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Meningitis B and Chicken Pox vaccines

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Saffron Wrote:


> I think it's 1 month between cp vax and mmr.

> Also used sltc and it was fine.

Do you know why that is? There is a combined MMRV available too, so just surious why the MMR has to be given a month apart from the Varicella vaccine on it's own.

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etta166 Wrote:


> Saffron Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > I think it's 1 month between cp vax and mmr.

> > Also used sltc and it was fine.



> Do you know why that is? There is a combined MMRV

> available too, so just surious why the MMR has to

> be given a month apart from the Varicella vaccine

> on it's own.

MMRV in very young children comes with a higher risk of febrile seizure.

MMR and Varicella can be given on the same day, separately, without this risk. The reason for this difference is not fully understood.

If not given on the same day, then a sufficient time in between must be allowed before giving the other vaccine. This is because the active response to the first vaccine can interfere with the other.

Sorry, that's still a bit confusing. I'll try to find some links for it tomorrow. xx

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I went to the Health Hub today to get my toddler vaccinated against chicken pox. I was very impressed. Helpful receptionists when booking, next day appointment, nice doctor and facilities and the appointment was on time. They also gave me a 20% discount as they didn't mention in the first enquiry call that a booster shot was recommended 4 weeks later (although I was already aware of that).

Thanks Edanna for posting about them, I didn't know they were there. I've been trying to sort out a vaccination for a few weeks but had got nowhere due to an unhelpful GP and the clinic in Camberwell never answered the phone the 4 times I tried them.

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  • 1 month later...

Hello, I am just reviving this thread to see if anyone has gone ahead with the Men B vaccine at all? I am considering it for my three kids, but it's an expensive option. Health Hub were very helpful with my enquiries, but said they would have to order in the vaccine as not many people taking it up yet - just wondered if anyone has gone for it?

As an aside, I have also had my older two vaccinated against chicken pox, at the Fleet Street Clinic, who were also very good.


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Would you be able to tell me how much the Health Hub charges for the meningitis B vaccine? I asked at JA Medical in Bromley when I took the kids for the chicken pox vaccine, but remember thinking it was very pricey (and I couldn't consider it until 6 months after the pox vaccine anyway so kind of dismissed it for the time being).
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  • 8 months later...

Hi all, just wanted to update this thread

My son (20 months) has now had both doses of the Meningitis B vaccine through the Health Hub at Herne Hill.

The first dose produced no marked side effects, but the second was a completely different story.

He had the vaccination on Saturday morning, and woke up after his midday nap very distressed. He couldn't put any weight on the leg he had the injection in, and spent the rest of the day on my lap (very unlike him as he generally can't sit still for more than 30 seconds!). He also threw up at about 6pm and was asleep half an hour later for the night... although he did wake up at 1am and then spent the rest of the night latched on.

He didn't really have much of a temperature, he was just really miserable and out of sorts.

Sunday he seemed a lot better and was running around again.. but he was still a bit clingy and feeding much more than usual.

So just be warned that if you're going to have the vaccine, maybe pick a day or two when you have no plans to go anywhere!

I've asked around, and apparently the pronounced reaction to the 2nd dose is a known thing.

I had to keep reminding myself on Saturday exactly *why* I was putting my son through this, and how much worse it would be if he contracted the actual disease and his body wasn't equipped to successfully fight it off.

Also, be aware that HH have raised their prices. Because we paid ?100 for the first dose, we were able to get the same price for the 2nd, but it is now ?150 for Men B. I'm not sure about Varicella, but I imagine they've put the price of that up too. The receptionist said there were places in Lewisham and Bromley offering the vaccines for less and that it's worth shopping around.



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Yes, my son had the first jab as part of catch up with his 4 month injections (we are with The Gardens). Their catch up is for babies born after May 1st (he was born on 4th), but he will only get two injections rather than 3 apparently.

Separately, I've booked my two yr old in for men b at the Health Hub. Slightly nervous about second jab now...

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Thanks Wooly. We're also getting our 2 year old done so the advice above re timing was very useful. Not looking forward to it!

In case it helps anyone else with DMC, you need to specifically request that they do the Men B too when you book the standard jabs. Don't be fobbed off (as I was) if they try to claim they don't have it yet - they do!

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I am a bit nervous about the second jab for my 2 year old too now! But thanks for the heads up Tara, otherwise I would have assumed that she'd have been fine after it like the first dose. I've booked for a Saturday to give her 3 days at home before nursery so hopefully we'll be okay.
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Day 1 after the Men B vaccination. My boy is 16 months old. He is a bit sore in his right leg where the injection was, so has a slight limp, and he woke up once in the night, but otherwise he is fine.

Citydoc was OK. Just a normal pharmacy, with a little room on the side for the vaccinations. No frills, but all went smoothly.

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  • 5 months later...
Just wondering whether anyone has got the Men B shots recently anywhere locally? We're thinking of getting it done for our 16 month old. There's been so much attention brought to this in the last month or so and I hear that everyone is low on stocks and it's very difficult to get now. Any advice? Also, how long do you have to wait after MMR as she's due to get her second dose of that next week. Thanks!
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