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Davina Boutique - 82 Lordship Lane


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Is there that many new users defending it? - I counted 2. Which is 2 too many (not to defend the shop. but too many IF they are connected) but not SO many

I can't see why if anyone is connected with the shop they don't just say so - you know "we've opened a shop, we have identified market x, it won't be to everyone's taste but come along and make your own mind up, no need to be so bitchy"

It's worked for G&B and Seacow...

Pretending to big up somewhere you are connected with is bad form and I normally moan about it - but in this case even if the "new people" are connected, it WAS after 4 or 5 pages of fairly vicious attacks - I have SOME sympathy with them. I still think they are better off engaging with potential audience

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I live in croydon i have a shop on lordshiplane so i must be a classy italian chav then. Get it right all the chavs are in bromley not croydon.

Croydon has the drunks, troublemakers and trash who like to kill each other on a friday night and as i type i hear the familiar friday night police siren go on and on and on.

Back to topic, chavs would never be seen in a shop like davina because their benefits wouldnt stretch that far, they need money for icelands, pay the bills and the catalogue, so Davina is not a chav shop its a upmarket place that caters to certain tastes

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irina Wrote:


> James Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > This shop looks tacky and dated already. Ugh!

> You

> > would have to be from Croydon to think it was

> > classy. Yuck.


> I have never seen so much SNOBERRY and

> PREJUDICE!!!I am digusted! I live in Croydon and

> for you and HonaloochieB to make such comments

> about Croydon you have to be both of these. To

> judge people for where they live and assume they

> are all the same is out of order. Just because

> some of you were "born with a silver spoon in your

> mouths" doesn't give you the right judge others

> that weren't.


> By the way before you judge me as well, my parents

> are educated, me and my husband are educated and

> both running our own businesses; but that doesn't

> mean I despise people less fortunate than me.


> And what is this gathering of snobbs throwing such

> nasty comments at your local shoe shop? I just

> can't understand it and feel sorry for that shop,

> well actually in all fairness no publicity is bad

> publicity.



Irina, calm down, you're talking like a shop girl. I bow to you and your family for breaking the Croydon mould and not only becoming educated yourself but having the good fortune, against all the odds to make a successful marriage. Well done!!

I'm pleased you have made a success in business, I'm assuming if it's Croydon based then it involves sports wear for people who wear it while actively avoiding any form of physical activity.

My I take issue with you about the accusation of snobbery? I have the smallest of staff possible for a gentleman. My valet is allowed to donate my cast-offs to his family, my cook is at liberty to carry home each tripe and entrail that I'm not encined towards, and as for the tweenie, I've made no advances upon her person. 'Pon my Sam.

Most of the time just so you know, the silver spoon isn't in my mouth, I tuck it rakishly behind my right ear.

Just pulling your leg!! The silver is in the safe keeping of my valet, Stebbings. And he knows to keep it safe, or else he and his family will be summarily dismissed with no reference and a stain on them that will follow them through society.


Nice to make your acquaintance Irina, I hope one day we may take tea together.

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fuck me shoes for the SE22 masses.

I dnt see what the problem is with this shop - are people concerned it may attact the wrong sort of customer who may upset the calm of prosperous ED with their proley tart shoe wearing ways and bad language ?

Its an ostentatious bauble shop - not too dissimilar to 80 % of the other shops on LL

It must be an improvement from that heinous shop with its offensive MOR art that it's replaced surely ? At least you can wear shoes.( I have it on good authority that ist is possible to wear their range, albeit for short distances )

ho hum

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snorky Wrote:


> @#$%& me shoes for the SE22 masses.


> It must be an improvement from that heinous shop

> with its offensive MOR art that it's replaced

> surely ? At least you can wear shoes.( I have it

> on good authority that ist is possible to wear

> their range, albeit for short distances )


> ho hum

If it's 'middle of the road', can it be heinous and offensive?

You're going to say yes, aren't you?

Should'a seen that one coming.

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Don't think these are proley tart shoes, some are around ?200 a pop, and Longchamp bags are decidedly not for the scummy mummy

And actually i'm going to eat humble pie. Having slgged it on the basis of the website, i decided to do the right thing and look inside the shop. There ARE some nasties in there, but i saw a couple of pairs that i really liked and am contemplating a purchase - i'd get the bag too, but is a bit pricey for me....

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okay, perhaps I was a bit harsh yesterday. It is not shit and I think I was one of the first to defend the place when others were deriding it as being not right for round these parts oo aaar. I did get a bit wound up by the - okay not loads, 2 - new posters getting all uppity (still suspicious).

I did go in looking for a specific kind of thing and there was nothing in there that grabbed me particularly and most of the shoes do look a bit tacky IMO, I hate shoe shopping though. As I said earlier for ?200 I'd rather spend a wee bit more and get some Louboutins but chacun a son gout or summing like that.

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    • Noted. I wasn't quite sure from their material whether the 'ad lib' supply by pharmacists had to be mandated; hence the suggestion to check.  There are plenty of individual manufacturers of generic methylphenidate, probably quite a bit cheaper too.  I'm afraid I didn't see radnrach's "can't really take an alternative", so apologies for presuming otherwise.  For myself I'm generally willing to trust that any manufacturer's offering of, say, 27 mg methylphenidate hydrochloride tabs, would contain that, and I'm not too worried about the minor quirks of things like their slow-release technology. I think it's likely that the medicines Serious Shortage Protocol does definitely give pharmacists some degrees of freedom. But it's apparently not in operation here. See the Minister's recent reply to a written question: https://questions-statements.parliament.uk/written-questions/detail/2023-11-13/1660#.   , which seems to approximate to: we can't apply the shortage protocol here because the drugs are in short supply.
    • I'm not sure pharmacists have any discretion to alter specific medication prescriptions, although they can choose supplier where a generic is prescribed which may be offered by more than one company. This will only be for older medicines which are effectively 'out of copyright' . They can't issue alternatives on their own authority as they don't know what counter-indications there may be for specific patients. GPs may prescribe a specific supplier of a generic medicine where, for instance, they know patients have an adverse reaction to e.g. the medicine casings, so the Nottinghamshire directive to specify only generics where available may not always be helpful. 
    • I see that in Nottinghamshire the local NHS Area Prescribing Committee is recommending that prescriptions should be for generic methylphenidate, giving their pharmacists the option of supplying any brand (or presumably a generic product). https://www.nottsapc.nhs.uk/media/bw5df5pu/methylphenidate-pil.pdf It might be worth checking with your local pharmacist(s) to see whether this will help them if, as I suppose would be necessary, your GP issues a replacement prescription. I'll have a look around our local NHS websites now, to see if I can find anything there.  Nottingham, btw, provide more information, nominally for clinicians, at https://www.nottsapc.nhs.uk/media/vwxjkaxa/adhd-medicines-supply-advice.pdf.  And at https://www.nottsapc.nhs.uk/adhd-shortages/.  
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