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former East Dulwich councillor - how can I help?

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Afternoon James,

Can you direct me to whom I can speak to about the phasing of the traffic lights by Sainsburys? There is always a massive Q when turning right when exiting Sainburys. 9 times out of 10 there is a red signal at the pedestrian crossing as soon as to turn into Dog Kennel Hill, the effect of this means only a few cars can turn right during the very short green arrow.


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Hi there,

We (and i mean people living in ED at the border with nunhead- underhill rd dunstans rd etc..) are experiencing very heavy prob with flickering electricity

We have called UK POWER NETWORK but they say there is nothing they can do or that they are not aware of any prob down here. Doesn t matter who s calling they always say that the person calling has been the only one reporting the prob but...i know for sure a few people has called them..


They also sent a technician over in my case and they say problem is due to my old electric system but some people around here have had the place re wired but...with no results..

anything we could do?

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Hi vito,

I would suggested contact the local newspapers. They'll then contact the press officers for UKPN and an extra possibly more detailed look will be taken at the problem.

Southwark News 020 7231 5258

South London Press 020 8835 9707

If that doesn;t work let me know - I've some other ideas which would take much longer.

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I've received this update about London Birdge station:


First redeveloped platforms at London Bridge station come into use this March

The first two new platforms open at London Bridge (14 and 15) with new longer and wider canopies to protect passengers from the rain.

As the two new platforms open, other platforms (12 and 13) close for redevelopment. We?ll continue to do this throughout the development until all 15 new platforms are rebuilt.

This will lead to a change in walking routes around the station concourse used by Southern passengers. The new platforms will initially be narrowed to allow construction work in surrounding areas. Crowd management systems will initially be required to ensure the safe operation of these new narrower platforms.

To make this change there will be a short service change with some Southern services from Friday 28 to Sunday 31st March. During this period there will be a reduced Southern service in operation.


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Hi James,

Have just had a letter from my school (Goodrich) about taking any sick child to the GP or a walk in clinic so the school have "proof" the child is ill.

Is this a school thing or due to pressure from the LEA? It seems like a terrible waste of overstretched resources. Not to mention a poor way to treat most sick children, a good way to spread viruses unecessarily at clinic waiting rooms and an indication the school now consider parents to be liars as a matter of course. I'm pretty fed up about it but don't want to have a go at the school if their hands are tied.


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Well yes, it seems clear they think parents are untrustworthy and must be checked up on - it clearly doesn't come from a place of concern for sick children. My question is more about whether it is entirely the school's idea or whether this is an initiative prompted or suggested by the LEA? The letter mentions the educational welfare officer, whom I thought was an LEA provision.
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On October 17th James Barber Wrote:


> have asked for 4-16 Melbourne Grove wobbly paving

> to be relaid again at Conways expense. Stunned

> that only fully renewed 3-4 years ago.

James, despite your prompt action and the paving being apparently repaired, the problems have cropped up again. On the short stretch from Callows to the upholstery shop, there are now at least seven loose slabs, three of which are tripping hazards.

Sorry to sound like a stuck record, but I think the contractor needs to know that they should to do the job properly. Many thanks.

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James Barber Wrote:


> Hi mrnzjac,

> Please see attached traffic light timings for this

> junction.


> To get this changed would require the junction to

> be reassessed. It's located in South Camberwell

> ward so you'd need to approached councillors

> Stephen Govier [email protected] or

> Vernoica Ward [email protected] or

> Peter John [email protected]

Hello James,

Please could you let me know who to contact regarding the phasing of traffic lights at the CPR/Adys Rd and East Dulwich Road junction. They are phased so that as a pedestrian you only have time to cross one side of the junction on the green man - and the traffic lights let both sets of cars go before the green man comes on again.

Many thanks

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Hi Elliana,

This junction is the boundary between four wards including East Dulwich ward.

We've tried several times since 2006 to get these lights timed for normal humans rather than Olympians. The last time they were reviewed was 18months ago and 1second was apparently added. Still needs Olympic 100m sprint to cross in green man time. I'm a fast 6'4" and can't cross in the green man time allowed.

The traffic engineers response is that people have some time after the green man light stops for pedestrians before vehicles are given a green light to proceed. You may have experienced the timed crossings where you get a count down for this post green man phase. Allowing for the green man time and the post green man time does allow sufficient time for people to cross - it just feel really stressful not having a green man illuminated.

Has my explanation made sense?

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James Barber Wrote:


> Hi Ossa,

> I think this request is about reducing

> discretionary absences rather than sick children.

> Clearly the school feels they need to work on such

> absences having this rule will be designed to

> encourage parents to ensure their children are at

> school.

When I worked in Paeds A&E we would often have parents bringing children in with minor self limiting illnesses which while not well enough for school, in most cases didn't even really need a GP let alone A&E care and parent would say they needed proof of the illness for school.

I'm now gobsmacked that schools are formally stating that parents need to do this & am very concerned at the undue pressure it will put on parents and primary care services/A&E.

Plus, the fact that it could mean parents try to rush children back to school (eg, not keeping them off for a full 48hrs *after* diarrhoea/vomiting have stopped, or feeling that the child isn't ill enough to try & see GP should go into school) thus increasing chances of it spreading through the school.

Surely this could completely backfire & end up with parents keeping children off for longer than necessary while trying to get a GP appt to get confirmation of the illness before returning to school!

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Hi buggie,

I share your concerns. Parents are also tempted to return them to school because they can't take so much un planned holiday from workplaces.

Equally schools have to contend with parents taking children out of school for family holidays during term times. It's really hard for teachers to making lesson plans under such circumstances. It's also disruptive and holds the majority back if work has to be repeated due to fellow pupil absences.

The schools pupil absence rate was (as of 11/12/13) 6.1% vs. UK average of 4.8%.

But the proportion with 38 half days or more of abesences over 2 terms was 6.6% for the school vs. UK av. of 3.6%.

So the school clearly has a problem it is rightly trying to fix.


Looking at other local schools such as Heber, Goose Green, Dog Kennel Hill, Dulwich Hamlet they don't perform better than the UK averages.

So I applaud the school trying to fix this problem but hope they apply their new rules thoughtfully.

Let hope it helps more children who should be in school attend school.

So it appears that the problem they're trying to fix is restricted to a tiny minority - but I'm not an expert around this subject.

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The metrics you quote do suggest that there is a problem, the remedy however is one dimensional and heavy handed and will (as suggested by others) place unnecessary pressure on a National Health system already creaking at the edges, and more, locally.

For 'short' absences it is a good idea to check that the parent/ guardian was aware of them (not by a note in the school bag) - this addresses truantism - but the implicit 'we don't trust you if you say your child is ill' is, frankly, rude and suggests a significant break-down of trust between the school and parents.

I would be looking at patterns per child, not at overall metrics here (except as an initial trigger that there is/ may be a problem). Absenting from school can be symptomatic of e.g. bullying, poor teaching and class control, even dirty buildings.

After all, if one school is exceptional amongst others within the same broad cachment area, that may suggest a problem with the school, not its public.

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I am very disappointed in your posts, it seems to completely ignore the fact you have to drag a child with an illness to A&E when all they really need is bed rest. That's the same as my employer asking for a note from my doctor if I call in sick.

I usually think you do a very good job but compared to the thoughtful and intelligent post of buggie, your answer just sugarcoats a ridiculous draconian measure which you clearly support.

There MUST be other solutions than punishing a sick child, end of. e.g. The school follows patterns, thresholds or whatever and investigates or manages the problems .... not make a unilateral rule.....its lazy, inconsiderate, expensive and increases pressure on health services meaning that it's potentially denying or delaying medical treatment for somone in more genuine need.

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Hi P68,

I would be amazed if the what the school is doing is only one of masny actions they're taking to try and fix this problem.

I find it near impossible now to naigate the GP system and get appointments even when a GP is telling me to book another appointment. So I really sympathise with parents trying to comply. It's a real shame the school has felt compelled to do this.

I would suggest a culture needs to change amongst a minority of parents.

I would counsel we all wait and see how it pans out and feels for parents and whether it goes some way to solving the problem.

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Ossa Wrote:


> My question is more about whether it is entirely the school's idea or whether this

> is an initiative prompted or suggested by the LEA? The letter mentions the educational welfare

> officer, whom I thought was an LEA provision.

It's presumably a pro forma letter. Could we see a redacted copy? It's difficult in any case to comment on its (un)reasonableness without seeing it in full.

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