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Details of local Covid vaccination plans?


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It could be very helpful if forum users shared knowledge about when, how and where people are being offered the vaccine. Which GP practices have contacted their patients and which in high priority categories etc. I know surgeries understandably do not want telephone lines blocked with people asking these questions and they need people to wait to be contacted. So, sharing here could be helpful in managing expectation.
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Took my 91 year old Mum to The Tessa Jowell medical centre for the 1st injection. All very efficient with lots of staff and lots of people having the jab. In total there for about 30 mins & left with appointment for 2nd injection. Mum?s with The Gardens GP & we received a text message asking if she wanted the vaccine & then a phone call for the appointment.
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I know three over 85 year olds that will be receiving the vaccine tomorrow.

One will be receiving it at East Dulwich Grove tomorrow evening and is being taken by car by a neighbour.

The other couple are being taken by car by my other half tomorrow afternoon for an appointment at King's.

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Two informed sources indicate that the vaccination centres are unable to achieve their quota and doses are going to waste. This is because they are being rigidly held to the over 80's group.

They are not being allowed to contact any others outside that group so that the doses can be used before being wasted.

There must be lots of over 70's who would jump at the chance if offered it and most of them could present within 30 minutes of getting an alert.

Waste not, want not.

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> Two informed sources indicate that the

> vaccination centres are unable to achieve

> their quota and doses are going to waste.

Known personally to you? What do you mean by indicate? How long after after dilution and storage have doses been discarded, and how many? When and where has this happened? To whom has any interdiction been communicated, in what terms and context, and by whom?

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ianr Wrote:


> > Two informed sources indicate that the

> > vaccination centres are unable to achieve

> > their quota and doses are going to waste.


> Known personally to you? What do you mean by

> indicate? How long after after dilution and

> storage have doses been discarded, and how many?

> When and where has this happened? To whom has any

> interdiction been communicated, in what terms and

> context, and by whom?

Yes, known to me personally and both members of our closest circle of friends. Both are at a senior level at two separate London hospitals. As for your statistical queries, I do not have that type of granular detail and I fully appreciate your right to challenge the assertion made.

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I can't see any links in their posts - can you explain where the SEO links are?

ianr Wrote:


> SmitN Wrote:

> -----------------

> > Has somebody tried the new vaccine already?

> ? How do you feel? Is it working?


> Do you have any purpose in joining this forum

> other than to plant SEO links?

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Trinnydad Wrote:


> Two informed sources indicate that the vaccination

> centres are unable to achieve their quota and

> doses are going to waste. This is because they are

> being rigidly held to the over 80's group.

> They are not being allowed to contact any others

> outside that group so that the doses can be used

> before being wasted.


> There must be lots of over 70's who would jump at

> the chance if offered it and most of them could

> present within 30 minutes of getting an alert.


> Waste not, want not.

It is my understanding that any left-over vaccines are being taken by NHS staff and their families. A call goes out that there are residue vaccines that day and they queue up to get them. Considering the proximity of many NHS staff to Covid patients, I do not consider this a waste. Moreover, this enables a really quick response and take-up, rather than offering it to the next group down which would involved a lot of ringing round. I hope that once NHS staff have completed their take up, they start to offer left-overs to teachers, who are the cannon fodder of this pandemic.

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