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Everything posted by Castleton

  1. Copleston centre might be taking them, SE15? Supports refugees etc
  2. Dickie Davies, sports presenter
  3. Richard Belzer, formerly of Law & Order. https://www.theguardian.com/tv-and-radio/2023/feb/19/richard-belzer-detective-john-munch-tv-dies?CMP=fb_gu&utm_medium=Social&utm_source=Facebook&fbclid=IwAR1jywq-bRTZPZOJVs7DdoW6Q5Yf-GvhtsHKMp5ZXga6T930c-QvOXC5-xs#Echobox=1676879118
  4. This morning around 10am, Politics London featured LL and the new Poundland! A friend told me, I've not seen it yet. BBC1
  5. Oxfam have a dedicated wedding shop (or used to)
  6. https://www.silverfit.org.uk/silverfit-10-challenge/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI9Ke5n-ni_AIV1d_tCh0SqAujEAAYASAAEgLyNPD_BwE
  7. The payment is refused, like a failed operation. Nothing wrong at the bank end
  8. Has anyone else had difficulty booking through the app recently? Spoke to the bank and they could see the transaction but said it seemed because of the new ID check they use now, Picturehouse hasn't taken this into account.. I'm at a loss what to do, Picturehouse deny any difficulty.
  9. There's a ton of dog/puppy training videos online. Enlist the kids to do the research and carry it out!
  10. I'm currently really stiff and struggle getting up and down! Would it be ok for me?
  11. https://theomnicollective.com/ Not been but a link is useful
  12. In this weather, It's certainly abuse. Try RSPCA or Southwark Dog Warden
  13. The reason I deleted my food delivery apps! Even with a refund, I wasn't happy because I eventually found the food on another doorstep! They had been on the phone telling me they're in my road driving up and down. I was in the (short) road and they were not!
  14. Regardless of the inconvenience to the passengers!
  15. And sometimes annoyingly stop service at the same place, only to have to drive to the garage empty! Drives me crazy
  16. I have a few old phones/bits of broken phones, does anywhere recycle for parts etc? To be clear, they all have something wrong with them, I don't upgrade just for the sake of it!
  17. I've seen some Narcissi flowering, anyone else? The coming frost will probably kill them off
  18. Oh I'm so pleased you're back! Excellent gift ideas too!
  19. Hope the service is better than in the village, that can be really disappointing
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