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Hypnobirthing - has anyone tried this?


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I am due to give birth in early January with my first baby and I am interested in hypnobirthing. I am reading a book on hypnobirthing but haven't joined any group/lessons yet. I was wondering if anyone has experience of giving birth by hypnobirthing and whether you found it useful to join the group? It does seem a little pricy so I was wondering whether reading a book and self practice was sufficient.

Thank you!

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Hi Kayla,

I am due late December and due to start a course this Sunday so can't offer any feedback yet. I'm sure someone will be along soon but you may also find searching 'hypnobirthing' to look at some of the past threads on this subject. I was able to find a well reviewed course with London Hypnobirthing run at Guys. It suited my schedule having weekend courses and the price was v reasonable. Had it not been for the schedule I would certainly have booked with Hollie who is well regarded on here.

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Hi Kayla

I had my son using hypnobirthing three years ago. I hadn't heard of it before and going on a course genuinely transformed my experience from something I felt anxious about to something I embraced and felt empowered and overjoyed at...hence I trained as a Hypnobirthing practitioner two years ago. I teach classes at my home in East Dulwich and have had wonderful feedback on what couples feel they get out of doing a course.

In my experience, reading the book and listening to the CD will help to prepare you, but is no substitute for the practical guidance you get on a course. If you search hypnobirthing on here as Privatebanking suggests, you can read about couples' first hand experiences and how it impacted their birth. There are also some birth stories on my website which you can find at http://londonhypnobirthing.co.uk/5.html

Good luck with whatever you decide, and please don't hesitate to drop me a line if you'd like to talk some more. I'm always very happy to chat about hypnobirthing, even if you don't want to book a course :)



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I have given birth twice, hypnobirthing both times. I would wholeheartedly recommend it. I would buy your buggy second hand and use the saved money on a course :0) I agree that the book is great as an intro but the course is a must in my opinion - especially for a cynical husband/partner! I have known people who have used just the book who then struggled, but have known no one who did a course for whom it wasn't invaluable. Any questions please feel free to pm me.
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  • 3 months later...

Agree with undiscovered re it being good for convincing the partner

I did my course with Hollie and am doing my practice every night, birth not for a wee while yet

It can't hurt. If you can afford the spend its worth it I think. If it improves your experience even a little then I think its worth it.

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Hi Kayla - I read a hypnobirthing book and did a course with Hollie (above). I found the course to be a positive experience beyond the book. Practical things such as how to do the breathing exercises and how to try to get into the hypnobirthing "zone" we're massively illuminated by the course in a way that I don't think you could achieve by a book alone. Hypnobirthing helped me give birth because it gave me some control in an otherwise free-falling situation. I was able to labour at home for the majority of my son's birth which was what I hoped to achieve. When I got to hospital I was nearly fully dilated and 4 hours later I had a son. I don't think it's magic - I was not hypnotised - and I was unable to achieve a completely pain-free birth as is suggested on some of the hypnobirthing videos. I think if you're destined for a difficult birth and/or a c-section then probably HB won't be able to stop that. For me it was simply a way of being able to focus on something else and to stay calm so that my body could do its stuff. I was hugely surprised by how easily I could cope with the contractions (or surges!) at home - it only got tough right at the end (my son was back to back and forceps were required). Hope this helps. I'm a wuss and a cynic but I am also a giant control freak and would thoroughly recommend HB if you're a person who likes to be prepared!
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I did not have a great birth and have posted about this elsewhere on the forum. However, I feel that hypnobirthing definately made my birth better than it would have otherwise been.

I went to a course by kristin haywood and would recommend her wholeheartedly. If I ever had a second baby I would see her again. I think it is important (vital in fact) to remember that not all births are straightforward. I feel very strongly that women should be prepared and have some knowledge about all aspects of childbirth - even what may happen if things go wrong. I am 100% certain that the trauma I suffered would have been less had I just known about some of the things that can happen. Most importantly I so wished that someone had said that it is fine to feel terrible and disapointed about the birth you have had. It is not the most empowering, best day of my life experience for everyone. And that is ok- it really is.

Sorry for rambling- I guess what i try to say is that even if you have complications hypnobirthing will help with your mindset. I remember saying to the midwife "its fine -

We can do this" over and over again. I was calm as a cucumber through every contraction,which for worrier like me is rather impressive.

Right up until everything got rather rushed and scary. Had I had a straight forward birth I would have credited hypnobirthing with that because right until the very end I felt hugely empowered.

Go for it - at the very least the breathing will give you something to focus on during contractions.

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My wife had a book and a cd which she listened to all the time. I also listened to the cd and had to learn some key phrases which I had to tell her during delivery and she said it had helped her a lot. I guess classes might be even better, but if you can?t afford it, I would say just buy the cd at least.
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Thanks for all the messages and PMs. We did the course with Hollie and had our baby boy on the 2nd of January! I had a c section but still found techniques we learned at the course very useful so we are glad that we did it. Sorry it took a while to update this as we've been having very sleepless nights with a newborn! :)
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  • 2 weeks later...
I have just finished a 4 week hypnobirthing course with Hollie - mentioned above many times. It was absolutely brilliant, and I learnt so much. I honestly can't understand why all women aren't told to go on this course just to find out more about how your body changes during labour and how to make the most out of it. I'm not due until April, so I can't tell you how my labour was (yet!) but either way the course has made me feel more knowledgeable (I basically knew nothing!) and more confident about giving birth. The course is made up from different elements - watching home-births, learning about the physiological aspects of labour and birth, as well as learning different relaxation techniques to help you to have the sort of labour you want. I would say that in order to get the most out of hypnobirthing it is worth going on a course to really ask all the questions you want to, and learn the different breathing and relaxation techniques. I am not naturally a meditative person so it was good to go on the course and be made to go away and practice the techniques as part of the homework so that it is now second nature for me to practice the techniques every night (if you don't practice the techniques I don't think it will impact at all). My boyfriend was more sceptical than me at the start, however he loved it too, and I think he now feels more confident in supporting me through the birth as he has a really good understanding of what will be going on. Hollie is an excellent teacher, is able to offer advice and answer questions, and it was great to meet another couple on the course. We had a really good time, and learnt so much. Like somebody said above, save money and buy a buggy second hand online, and use the money you saved on a hypnobirthing course (that's exactly what we did - and SO worth it).
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Hi All,

If you are expecting a spring/summer baby and haven't quite made it to booking your class yet, I have one space left in my group class starting tomorrow, if you would like to join, I can offer a 15% discount off of my listed prices, please see www.limitlessyou.co.uk. Classes run from 7.30pm - 10pm for the next four weeks. PM for more information or email me at [email protected].

Warm regards,


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  • 4 years later...
Hello there, I tried a hypnobirthing at Hypnobirthing Hub . They have a step-by-step guide to natural, pain-free birth on CD?s and MP3?s as a birth preparation.It really helped me during my pregnancy, though I can?t say that it?s totally without pain. But I?m grateful because it stayed me calm and relaxed during my birth experience.
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I did Hypnobirthing- we had private lessons in our own home. It?s one of the best things I?ve ever done. I felt calm and in control during my pregnancy and didn?t fear my labour at all. I fully believe having done Hypnobirthing contributed to my whole labour being a little over two and a half hours, start to finish. Also, my husband was terrified of birth due to his own mother having had a traumatic experience (helpfully, she often talked about it so it?s something he?d been subjected to from a young age) Prior to doing the course he was actually having nightmares about it and really winding himself up. The Hypnobirthing helped him understand the process of birth and address his fears. This resulted in him being able to be present in the delivery room and hold my hand - when it came down to it, he had no hesitation at all.

You can probably tell I?m a big fan - I really would recommend giving it a go!

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Hi expectant mamas, I hope you?re all feeling well.

I just wanted to let you know that my course dates for the rest of this year have just gone up on my website at www.londonhypnobirthing.co.uk. A few lovely people have mentioned my classes above, but they run in East Dulwich and are very friendly and informal. I will give you clear and evidence-based information, along with some really useful and specific techniques to experience your baby?s birth in a comfortable way, and navigate any turns it might take on the day too. I have a maximum of 6 couples per group, so you?ll be able to meet local couples whilst still getting 1-1 attention in every class. I also hold a woman-only Essentials Workshop every 3 months, which just cover the basics.

If you don?t have the time to make it to a class, I also have a very popular home-study programme called The YESMUM Birth Project, which is delivered to your inbox via bite-sized audios, accompanying digital handouts and short videos demonstrating the breathing and massage techniques for you to practice at home. When you sign up, you?ll get access to a private Facebook student group where I?m always around to personally answer any questions you have along the way.

I hope that?s helpful, and wish you all the best for an amazing birth. My email address is [email protected] if I can be of any more help x

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  • 2 weeks later...

I would highly recommend hypnobirthing. I took part in some classes before the births of both my children. Despite the very different birthing experiences, I was able to use hypnobirthing to help me through it, both times. I saw Zoe Donkin at the Hypnobirthing Place.


She was fantastic. Very calming and really listens to you and what is going to help you in your pregnancy and labour. Nothing is taboo! I felt able to take the tools I learned in Zoe?s classes and put them to use during pregnancy and then in my labour. For me, hypnobirthing helped me in a difficult first labour, and helped to empower me for a different experience in my second. Can?t recommend high enough!

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Try a Hypnobirthing session or course with Lisa Toth. I read the book but also did a weekend course with my husband a few months before I had my son. I used LOADS of the techniques during the labour and birth.

I did the course at the Sunflower Centre, but she also runs one day workshops at Yogarise in Peckham (where she also teaches pregnancy yoga). I also found the yoga helpful but the visualisations and mindset (from listening to the various meditations) were defo from the Hypno stuff. :)

Lisa's website is: https://www.anjaneyayoga.co.uk/pages/hypnobirthing.html

Good luck mammas-to-be!


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