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! Dulwich LTN violence


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Hopefully someone managed to get the number plates. Threatening behaviour, intimidation and an attempt at damaging property. I hope the police go for a custodial sentence to be honest, a very nasty experience.

The family and the cafe workers might also need to seek victims advice and help as it can cause anxiety after such a horrible encounter.

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I'm not going anywhere - i didn't name the thread or write the daily fail article. But its yet another horrifying attempt to link the two. Had I been going there i'd have said 'look how low LTN opponents will sink - will you condemn it, go on, will you'. But that would be ridiculous!

This is just a horrible assault by two men riding motorbikes. Those are the facts that we know at this point.

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? There is violence that derives from two men trying to go illegally through a barrier ,commonly referred to as LTN although that actually means the area rather than the means to make it low-traffic. It is shorthand - please don't see it as anything more than that. Sheesh - talk about sensitive!

The men were told no to go through by well-meaning citizen/nosy parker, depending on your point of view, got arsey and violent.

Up to you whether you prefer to discount facts and/or put a motive on the article writer and/or EDF poster.

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What a load of fuss. You get road rage every day on our roads. I'm not sure why you have raised this beyond a tut tut, or if you had to raise it why you needed to link it to LTNs.

I've had hassle before telling people not to drive the wrong way down one way streets. Didn't feel any need to start a thread.

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I very much suspect these two will be "known to police". If this is their response to someone, quite rightly, remonstrating with them about riding their mopeds through the LTN roadblocks then I think we can all predict the type of idiot they are. The way they aggressively remonstrate with the woman, the man by the door and the way they ride their mopeds on the pavement, then try to smash a window, behind which a child is sitting, is just beyond belief.

Unfortunately, they probably also know they can do this without fear of ever being caught.

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malumbu Wrote:


> What a load of fuss. You get road rage every day

> on our roads. I'm not sure why you have raised

> this beyond a tut tut, or if you had to raise it

> why you needed to link it to LTNs.


> I've had hassle before telling people not to drive

> the wrong way down one way streets. Didn't feel

> any need to start a thread.

"What a load of fuss".....wow, new depths are being plumbed.....someone tried to smash the front window of a cafe behind which a child was sitting. I am glad that in my world I live in that is not considered something that is part of the everyday fabric of life....deserving of no-more attention than a "tut tut".

I can't even begin to think how distressing that was for the staff and customers in the cafe, especially the children quite clearly seen in the video.

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Saw the start of this on Sunday, was walking up Calton to turn right in to Woodwarde. Seemed odd bike coming down towards the square road block.

Why the rider didn't just get off and push the bike 10m I don't know. Maybe deliberately provoking trouble for some reason.

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mrwb Wrote:


> Saw the start of this on Sunday, was walking up

> Calton to turn right in to Woodwarde. Seemed odd

> bike coming down towards the square road block.


> Why the rider didn't just get off and push the

> bike 10m I don't know. Maybe deliberately

> provoking trouble for some reason.

Quite. Realistically they could probably have just snuck through anyway, or, as you say, just pushed the bikes through.

Sounds like a couple of lowlifes looking to start a fight. I hope everyone is OK, I didn?t even want to watch the videos, reading about it was bad enough.

(And nothing to do with the LTN as that?s only applicable during the week. The planters aren?t solely to do with the LTN, they are elsewhere in the borough.)

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Well a couple of things

1. Victim blaming - nope, please don?t

2. The LTNs aren?t the issue here, the issue is an aggressive and frightening attack, having a go at the original poster is not on, they are just alerting the forum of a very nasty event that happened to involve an LTN

3. I?ve seen a lot of mopeds go through Melbourne LTNs both sides, I?m not surprised scooters and mopeds ignore the rules, it?s unfortunately one of the ?attractions? of a two wheeled motorised vehicle, not condoning at all, but we all know it happens. I suppose the issue with the Village one is many families walk in the road, so it is very, very dangerous, so I think someone who is worried about safety isn?t being a busy body at all.

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KidKruger Wrote:


> Oh, the smarmy self-satisfaction 🥱

> If you read the thread before correcting everyone

> it was the Daily Mail article which made the link

> to LTNs.

> The clue is in the title of the DM article.

> 🙄

Charming. Nice if you desist from personal attacks. The title of the post linked it to LTNs, irrespective of the Mail. At that point there were four LTN threads in a row at the top of this Forum.

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Why not allow mopeds below a certain CC through these roadblocks. In time they'll be electric and not as noisy. On the whole I think two-wheels, whether motorised or not, are much less of a problem in terms of congestion and pollution than four-wheeled vehicles (even the leccy ones take up a bigger physical footprint on the road, after all). If cycles, which can go at a fair lick, are allowed then why not Vespas, etc? Are LTNs about pollution, congestion, safety, sending signals? Hmmm
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many families walk in the road - then don't! It is a ROAD not a FOOTPATH and as such is there for permissible wheeled vehicles, like bikes, e-bikes, scooters, wheelchairs, etc. LTNs are not just about pedestrians - they are there for certain forms of transport, just not motorised ones. Take care!
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