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Bar OM peckham


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Really disappointed with my first experience with Bar Om!

I booked weeks ago for my birthday (yesterday) using their online system and received an email to confirm my email reservation. Their website/Instagram stated that while they were closed during some of the festive period, they would be back open again on the 7th.

When I got to the restaurant, the shutters were down and it was closed. There was absolutely no activity behind the shutters and when I tried calling the two numbers provided, it either rang out or went straight to voicemail. Have yet to receive some sort of explanation or even apology.

We went to Banh Banh around the corner who are always very accommodating and the food is always amazing! Would recommend the Banh Khot pancakes!

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That is really poor, particularly considering that if they had confirmed your reservation by email, they must have had your email address to inform you if there was a problem.

Plus they should have changed the information on their website/Instagram.

Poor show, OM.

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Well the place is "closed now until further notice" - I follow them on Instagram and received that post a couple of days ago. I absolutely loved the place - friendly staff, great food, reasonably priced and had lager on tap so you could have a nice cold pint or two to wash down your meal....really hope they open again soon!!!
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Brendanse5 Wrote:


> Well the place is "closed now until further

> notice" - I follow them on Instagram and received

> that post a couple of days ago.

Yes, they only posted that after I messaged them to complain, and messaged them again after seeing that they had read my message and chosen not to reply!!!

Agree Sue. It?s really bad customer service!

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Well, if they had read your message and not replied, that is doubly disgraceful.

Sorry Bar OM, but unless you have an extremely good explanation (and I can't see what that could possibly be) I shan't be visiting if you reopen.

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  • 1 month later...

So last night we visited Bar OM for the first time, having been contacted and invited back by the owner Hau to make up for the event back in January.

The food was delicious, full of flavour and beautifully presented! We particularly enjoyed the shiitake and mooli salad, the avocado rolls with peanut sauce and the My's Passion cocktails. The staff were very friendly and accommodating and Bar Om is easily one of my new favourite places to eat in London. We were really impressed, and will definitely be visiting again soon!

We wanted to give a shout out to Hau for acknowledging his mistake and doing his best to correct it, and we wish him all the best with Bar Om, as he really does deserve it!

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