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Everything posted by annaj

  1. annaj


    embellina Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I agree it's annoying but you can untag the pics > of you, which I do for particularly horrible ones! Fine, only I can't because I'm not on Facebook. MrJ has untagged a few, but people put the names back on. It's not even that any of the pictures I've seen are particularly bad, my embarassingly drunk days are mostly behind me, it's just that I'd prefer to have control over where my full name is published.
  2. annaj


    Adie Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > If you don't like it don't use it, why are people > getting upset? I'm not on Facebook, but a lot of people I know are (including Mr J who assures me it's essential for his studies, but spends most of his time playing chess with my brother. But I digress..)and what bothers me is that people post group photos including me and insist on "tagging" them. So, there are pictures out there labelled with my full name that I haven't chosen to post and that I have no control over. It's not that I have anything to hide particularly, it just feels a bit invasive. Also, I also think people on Facebook very quickly forget just how public it is, something that I think also happens on here sometimes, and boundaries become a bit blurred. I recently moved jobs and before I started someone form my new job posted on the Facebook group for my old workplace basically asking if I was any good. Personally, I think asking fellow professionals to voice their opinions on a colleague on a public forum is completely unprofessional and inappropriate. So, there are two examples of ways I'm affected by Facebook even though I choose not to use it. Not the end of the world, but certainly annoying. Edited for spelling.
  3. We also spent our honeymoon in Sicily and loved it. We stayed in Letojanni, a lovely, quiet fishing town about 10 minutes down the coast from Taormina. Taormina is lovely, but does get busy and it was nice to have our apartment to go back to. We went with Think Sicily - http://thinksicily.com and I would highly recommend them.
  4. Right, that's it. I'm logging off and going outside before it's too late....
  5. So, what should I be looking out for as signs of stage 4?
  6. Damn, you noticed. I thought I could just sneak in and start posting more and no-one would spot me. There are two reasons behind my sudden forum presence. Firstly, I've started working for a new trust that completely blocks Yahoo, so I can't e-mail on my breaks at work, but I can access the forum. Secondly, I'm going on to nights tonight and before nights I always treat myself to a day of sitting aournd not being very constructive. The forum provides the perfect place to do that!
  7. Earlier today I was so busy reading the Courtesy / Political Correctness thread I was ten minutes late for a 2pm appointment and had to run all the way there. So, I was thinking, what's the most important thing you've ever been late for or missed because you were busy posting?
  8. After reading this and all the previous threads on this topic I think you could sum it up like this... 1. A small number of people believe that children should not be seen out in public and are a general nuisance. 2. A small number of people believe that children should be welcomed everywhere and anywhere and that anyone who disagrees is a child-hater. 3. The majority of people believe that children are generally speaking a good thing, but that there are certain times and places that are not appropriate for children. Also, that when children are out in public they should be suitably supervised for their own safety and the comfort of those around them. 4. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and all opinions are valid. There. Now we can all get on a talk about something else.
  9. In that case I'll practice what I preach, sorry *Bob* I missed your apology in amongst all the other posts.
  10. Blimey, Keef's hero, it doesn't get much better than that. I might never post again, just so I can go out on a high! :))
  11. Just to go back to the original question for a minute, I'm caucasian English, but apparently don't look it and I'm often asked where I'm from. Even the ever tactful Sean MacGabhann asked me when he first met me, because apparently I have 'a kinda hispanic thing going on'. It does get a bit dull; I've had the same conversation with pretty much every cabbie I've ever met - 'where you from then' 'London' 'Naaaw, I mean originally like, your mum and dad' 'well, my father is from the west country and my mother from Peterborough' 'Oh. You sure?' - but I've never found it offensive. Recently though, I've had the odd experience of having vaguely anti-semitic comments directed at me, I'm not Jewish either as it happens, I just look it. For me, it was more odd than offensive, because it didn't feel that personal, but it gave me a tiny insight into what it must feel like put up with constant, casual reference to race ironic or otherwise. I find *Bob*(those *s are a pain aren't they)very dry and funny and read his comment as irony, but however it was intended it caused offence and so is, by definition, offensive. I would say the thing right to do at this point would be apologise for the unintended offence caused, not because I'm the thought police or a politically correct zealot, but because it would be polite and sensitive.
  12. annaj


    I'm a bit stubborn, not at all frugal, no special dietary requirements, probably a bit of a numpty. We've got a bread maker, although actually at the moment my mother-in-law has borrowed it, and I really like it. I realise this makes me sound particularly easily amused and asking to be mocked, but I never stopped being impressed by the way you can just fling in all the ingredients and out comes a loaf of bread! Don't know what make or model our is, never looked. My only tip would be never fill it when drunk, I had a particularly nasty experience with a herb loaf (supposed to impress my new in-laws one Christmas) with too much yeast - scraping over-risen herb dough off the breadmaker with a terrible hangover. Yuk! Brendan, my grandparents always had a Soda Stream for their 6pm whisky and soda.
  13. Oh come on. You must remember this... ps first time I've tried this whole link to You Tube thing, might have got it wrong!
  14. So, I take it I'm the only They Might Be Giants fan then? *tumble weed rolls by* :-$
  15. Alan Dale Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Good point about babysitters. > > I think you have to have children before you can > be 'child free' otherwise childless is more > appropriate. > > Child free in the place of childless sounds like > people are putting a positive spin on a bad > situation. No, Alan Dale, not at all and that was kind of my point. Childless is only appropriate if you feel it's a loss. If a couple have chosen not to have children it's their choice and doesn't require any positive spin, because it's not, for them, a bad situation. Sorry to go on about it, I know it's not strictly on topic, but I don't see why you can't accept that some people choose not to have children.
  16. Alan Dale, it's all about perspective. Some people do choose not to have children and are happy with that choice, in which case child free is not a funny term at all. So, whether it's child-free or child-less depends on whether it's through choice or bad luck. Also, even people who are very happy with children might choose to be child-free for an evening now and then don't you think?
  17. Bluecanary, is you name one word spelt L I T E and your story infinite?
  18. Absolutely Keef. I have thought for a while that the use of red onion should be strictly licenced - you should only be allowed to serve it if you can prove that you know how much is too much. Under my proposed licencing system, overdressing of your steak sandwich would result in a dawn raid by the red onion police! As for GBK, only been there once and it was ok. I agree too noisy and I didn't much like the funny self service / waitress mix. One positive though, they serve Macs Gold beer from New Zealand, which is lovely and organic, although only brewed in NZ so terrible food miles. Oh dear, life is complicated isn't it?
  19. I couldn't possibly say Asset, wouldn't want to risk offending CWALD again. ;-) Sean, it did take me a while, but was defintely worth it in the end. I'll be there again this month and I'd encourage all newbies and lurkers to be brave and give it a go.
  20. I don't think CWALD is all that filthy. I've only met her once and managed to shock her into silence almost immediately...
  21. Welcome Liz84 I'm not really new, but I'm very quiet and only really brave enough to post on really safe subjects. My advice would be get stuck in and be much braver than me!
  22. Sean beat me to it with literally. Also, misuse of reflexive pronouns, usually in a misguided attempt to sound clever or formal. "If you could just fill out that form and return it to MYSELF" Aarrgghhh
  23. Oh dear, what have I done, now this is exactly why I don't post much. Keef, I'm sure you didn't mean to dismiss the NHS, as mockney said sometimes the most casual remark can be the straw that breaks the (very tired) camel's back. I have read lots of your previous posts and I know you're a supporter of public services, so I'm sorry if I've made you feel like public enemy number one! Mockney, I'm always a bit uncertain about chiropractors too, but physio, osteopathy, pilates (although I take you point about scary looking people on book covers and it looking too much like 'pirates') and yoga are all good suggestions. Or you could always try reiki ;-) Huguenot, I think I have a lot to say in response to your last post, but I don't quite have the energy to form it into sentences - posting on dinner break at work at the moment. I certainly don't agree that the fundamental philosophy of the NHS is unworkable. Oh and thanks everyone who thinks I'm not an ugly bitch cunt - you've made me blush :-$
  24. Huguenot, you don't know me from Adam, but that sounds rotten and I hope you feel better soon. Now, Keef, sorry but I'm going to have to join buggie in defending the NHS. Firstly, the NHS works with limited resources and so has to prioritise. There are occasional mistakes, but on the whole people who need urgent attention get and people who don't wait. In A&E priority 1 patients are greeted at the door and seen immediately, but a twisted ankle might have to wait a few hours. Secondly, I'm sure the facilities are better in Singapore, but that is because you pay for them. Even in a subsidised, public hospital the patient pays and the more you can afford, the better the facilities (private room costs more than 8 bedded room). The NHS is still free at point of contact to everyone and everyone receives the same standard of care regardless of wealth or status. Yes, the system is struggling and may not last that much longer, but I for one am extremely proud of the principle. Finally, I'm sure the staff in Singapore were charming, but they probably don't tolerate the same level of abuse that we do in the UK. In the last few months alone I have been spat at, hit, scratched, had equipment thrown at me and, most memorably been called an "ugly bitch cunt" (and I'm really not that ugly!) by people I have been trying to treat. I'm not saying that excuses staff being rude, I personally think there's no excuse for rudeness try to treat people politely whateve the circumstances, but I can see why people become abrupt and jaded. I'm sorry to go off on such a rant, reactions like Keef's and the constant criticism that we face in the NHS are so demoralising and depressing and if the people working for the NHS don't defend it no-one will. PS. By the way, I typed "ugly bitch c**t" in full, but the forum automatically censored it. So, Mr Admin thinks that's a word you should all be protected from, but I had it screamed at me while trying to do my job.
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