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To the woman in a brown coat and black trousers walking two dogs on Underhill at 2.15pm today


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If your dog shits outside your home, bag it and find somewhere to safely/sensibly dispose of the bag.

Convenience doesn't come in to it FFS.

Nor 'the law'.

Weather baing cold as it has been lately you'd think dog owners would appreciate the free hand warmer that a nice hot shit in a bag inevitably can be. No vision, these dog walkery people.

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At no point did I suggest it was ok not to bin the mess. However, you do not know or appreciate this individuals circumstances, and if confronted they may have apologised and held their hands up. She had the common courtesy to bag it, she just forgot to bin it, so suggesting she is in the wrong is totally ludicrous. I don't see the point in bagging it if you're not gonna bin it, so she must have had good reason, that's all I'm saying. Some people clearly have nothing better to do than stare out the window shaking their heads and not confronting the problem head on.

I'd much rather confront a bagged turd on the kerb than a couple of posho mothers blocking the street with their prams whilst holding Nero/Starbucks take out coffees. Call me old fashioned.


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rahrahrah yes I agree with you here. Public coffee consumption is a relatively recent phenomenon which is unquestionably patronising and often done by a certain demographic, probably to make the rest of us enviable of where they choose to buy their latte from (usually one or two certain chains locally). I've made my objections for the public consumption of food very clear in the past on this forum and that still stands. Particularly in a confined public arena.


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Oh for goodness sakes. Just because one person can't find a bin on one ocassion (for all we know), she is vilified and condemned on a public forum totally unnecessarily which I find rather distasteful to be frank. Disgraceful behaviour, this poor woman even bagged the offending turd but no, not on the EDF, we can't let that one go can we? But when it comes to posh mothers owning walkways not a mention. Bang out of line.


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rahrahrah I thought we were on the same page for once then the miss marple in me picked up on the dubious one liners contained within that codified response about pink lefty fascists from Clapham and I realised it was all a rouse to drag me kicking and screaming into a false sense of security.


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DaveR, that was too funny. I laughed so loud I woke the ba... Oh, never mind.

Back on topic (sort of) littering is a criminal offence, is it not? So this woman with her plastic-wrapped faecal matter was, at the very least, committing shittering.

To be honest, I'm gutted to have been dissed by Louisa, particularly where I'd have bet money she'd agree with me. Contrary is right.

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Bring on the bagged turds. I'm used to dealing with sh1t on this forum so a bag of shit can be dealt with eyes closed and head held high.

Fortified i am rarely contrary, I just prefer to bring people to justice for the right reasons and not the wrong ones. Blocking pavements and ramming bystanders into the road is offensive. The dumping of bagged crap by a pensioner is hardly a crime wave in progress, this poor defenceless lady was just struggling to find a bin.

I'm on the merlot tonight so anything could happen.


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