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How to prop yourself up in bed


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Sorry, ridiculous topic but I really need an answer!

My bed is a futon with no headboard, and the pillow end is against the bedroom window. There is nowhere else in the room to put the bed.

There must be a better way of propping myself up to read in bed than shoving several pillows vertically behind me against the window.

I've googled but am none the wiser. I used to have some sort of triangular pillow from John Lewis, but I got rid of it, can't remember why now.

The problem is sitting up propped up with pillows is giving me backache and I can't think it's good for my back.

Does anybody have any bright ideas? I don't want to change the bed, which is very comfortable and anyway a headboard would look odd in front of the window ....

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womanofdulwich Wrote:


> those triangular pillows are often for sale here

> as triangular breastfeeding pillows. They are

> really good. Another option is to attach a

> headboard to the wall under the window.

Thanks but the headboard would cover part of the window and look very strange.

I'll check out the triangular pillows again!

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My father used to use a back rest like this except wooden, they used to be given from NHS. there are different settings and they fold flat.

Edited to say, unlike pics on like, my father would put pillow on it to make it more comfortable.

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Do you really need to buy a solution? Surely you could make something suitable. Why not just take an old pillow case and strategically stuff it with packing material from deliveries like bubble wrap, padded envelopes etc. plus maybe some old clothes, dusters, rags and so on. That should support you better than a normal pillow and not cost you anything. If you want it to be triangular, just insert some folded cardboard from an old delivery box and use that to make a triangular frame.

It may not look pretty, but it would work.

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RichH Wrote:


> Do you really need to buy a solution? Surely you

> could make something suitable. Why not just take

> an old pillow case and strategically stuff it with

> packing material from deliveries like bubble wrap,

> padded envelopes etc. plus maybe some old clothes,

> dusters, rags and so on. That should support you

> better than a normal pillow and not cost you

> anything. If you want it to be triangular, just

> insert some folded cardboard from an old delivery

> box and use that to make a triangular frame.


> It may not look pretty, but it would work.

Thanks, but I'd quite like it to be reasonably pretty :)

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seenbeen Wrote:


> If you are just reading (as opposed to reading and

> taking notes) why don't you lay down and read?

I have tried that, but it's really uncomfortable, and hard to hold the book up (especially the hardback version of Wolf Hall, which I am re-reading at the moment :)) )

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TE44 Wrote:


> https://www.amazon.co.uk/NRS-Healthcare-L98229-Adj

> ustable-Eligible/dp/B003LPUWEK?SubscriptionId=AKIA

> ILSHYYTFIVPWUY6Q&tag=duc08-21&linkCode=xm2&camp=20

> 25&creative=165953&creativeASIN=B003LPUWEK


> My father used to use a back rest like this except

> wooden, they used to be given from NHS. there are

> different settings and they fold flat.


> Edited to say, unlike pics on like, my father

> would put pillow on it to make it more

> comfortable.

Thanks, I did see those when googling, maybe I'll try one of those.

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Sue Wrote:


> seenbeen Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > If you are just reading (as opposed to reading

> and

> > taking notes) why don't you lay down and read?



> I have tried that, but it's really uncomfortable,

> and hard to hold the book up (especially the

> hardback version of Wolf Hall, which I am

> re-reading at the moment :)) )

Ok- yes it is a paperback option - I have several hardbacks unread because I cannot read without falling asleep at any time. (I can't read on the bus either because it makes me extremely nauseous)

Have you a piece of bedroom furniture to put its back at the end of the futon to form a headboard and face the window?

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seenbeen Wrote:



> Have you a piece of bedroom furniture to put its

> back at the end of the futon to form a headboard

> and face the window?

Good idea, but the room isn't big enough. The piece of furniture would make it impossible to get across the room!

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