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Everything posted by AnyaJoeli

  1. I'm deffo going to yoga on 15th November, I've bought the 6-session pass for ?60 and worked out I can just about do 6 sessions before baby arrives eek. If anyone fancies a more Peckham-y breakfast/coffee nearer Yogarise there's always Lerryns, the new organic food cafe or the Peckham Refreshment rooms have opened up bigger dining space they do a great breakfast which merrily would undo all the goodness of the yoga? otherwise I'm up for the Victoria, Franklins might be slightly out of the way for me as I have to get back Peckham-wards around lunchtime. I'm also around for weekday meet ups! x
  2. Second the grobag idea...we moved ours nearly a year ago he was about 2 and a half, and to be honest I dreaded moving him to a bed as I assumed it would be a nightmare involving huge sleep disturbance as he's historically been the worst sleeper known to man and after a LOT of work he finally loved his cot, but actually it was totally painless, the first week or so we'd go to him to find him crying lying on the floor as he'd fallen or climbed out of bed and was a bit disoriented and shuffled like a caterpillar around the floor (once found him having wriggled underneath his bed bless him), but he's never done the wandering around the house thing. Always still calls for us rather than gets out of bed to come to us. I think it must be the grobag that helped with that, and even now he's too big for a grobag he still stays put. So it might be a lot easier than you're expecting.
  3. Oh fab I didn't realise they had started the preg class on Saturdays. Excellent. I've just checked the website and they're doing a "bring a friend for free" promotion right now. If anyone fancies going next Saturday I'll be going so it'll be half price if we split it (normally ?12 drop in). 9.45am Bussey building. It clashes with the one at gaia but I really like the space at yogarise and Yazmin is a lovely teacher x
  4. Definitely scooter?balance bikes are great but much more hit and miss (mine prefers a regular bike with stabilisers, he had used a balance bike loads with his childminder but it became clear that getting one would've been a bit of a waste as he loves his regular bike), we use the scooter every day to get to nursery and getting around out and about whereas bike is a bit more of a separate activity. It probably depends on the individual toddler in terms of how much they love the balance bike whereas scooters seem to be pretty much a universal hit.
  5. Come to Pilates! My Pilates class is at 7.15pm on Tuesday nights. Otherwise, there's preg yoga at gaia on Thursday evenings and yogarise on Tuesday eves although apparently that's finishing (sadly I can't make that one anyway as I'm teaching my Pilates mummies to be). There's Lindi liu's preg yoga on weds and thurs nights I believe, she's just behind warwick gardens area. And goose green clinic have lots of preg classes too. When I can make it I've been going to Hana's class at gaia on Saturday morbings at 9.30am.
  6. Ahh that's a shame, although I would've only been able to pop in briefly on way to a birthday soir?e on lordship lane. Saw another winter bump at yoga this morning and looking forward to meeting more at the next gathering. Rest well mummies and get well toddlers!
  7. Yes I think the reality will be a shock however "prepared" they are. I've been explaining to him how babies can't talk and he's decided he's going to teach the baby to talk and laugh, which is quite sweet. Will try the doll idea too. He's been at nursery for 4 weeks now...he's generally happy when he's there and is now happy for me to drop him off without issues but he just seems to be freaking out a bit generally in life and taking it out on my husband, telling him to go away and only wanting me. He's still quite baby-ish in that he loves nothing more than cuddling on the sofa with me so I can't get to grips in my head with how I'm going to spread myself thin enough with a newborn to cuddle too. Argh. Am sure it'll be fine... I'm going to Gaia yoga this Saturday morning so if anyone else is maybe see you there? X
  8. Looking forward to meeting everyone and bumps. I will definitely have a look at the osteo centre, I took Maurice to a cranial osteo when he was a newborn and it really helped his various catalogue of issues so I'll definitely be taking this one as a preemptive strike early on. I've been seeing Fabiano da silva on Barry Rd who is brilliant albeit a bit pricey. Those of you with toddlers?how are you introducing the idea of baby to your firstborn? Mine will be 3 and a half when bubs arrives, I have been talking about the baby in my belly for a while, and now that it's more of a bump generally making baby an everyday reality as far as can be and he seems to have fully grasped the concept as much as possible, but I wondered if reading books about being a sibling etc was a better route to go. He has just started nursery and is having a bit of a stressful transition which has affected his behaviour and happiness quite a lot already, he's being really upset and clingy with me and wanting me and only me in middle of the night etc, which is making me slightly concerned about how he's going to take the next major transition in his life?! Just wondering how other mums are approaching it. If I don't make the pizza gathering, hope to meet you all soon x
  9. Sorry to miss this Saturday we had an impromptu trip to Dorset to take our toddler to visit his great granny. I have birthday drinks to go to on lordship lane this Saturday so may not make the pizza meet up either, depending on what time you're all meeting - I could pop in on my way to lordship lane. Would definitely like to come to the next one!!
  10. I feel exactly the same as you, it's like a secret club you need to know the password for! I am with DMC Chadwick road and was quite unhappy with the care I received with my first for various reasons, and now with my second I'm with the Lanes. I kind of got in through the back door through a consultant midwife contact at Kings who put me in touch directly with one of the midwives and she took pity on me as I'd had a couple of difficult miscarriages since my first birth so I basically self referred, didn't go through the GP at all?in fact I haven't actually even told my GP I'm pregnant this time... You do technically need to be at DMC Crystal Palace road, so if that's easy for you then perhaps change. Although I gave a friend who is also DMC Chadwick rd the Lanes number when she was early preg and she self-referred and has subsequently had a lovely home birth with the Lanes. I have the number of the Lanes organiser so PM me if you need it and want to see if there's a chance of getting onto the waiting list there too (don't have my phone near me at the mo!). Everyone I know who's had a birth with the Lanes has had a really positive experience.
  11. Hello I can do 11th but not 18th! I'll be going to yoga at Gaia the morning of 11th too so perhaps if there are a small gaggle of us going to yoga we can all then float off to coffee afterwards, maybe the victoria like last time (which I missed?). I might be toddler-free but Victoria is good for toddlers. I'd love to go to yogarise tuesday night yoga but i teach my own pregnancy Pilates that night so I'm a bit torn. If numbers dwindle in my preg class I'll start to go to that one too. x
  12. I'm really worried about a winter newborn too, our flat is freezing in the winter! My first was a summer baby so I can't imagine the night feeds etc in the cold. Sure it'll all be a doddle, ha ha...
  13. It's my wedding anniversary 25th too! Could do 27th potentially although I'm saying that having not checked with my husband... Actually he's out on Friday night so I am owed a night out...although I'm working all day Saturday so might end up flopping with tiredness. In theory I love the idea of an evening, generally can't do Monday to Thursday nights because of evening teaching so Friday to Sunday best for me. I'm free on Tuesday 23rd during the day, morning without toddler, afternoon with...is that still in the mix?
  14. I can do 19th and 23rd. Actually 19th I might still be settling Maurice in nursery but we'll both be free in the afternoon or I'll be free (possibly) in the morning. Definitely free 23rd, morning on my own and afternoon with mo.
  15. I'm around all week next week with toddler in tow, has anyone seen that tomorrow there will be animals from vauxhall city farm at the east dulwich community centre? I was thinking I might take Maurice to that. Otherwise we're free Monday, Tuesday and Friday with no plans. Maurice starts nursery the week after so I'll be toddler-free in the mornings from then. Preggy Pilates is at 7pm on Monday and Tuesday. It's a bit early for allowing for toddler bedtime/partners getting home from work. I do have a bump in my mummies tummies class on Tuesdays at 8.15pm so if you're pregnant and have done Pilates before you'd be welcome to come into that class (Caroline that might work for you!), as I can adapt all exercises to be suitable. My Tuesday preg class is currently really empty and if it stays that way I might not run it and instead use the early evening to go to the preg class at yogarise in the Bussey building as the teacher is really lovely (and I rarely get time to go to classes myself!). So if Pilates isn't your bag but yoga is, I might see you there instead! X
  16. Hey I'm sorry I haven't made it this morning, logistical problems with the location of my toddler and husband in relation to the Victoria... I'd love to make the next one though I hope you've had fun, I can do week day meet ups too. Not to self-publicise but I teach pregnancy Pilates and there are a few spaces available on my Monday and Tuesday eve classes so if anyone fancies it pm me for details or I can tell you more when we meet. Look forward to making the next gathering. X
  17. I went through my maternity notes with a consulting midwife when I got pregnant the first time after Maurice two years ago, then again recently with a consultant at kings when discussing the elcs/vbac conundrum. Not a cathartic experience sadly, more about reliving the trauma and feeling desperately sad for Maurice that his birth story was such a horrendous one, coupled with shivery relief when realising quite how close we came to losing him. Also learnt a few details about the op such as them having cut further than a normal incision, which again made me quite angry that such important details were never communicated after the event, and caused me much physical pain for a year after the birth - a few fruitless visits to the gp complaining of inordinate scar pain were met with "it's probably just scar tissue", when the post op notes clearly state that the incision was greater than for a normal c-section, so even just that knowledge would've helped my recovery mentally I think, rather than simply feeling like I was physically weakened and my body was failing me. If anything going through my maternity notes made me very angry with the way a few things were dealt with by various different "characters" in my story, which was compounded by the consultant saying quite off the cuff "oh well that's not our practice any more" about a couple of things. She also expressed surprise (negatively) about the fact that I was on the induction ward for two nights in labour instead of being in a room on my own at some point...and a few other small but important details which I may not have become anxious about reared their heads again in the reliving of it. Spent the whole appointment in tears. So..I guess in some respects it was useful as a way of realising I never want to have an experience like that ever again. Maybe a calm controlled elcs is the only way.
  18. Don't have any advice on upstate I'm afraid but we've just got back from a few days in NYC with our 3 year old and it was fantastic, he totally loved it and it was loads of fun. Happy to share everything we did if you do fancy some extra inspiration!
  19. I'll be there nearer 11 as will have to collect my toddler after yoga but I'll see you there! They do nice toddler friendly food as well if this spills into lunchtime...
  20. Oh if duck egg doesn't have kids area at weekends might be best try Victoria inn instead? My toddler isn't brilliant at sitting at table quietly he's better if he can potter around in a toddler space, he's one of those who always needs to be moving around...
  21. Hello, looks like I'm in too as I'm free after all, my husband has decided to play cricket all day... Is the weather supposed to be nice on Saturday? Duck egg cafe or Victoria inn both work well for me and my little man. What kind of time? I'll be going to yoga at Gaia in the morning which finishes at 10.30 I think, so we're free for mid-morning coffee (or afternoon meet up) after that x
  22. Oh and sorry another post from me: in terms of the "magic three months"...it probably will, but don't set your heart on it. I did, and because my little man was quite impressively fretful he was nowhere near out of the woods at 3 months and because I had hoped it would magically get better I really struggled dealing with it, especially as friends' babies were sleeping through and all sorts by then, whereas mine was still crying every hour through the night. Look after each other, rely on friends and accept all offers of help, don't compare your baby to any others, realise that this too shall pass, and savour and notice each and every sweet spot that happens to get you through the tunnel. I have to say that although my little one was a screaming little nightmare, I was lucky that it didn't seem to affect my bonding with him ( possibly because of the kangaroo care and having him snoozing in the sling on me made me fully appreciate those calm blissful moments amongst the fretful ones), but as has been said before, this time is short although it feels like an eternity while you're in the thick of it. You have a lifetime to bond and strengthen your love and affection for him. He will no doubt emerge soon, as mine eventually did after 4-plus months, into a really fun and loving, thriving (hopefully sleeping) and happy baby.
  23. Treehugger mine also used to cry to the point of getting a stress rash all over...it was really awful. I remember going to the gp to ask about it (and cry for help about everything) and he told me to try and get a picture of the rash. So the next time it happened we rather comically were trying to photograph our distraught baby crying himself into oblivion trying to capture it on our iPhone.... Really difficult testing times. They do pass though. The hours of crying are a distant memory. Shudder. I'm now expecting my second and bracing myself for it happening all over again...!
  24. Susyp sorry to repeat your post ha ha. Totally with you on wanting to punch others talking about their sleeping babies...it does have an effect on your wellbeing and sanity. Sling all the way. It works like a miracle. Remember it's the 4th trimester. Some babies weren't born to be gina-ed, they're all different and it's a steep learning curve so you sometimes have to reject the "should be" feelings and go with what works for your peace and sanity.
  25. Hello, I haven't read everyone else's posts so apologies if this is repeating someones advice , but I really feel for you as I had exactly the same with my son, he slept for maybe 9 hours in every 24 (ie short naps not 9-hours straight!)when a newborn should apparently sleep for up to 18 hours, and when he wasn't sleeping he was screaming, he used to scream while feeding too so that was fun. I actually called nhs direct once as he hadng stopped crying for over 4 hours. It's not "normal" because in my experience it's unusual - mine was the only newborn in my experience then and since who didn't sleep most of the day relatively calmly. For mine: he had a very traumatic birth and was on antibiotics and in hospital for days after birth and was a very low birth weight. He (and I) struggled hugely with breastfeeding but i persisted partly due to external pressure, and breadtfed exclusively for 6 weeks through the crying. After 6 weeks it was found he wasn't thriving. So he'd basically been crying as he was starving hungry the poor thing. Check with a lactation consultant that there's no tongue tie or other issues. Take him to a cranial osteopath, I took mine after 6 weeks and she immediately asked me (with no prior knowledge) if he had not been breathing when he was born. He hadn't: it turns out as he hadn't taken that first breath but was resuscitated he had all sorts of pain and tension in his neck and spine which possibly caused him constant pain: another possible cause for crying. Three trips to the cranial Osteo seemed to make a real difference. Quite pricey but totally worth it in my view. Mine also wouldn't lie down on his back so probably suffered from reflux although it was never diagnosed. For me, I took to using kangaroo care for my sanity, after 6 weeks I surrendered to it and decided not to try and be like the other mums in my nct who had calm babies sleeping in buggies or cots, and had him in a wrap sling pretty much constantly during the day and it meant he calmed and slept and I began to feel a bit less stressed (your stress and exhaustion inevitably rubs off on them to complete a vicious circle). The sling particularly saved my life I think. Mine was an extreme fretful baby in my experience, but they do happen so it is normal. I thought dr sears "fussy baby book" really really helped me, especially to realise that sometimes it's ok to be "different" from those peaceful newborns rather than feel jealous about it. Have you called cry-sis? I never did but looking back wish I had. Feel for you, it's tough but this too shall pass!
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