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Everything posted by Ant

  1. For slightly older kids: CBBC, 5.45pm Mon-Thur, Big Babies. It's excellent. Sometimes it's followed by Sean the Sheep and then Jakers, which is an all-star line up in my book. Third and Bird was very popular with my lot for a while, but then the Wonderpets came along and no one's doing the muffin any more.
  2. So, what do we think about this? http://bit.ly/be5EGV
  3. Yeah but you might be expected to take one back too - mutual obligation and all that. Kind of defeats the purpose.
  4. eBay and gumtree are all well and good, but I think you'd get a better price on Amazon marketplace.
  5. Wanted 3, got 3, for which I feel very lucky. The thought of any more fills me with horror.
  6. Pull the other one, it's got fairtrade organic cowbells on.
  7. Schools are open until Thursday (or at least Goodrich is).
  8. Heh. Any fule kno that in election years the kiss goes on whichever baby is nearest to hand.
  9. Seems a good time to share this link: http://voteforpolicies.org.uk/ Obviously I'm not saying we should all vote based purely on what the site says, but it may help to take a step away from all the faff and noise, and it might challenge a few assumptions about where to place the old x.
  10. Shall be taking this news with a large pinch of salt (finest flaked sea salt, obviously) but would be quite pleased if it's true.
  11. You've been a good friend to her for a long time. Now you have one last chance to see that friendship through to the end by visiting her and saying goodbye. I suggest you take that chance, and use it well. If you're worried about what to say (I mean, who wouldn't be?) then I'd suggest that it's of secondary importance to actually being there. It will be difficult, but it seems to me that not going will work out more difficult in the long run. Good luck!
  12. I'm with Be Internet - they're pretty good. Before that it was Virgin - shockingly bad!
  13. Three kids, 5 3 and 1. 1) For Fathers' Day it has to be a lie in! A homemade card is always nice, as is the chance to take it easy and get a nice coffee in the morning. Random Treat? Well, a night away in a hotel with my wife would top the bill right now. 2) The tiredness. The kids bickering. The constant wheedling for me to adjudicate on the most ridiculous and inane points of order. (Who's turn is it to put the plug into the sink today? I don't give a monkey's!) 3) I think I'm the bad cop. Or badder, perhaps. We both do our fair share of crowd control.
  14. Ant


    Not really. Just jump in, talk to people and don't spam. Special offers always go down well. But I think you know all that already. (I'll be in for sausages and mash some time soon.)
  15. And the people I saw this morning weren't in a 4X4. Please let's lose track of the real point being discussed here: people's behaviour. It's not what car they drive, but how they drive it.
  16. The people I saw this morning didn't look particularly rich. Nor did they look particularly poor. I don't think it's anything to do with money or class, I think it's down to the fact that some people are lazier and more selfish than others.
  17. This morning I saw someone stop right in the middle of the road and turf their kids out, again just before the narrow crossing.
  18. I don't remember being asked. Does anyone else?
  19. They do open more than one entrance. There's a gate on Upland that's especially for reception kids, and there are two more gates on Dunstans. (One of which they don't open often enough, which forces me to lug a buggy up some very crowded steps. Grr!)
  20. Hi James, Are there any plans to resurface Landells Road? It's in poor condition generally, but the stretch between Goodrich Road and the junction with Lordship Lane is particularly terrible, and has been for many years. I remember there being an effort to fix this a few years back that didn't achieve anything (possibly the parking restrictions weren't enforced properly so people's cars were still in the way). Is it time for another go perhaps? The pavements are also pretty rubbish, though I suspect fixing them at the same time would be too inconvenient.
  21. Can't say I've noticed anyone assuming we do, Pecanpie. The reaction I usually get, if anything, is more along the lines of 'you've got your work cut out there'. (Not that I'm doubting you have, if you say you have.)
  22. It's not necessarily a done deal. If enough people contact [email protected] over the next 12 weeks and make their opinions known to the BBC Trust, there's still a chance they may reverse the decision.
  23. I'm not buying that excuse for one second, arriety. The same pressures apply to the majority of parents who manage to get their kids to school in time without parking selfishly. Being a bit harried is not a reason to put other people's kids at risk!
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