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...I'm getting exited. My kids and their friends are excited, mot people I know are excited. This is a tremendous global event with inevitable chaos, cock ups, overhype and commerciaslism. But so what.

...the only annoying thing for me is the small but vocal group of mardy moaners who act like a group of moody nemos sitting in the corner of a party loudly, deliberately, wininng, "this party's crap" inessantly.

Fuck em. Happy Olympics everyone!

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Have you read about Boyle's opening ceremony? Nostalgia and melancholia with a nod to the modern which is supposed to pass for humour, but is really quiet disappointing. I'm not watching it because it is cringe worthy and worse than than the jubilee flotilla.

I literally can?t believe that something this big is happening on our doorsteps and so many people are indulging is the worst case of moaning I?ve ever witnessed

And you just know that plenty of the miserabilists will at some point in the next week be overheard saying ?I didn?t think I?d like it at all but did you see.. x? ?. And I will kick them in the shins. Hard

As I say, I'll enjoy some of the sport, but I'd genuinely rather it be in Manchester.

I work in Newham, and have to design routes for SEN kids to use public transport.

So tell me, what are these Olympics doing for me other than making my life really difficult?

You guys can get pissed off with the "miserablists", I'm getting pissed off with being called a miserablist because I'm not particularly excited about the Olympics being in my back yard.

Yup, Straefer, it's almost adolescent! I mean the antis - i'm less bothered by the indifferent, fair enough but I still think they are missing out but get that some people don't get sport) Thankfully most people I know in the real World are generally well up for it. I'm not saying everything is rosy in the garden but FFS should theOlympics games not exist? Should we have canceeled hosting it because of the Credit Crunch? Should we just spend all summer sitting in dark rooms listening to the Smiths? Thankfully it is a small but vocal minority and I say Foook em.

Huzzah for the Olympics

I sure I've been pretty consistent from the start that I'll quite like (some of) the sport and there'll undoubtedly be some great moments (though I doubt they'll come from the 10 metre air pistol 2nd round qualifier).

I think what people may resent is this sense of enforcedf jovilaity, that somehow if you're not incredibly excited about it then you're some awful curmudgeon spoiling the party for everyone else.

Some people really don't like sport you know quids and are probably entitled to have a bit of a moan about their inability to get home from the theatre of an evening or somesuch.

Weirdly I thought part of the spirit of the olympics is about acknowledging and experiencing the diversity we have in the world.

I for one embrace all londoners, sports fans and curmudgeons alike in a show of love and unity, even the curmudgeons whinging about curmudgeons.

Fabricio the Guido Wrote:


> Have you read about Boyle's opening ceremony? Nostalgia and melancholia with a nod to the modern

> which is supposed to pass for humour, but is really quiet disappointing. I'm not watching it

> because it is cringe worthy and worse than than the jubilee flotilla.

But there has been (thankfully) very little in the press about the opening ceremony. We've played to over 120,000 people over two nights in the final dress rehearsals and the feedback has been far, far better than we ever hoped for. In fact, I've yet to see any bad comment from anyone who has seen the show - all of the 'bad' comments are from misery guts that are, I think, hoping that it will be crap so they have something to moan about.

So really, don't watch it. You might just enjoy it, which will probably ruin your day!

El Pibe Wrote:


> plus you know....twenty .... four .... billion ...

> pounds .... that's a lot from the money tree isn't

> it .......

So. We should have just cancelled it in the face of austerity? Or we just moan on and on about that now? It's bit like going to somene's wedding and saying "They can't afford this you know"

It is a leeeetle bit more that the promised ?2billion.

Had the final bill been known I think the bid would have been totally derailed and the electorate would have said a big fat no in the face of austerity/recession considering the cuts that have lost real jobs and badly affected real lives.

?24 billion is a lot of investment in our communities rather than in a legacy of white elephants.

Hell it's another three aircraft carriers complete with aeroplanes if that sort of thing floats your boat.*


"But Keef if it's just about you for a few weeks that's a bit one dimensional don't you think? Plenty of SEN kids are really excited about this for intstance....inconvenience and all."

It's not all about me at all, and I'm jolly pleased you're excited. But I only live my life, and my life is going to be made more difficult by it, whilst I'm not getting anything back from it that I wouldn't have got had it been anywhere else on the planet.

"I think what people may resent is this sense of enforcedf jovilaity, that somehow if you're not incredibly excited about it then you're some awful curmudgeon spoiling the party for everyone else."

^^^^^^^^ 100% This

I wondered how long it would be before the 'well-it's-here-now-so-let's-make-the-best-of-it' legions were out in force proclaiming "Just Rejoice!" And pointing fingers at those who said it was bread and circuses ("So what? Just Rejoice!") or that it cost billions too much ("So What? Rejoice you miserable fucker!") or that it was really all being run for the benefit of the Olympic Sponsors Family ("Now look sonny. I told you to fucking rejoice and stop trying to spoil it for decent honest ordinary folk!!").

Yes it will be 'fun' but so are a lot of things that are not about selling 'brand GB'.

However in the spirit of not wanting to be singled out burned as an miserablist witch I agree, I'm drinking the Kool Aid, the Emperor's new wardrobe is stunning and the Mittal mess tower is beautiful and all the running and jumping will be splendid (and largely won by drug cheats).

("Don't get sarcy mate, it's for the kiddies!")

Sorry, I meant...


And cancelling the Olympics cos we can@t afford it would have given us a great rep in the World. It starts tomorrow, it's a bit too late for that sort of miserabilism.

I'm gonna have a ball.

MP cos you have and you and your like are all over social media doing just that and so I have a perfect right to piont out what fun you are missing out on by being such a miserabalist and loads of us don't feel the same. Have a lousy summer.

...you know you want to.

Huzzah for tghe Olympics.

I don't think quids or I are criticising anyone who genuinely isn't interested

as for sport - I guarantee you a large number of people who will enjoy the next few weeks are people who don't normally like sport - that's the beauty of the whole thing

But if you don't like any of it fine - but it's the curmudgeouns who start endless threads on here and moan on LBC and the rest of it - you would swear that they had been asked to sleep in a tent in their own back garden whilst some yanks got to live it up in their house, eating all their food. If you don't like it, at least have a look about you and see how many people are enjoying it.

As for the cost - I wouldn't mind seeing an audit at some point - but it's not really the point.

Firstly has that 24 billion been verified by anyone or is it as pie in sky as the 2 billion?

Let's say it's real and it costs 24 billion - that wasn't 24 billion knocking around waiting to be spent on other things. A lot of that only "exists" because of the olympics.

And given the country is moribund generally, this is teh only show in town that is going to lift the economy for the forseeable future. Even if it is only a temporary blip

IS getting to work going to be hard? Maybe altho I think it has been waay overstated. But like a seaside town in winter, dead on it's feet.. when summer comes and tourists arrive it's a fresh injection of blood and life. That's a good thing. People in moribund seaside towns complaining about tourists got on my tits when I lived in one, and the London equivelants are no more attractive

"And cancelling the Olympics cos we can@t afford it would have given us a great rep in the World. It starts tomorrow, it's a bit too late for that sort of miserabilism."

...well, my mum would have been all for cancelling the Olympics if we couldn't afford things we couldn't have them and that was that. Just as well she's not in charge then :)

"So. We should have just cancelled it in the face of austerity? Or we just moan on and on about that now? It's bit like going to somene's wedding and saying "They can't afford this you know""

...saddened as I am to say this, that just reminded me of a couple I know who would very likely not now be in danger of repossession if they hadn't had a bloody great lavish wedding etc etc that they most definitely could not afford.

But I do hope that everyone who enjoys the Olympics and has put a lot of effort into the organisation and everything else related to it enjoys it. I can't help but think its Blair's legacy still haunting us but I would say that, wouldn't I? Couldn't they just hold them in Greece anyway ;-)

Otta Wrote:


> As I say, I'll enjoy some of the sport, but I'd

> genuinely rather it be in Manchester.


> I work in Newham, and have to design routes for

> SEN kids to use public transport.


> So tell me, what are these Olympics doing for me

> other than making my life really difficult?


> You guys can get pissed off with the

> "miserablists", I'm getting pissed off with being

> called a miserablist because I'm not particularly

> excited about the Olympics being in my back yard.

Otta - the Olympics represent two weeks of your life and the life of the SEN children you assist and support. That's 4% of one year, 0.4% of 10 years and 0.1% of your working life of 40 years. If you engage the enjoyment mode of thinking you and the children will have a unique memory of "the time the Olympics came to London".

I've just watched the Torch make its way down Peckham Road and the enthusiasm, enjoyment and general feel good factor was high - with genuinely thousands of people enjoying the moment.

I've just seen the torch too! Would have liked to have been in Peckham, 'cos that's my high street but I'm so glad I saw it anyway.

Lots of smiles and cheering from the crowd and a fabulous sense of bonhomie. The torch-bearer looked SO proud and happy, I hope her family saw her. I wonder who she was - a grey-haired elegant black woman in her fifties - is there a list of torch-bearers somewhere?

I don't mind the genuine antis, it's up to them if they don't like something. If I'm honest I do lose a little respect for the people who are complaining about the 'nuisance' though - it's only a few weeks..

Hurrah for the LONDON Olympics!

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