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I'm blonde and wearing a frumpy pink maternity top today (Australian accent obviously, but I can't think of any other distinguishing features...) looking forward to meeting some of the group later.

Also I was going to mention I have my anomaly scan (22 weeks) on Friday morning but I'm free in the afternoon, or 24th I'm free all day. Hoping the weather has improved by then so I can suggest meeting at goose green playground, if others live around that way?

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