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Vegetarian Haggis Hunt

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I have one in my freezer..... but try SMBS on Lordship Lane, they usually have them, but might have run out by now?? Or forget veggie haggis (too salty) and have vegan black pudding instead.


Or go for the more traditional Scottish delicacy -Ā powsowdieĀ šŸ¤¢

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I rarely eat meat, but surely veggie haggis just isn't haggis, and as for vegan black pudding ....Ā 

You could just have the neeps?!


Edited by Sue
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I love real black pudding and was very surprised by the vegan version....weirdly similar to a cheap ā€˜realā€™ version. We had homemade daal tarka and vaala urid daal with rotis yesterday, entirely vegan, entirely delicious šŸ˜‹ Burnā€™s night was Scottish humour in a way, about how awful the food was..... of course Scottish cuisine now is amazing with all the produce, but then. Haggis šŸ¤®

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15 hours ago, heartblock said:

I have one in my freezer..... but try SMBS on Lordship Lane, they usually have them, but might have run out by now?? Or forget veggie haggis (too salty) and have vegan black pudding instead.


Or go for the more traditional Scottish delicacy -Ā powsowdieĀ šŸ¤¢

I've never tried vegan black pudding.. i'll have to seek that out!

I ended up making it myself, a recipe from bbc good food. It took 2 hours in total, but was pretty good.


14 hours ago, South East Lad said:

Just treat yourself and immume system to a proper one! your body will love you for it!Ā 

I used to eat it years ago, when I was non veggie. It's a bit earthy for my liking.

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21 hours ago, louisemurray said:

Butteries - an Aberdonian speciality. A quick route to a heart attack. Very high fat, high salt flat bread also known as a rowie, designed to keep for a week on a fishing boat.

Very unhealthy - and totally delicious. Let me know if you ever come across any in London, Louise

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    • Well at least you didnā€™t live here when we used to have Concorde šŸ˜‚ canā€™t lie though, I actually find it comforting, havenā€™t known anything different and only realised it was a thing when a visitor pointed it out last year. Itā€™s when the helicopters come around that it gets annoying and that used to be fairly regular too. Before the areaā€¦ changedā€¦
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