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HELP: best relief for teething pain?

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My boy has just turned 7 months and for the last couple of weeks keeps waking up in pain (i think). He puts his fingers in his mouth and cries desperately. One tooth has come through. Another is on its way. I am trying Nelsons' Teething Solution (chamomile) and am not keen on Calpol. Has anything worked for your little ones? Thank you.
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everytime we have this problem we try not to use Calpol and always try wet cloths, cold teething rings, ice wrapped in cloths first, but Calpol is the only thing that calms our teething boy down I am afraid :( Nothing else works and I am not keen on giving him too much of it either but if this is the only way to stop the pain...
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Please don't underestimate the pain of teething. I spent yesterday in bed dying with tooth/gum ache that even dihydrocodeine didn't touch. This is one time to break out the Calpol.

I found ice cold whole carrots used as a teether quite effective. Make sure they are big fat ones so baby can't break them up and choke.

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Health matters on Lordship Lane have a number of homeopathic powders/tablets, which worked well for us. Pink pot called Infant Teething tablets and I checked it with a friend who's a GP and she confirmed it was all pretty natural stuff. Have also used Calpol though when really necessary!
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Anbesol Liquid is a topical anaesthic rather than systemic medicine. You just get a bit on your finger and rub it on the baby's gum where the tooth is coming through. If you want you can give Calpol or similar alongside it, if they are really suffering.

When my now 5 year old was cutting her molars at 2 ish she used to run towards me when she saw the bottle come out because she was so glad of the pain relief! I tended to use it instead of systemic medicine when I could.

I'm all for taking the natural route, but seriously, I think there are times when we need to embrace the wonders of medicine, and having experienced the pain of a wisdom tooth coming through I think at points when they are teething Calpol or similar really is needed.

My little one cut her bottom 2 teeth without any problems, but when her top 2 were coming she was really unhappy and clearly in pain. I held out for a while and then gave her a small dose of Calpol and I could see the change in her as it took effect, and again when it was wearing off. I don't think it is fair to make them suffer, if they are clearly unhappy.

I notice that recently a lot of medicines have had their minimum age raised a lot (all the ones that have 2 active ingredients), so stuff I gave my older daughter is now only licensed for children over 6....if they are now being this careful I honestly don't think Calpol would be available if there was any issue with it.

I know this view isn't going to be in line with what everyone else things, but really, some babies have serious medical problems that require hardcore medication, I don't think a few doses of Calpol to get a baby through teething pain are going to have any ill effects.

My view, my children of course, and no offence intended to those who choose another route.....


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I was totally against giving Calpol and stuff, for lots of good reasons, and completely understand anyone being the same. But now she can tell me how much it hurts, I wish I hadn't been so principled and given the poor little thing more relief. I do think nelson's helped, though - although I do wonder whether may just have been the 'grittiness' that was soothing.
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I agree with the painreleif of medicine but i also used Dentinox teething gel for both my boys. It numbs the gums to give them releif and can be used every 20 mins or so. It's available from most chemists and supermarkets.

Hope babies teeth pop soon hun as it's awful for them and horrible for us to see them suffering

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We have found that ibuprofen medicine is the best, by far, for teeth. Calpol and other remedies OK for the day, ibuprofen at night.

Mine loves the powders but they don't seem to have any actual benefit and look disturbingly like cocaine!

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well, thank you very much everyone for all your suggestions. in the end, we have tried a combination of things. the second tooth has come through now. i ll brace myself for the all the other ones!
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