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Primary maths teaching

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It depends on the school. Southwark schools have not yet adopted the fashionable Singapore maths which many Lewisham schools have. Both systems have benefits. There will be more differentiation in Southwark schools with a progression from concrete methods to number only work with focus on place value by Year 3. Lewisham focuses more on concrete methods and visual representation, but does not have differentiation which can be tricky for children struggling to get to grips with maths. Both provide greater depth challenges which focus on reasoning.
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Thanks Soylent Green.

Goodrich uses Singapore Maths. The weekly worksheet differentiates but seems very ?dry? and some children struggle with the amount of work they are given / asked to memorise from very early years. And parents struggle to deliver as the amount of work and expectation of high achievement is just too much and immediately sets up disappointment for parents and child. From a really young age a child from a family that cannot allocate the time and effort to drilling memory is at a disadvantage.

Dulwich Hamlet has no homework at all at the same age.

Anyone else happy or not with the way their kids are taught maths?

I believe in achievement to be very clear. But the flip side of the same coin is turning Some kids and families off.

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