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Everything posted by nxjen

  1. We?re going to be hearing even more rubbish like this now, what?s that saying about history being written by the victors?
  2. Agree public transport is not too good especially at the moment so getting around is difficult for those who can?t walk or cycle but can those who keep putting forward this as an argument give us some idea what kind of percentage this refers to?
  3. But Boris is such a suitable name for a clown
  4. If this is true TF which I very much doubt this would contravene the race discrimination laws. Suggest your nephew reports to the authorities, if his claim is upheld he would be entitled to compensation.
  5. Dominoes head office have a customer care department try https://www.dominos.co.uk/contact?_ga=2.177384487.328530745.1608664315-1711756985.1608664315 Keep the CEO up your sleeve if they are unable to help you.
  6. For those of you with an interest in local history, the Southwark Local Studies Library have uploaded their series of Neighbourhood histories on archive.org for free viewing as a Christmas present. https://archive.org/search.php?query=creator%3A(Southwark%20Archives)%20AND%20subject%3A(Neighbourhood%20Histories)
  7. CPZ for that area hasn?t been put on hold for that area, Southwark Council decided not to proceed after results of consultation
  8. Try Phil at http://www.fourpawsdoors.co.uk/, very painless and straightforward experience. Of course it?s not his fault that my newly adopted cat who has never been outdoors before at 9 years old doesn?t have a clue what to do with it.
  9. When I moved in over 36 years ago now, the only stall was a wet fish stall (not the current one) and occasionally a greengrocers, I think the market you describe dates a lot further back. The council did for many years try to establish a week day market but, as I?ve posted before, many traders would set up their stall during the week that would sadly disappear after a few weeks when the stall holders realised the footfall was just not there. But things are changing, perhaps it would be more viable in the times to come.
  10. Some of you are so focussed on removal of the LTNs that you?re failing to see the bigger picture. I welcome the coroner?s verdict but it is likely to lead to even more unpopular and severe measures to reduce traffic pollution. I think this is what James McAsh was saying in his tweet.
  11. What a load of absolute tosh! I am old enough to remember the understandable anti-war feeling after the war, not to overlook the strong anti German feeling there was in this country. But we overcame it to become a part of a peaceable successful trading and collaborative organisation. Why is it so bad that this grew out of anti-war feeling? Trinnydad Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > snowy Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > It?s a different view, and an idiotic one. > > I guess you are too young have been around in the > immediate post WW2 period to appreciate the > sentiments then. This snip from Wiki might help > you understand the ant-war sentiment at the > time...... > > ""The ECSC was first proposed by French foreign > minister Robert Schuman on 9 May 1950 as a way to > prevent further war between France and Germany. He > declared his aim was to "make war not only > unthinkable but materially impossible"[3] which > was to be achieved by regional integration, of > which the ECSC was the first step."" > > The ECSC morphed into the Common Market (a very > sensible idea) however the dreamers in Brussels > wanted to fast track towards political integration > so they morphed it in to the European Community > and then further into the European Union. > > So it's origins were deeply rooted in anti-war > feelings and historic resentment (particularly in > France) against the British. Hence de Gaule's oft > repeated "Non". > > So not as idiotic as you might think.
  12. What though is causing the congestion at the weekend? It?s not down to the school run, and business trips would be far fewer. Could it be people circling around looking for parking spaces when in fact they could be using other forms of transport? Anyway, there was always a lot of traffic on LL on a Saturday prior to the road closures.\
  13. I?m thinking about going digital this year
  14. In theory I think they?re a good idea. In practice, they?re a nightmare for other road users and pedestrians. I?ve narrowly avoided being knocked down by one a couple of times on the pavement, they come towards you silently and at speed with no warning and not a lot of care taken by the rider.
  15. That link only gives half the story and you need to click on https://www.southwark.gov.uk/libraries/gradual-re-opening-of-library-and-heritage-services and then on the individual library to see what is available. For example, Dulwich library is not available for general browsing and borrowing, only returns, books that have been ordered and mystery book bags. I believe they also have limited access to study spaces and computers which need to be booked in advance.
  16. I?ve read somewhere but can?t find it now that Albrighton Community Fridge need volunteers.
  17. Tree Amigos will not be back on Goose Green /forum/read.php?5,2079251,page=3 See James McAsh post 5 December
  18. https://assets.londonist.com/uploads/2016/11/i875/7195293924_b55e5b27aa_z.jpg
  19. Perhaps they would have asked for your bank account details on the pretext of where to send your payment for expenses and daily allowance.
  20. If these are the same as supermarket bags, food banks will gladly take them off your hands
  21. I haven?t noticed more Lost Cat posters but sometimes an owner of a Lost cat will understandably post a lot of the same poster.
  22. Myths about LTNs - must be true it?s in The Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2020/nov/16/mythbusters-eight-common-objections-to-ltns-and-why-they-are-wrong?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
  23. I found a yougov page that said 3/4 of general Tory membership supported Boris aeons ago but I?m not sure of the point you?re trying to make? General Tory membership do not participate in any vote of confidence and do not draw up any shortlist of two for a new Tory Leader. The general Tory membership I?m sure did not want to see Thatcher ousted but ousted she was (hurrah). ETA Anyway, thinking about it further, Cummings walking out of no. 10 with a box supposedly containing his belongings was just a very public way of announcing he is now available for new employment and I?m afraid he?ll be receiving a lot of offers, hopefully outside of government.
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