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Everything posted by trentk69

  1. Does anyone know why the green arrow on the lights at the Barry Road - Lordship Lane junction (by the Plough) i.e. when you are turning right into Barry Road from Lordship Lane by the Dulwich Library - there used to be a green arrow here, but whilst the light are still there, it seems the signal has been turned off. Any ideas why? Thanks!
  2. Can anyone tell me what Moxons Fish Monger is under??
  3. Those who are keen for a social comment on SE22 and the occasional bad tip for betfair on rugby, football, horseracing, snowy christmases etc may like to follow me: @nzinlundin
  4. I was driving up Lordship Lane this morning, and as I came up to the Co Op, I saw there was some free space to park there, so I pulled over into the area, and parked my car in order to nip out and get some cash from the HSBC ATMs. I noticed on the other side of the road there was a Southwark Council Parking spy vehicle with its periscope extended, and trained on my side of the road. I parked just before the HSBC bank, but I am now wondering if I have done something wrong, as there was an unusual amount of space there. This makes me think that everyone else knew not to park there? Am I going to get an unpleasant surprise from the council in the next few days??
  5. I saw Gareth Thomas, ex Wales International rugby player at the checkouts there yesterday. The guy is an absolute legend!
  6. Hooray! Rye lane is open again and buses are stopping outside Peckham Rye Station - the number 12 is back on its rightful route... Long may it last!
  7. DJKQ - Where do you get this information from, and is it publically available? I would like to see a plan of these works if possible. I cant remember what the shop next to Greggs was - pretty non descript in my recollection, but any idea of why it was targeted for arson?
  8. If it is not Thames Water, is it Riots.... Any ideas on how long Rye Lane will be shut for this time? I take it this is caused to making safe the damage to the buildings by Greggs etc?? Also, why is the number 12 being diverted left at the junction of Peckham Rye and East Dulwich Road? Is the normal diversion that we suffered so long for earlier this year no good for it now? (avoiding Rye Lane via Copeland road) Looks like months of commuter misery again to me...
  9. Hi James, Sadly, I think it has just been luck that there hasnt been a crash at this junction since the improvements were put in place. From my lounge window, I hear and see near misses here all the time - almost certainly on a daily basis, and that is only in the few hours when when I am at home. The changes have made drivers creep out onto Barry road from Underhill, in order to see the traffic coming down Barry road, and this is what to me is causing the problem. Has anyone from the council - roading networks actually gone back for a couple of hours and witnessed this junction in operation since the changes were in place? Perhaps this might give some perspective of the issue now?
  10. The data doesnt support it, but I can tell you that it has happened. There was a time earlier this year / late last year when there were a spate of accidents at this junction over the space of a month of so, when they were averaging about one a week. These were obviously not treated as reported accidents though, as they are clearly not in the council stats. I live right on this junction, and I witnessed them myself.
  11. I have to completely agree with Penguin on this one. The recent works have made this junction worse by restricting the flow of traffic. The raised entry and exit seem to have done nothing, and I find this junction even harder to use now, especially coming out of Underhill and turning left onto Barry. Admittedly, I have not seen any crashes since the work has been done, but it is just a matter of time. There was a period earlier this year where there were crashes here on an almost weekly basis. The stats may say that this is not a problematic junction, but this is due to most of the crashes not being reported (lack of injury?), but this does not mean that the numerous crashes that I witnessed here did not happen. I have to completely disagree with DJKQ - this is not an issue of being a poor driver - it is about visibility. You can be the best driver in the world, but if your visibilty is blocked by parked cars, you aint going to see the speeding driver hurtling down the road as you edge out to see if the coast is clear. Marlene - dont even bother about making an assumption about the speed of the vehicles travelling down Barry Road, I have been through this argument before. "Apparently" we are unable to accurately judge how fast a car is travelling (30 mph) and "aparently" most cars travelling down this road travel at or under the speed limit....
  12. Nice work by the Jogger I say. Letting teens get away with this sort of behavior is a catalyst of worse to come. BTW, should the behviour of the teens cause anxiety and stress of other passers by to the point they feel they need to cross the road to avoid the group, or the fear for their saftey, they are then straying into the definition of affray, which is a serious legal offence. In current English Law, affray forms part of the Public Order Act 1986 under section 3. The act states: A person is guilty of affray if he uses or threatens unlawful violence towards another and the person's conduct is such as would cause a person of reasonable firmness present at the scene to fear for his personal safety. Where two or more persons use or threaten the unlawful violence, it is the conduct of them taken together that must be considered for the purpose of subsection (1) For the purposes of this section a threat cannot be made by the use of words alone. No person of reasonable firmness need actually be, or be likely to be, present at the scene. Affray may be committed in private as well as in public places.
  13. Hi Nette, The garden waste that I am disposing of contains a large amount of brambles - does the bin company have a way of neutralising the bramble seeds, as if this goes into the compost, then people that buy it would be inadvertantly spreading the bramble seeds in their garden, which is not a desirable outcome? Maybe I am being a bit dim here? Cheers
  14. Thanks for the replies. The brown bags are absolutely useless for what I need to do. They are fine for a few leaves and grass and the like, but no good for clearing up bramble, tree cuttings, prunings etc. Dont think I will run the risk of using the green bins for the garden waste then.
  15. Can I use my green wheelie bin to dispose of garden waste, or does this have to go in the brown garden waste wheelie bin, or the (useless) paper recycle bags? The reason I ask is because my brown garden waste bin is now full... Thanks in advance.
  16. I am hearing rumours at work that there are big delays on the lines to Peckham from Blackfriars and London Bridge tonight due to the heat... Can anyone confirm that there are problems, or point me in the right direction for a site that has reliable train information?? Cheers!
  17. Hi James, Unfortunately the garden is enclosed on all sides by other private gardens, so this would be no good. The Rats and Mice links looks good and I will try that tonight. Thanks
  18. Just wondering if anyone can offer any advice on how I can contact the Southwark council about a neighbours garden that has become a completely out of control overgrown mess. The garden hasn?t been tended to in over two years now, and it is like a jungle full of bramble and weeks that is spilling over the fences into the neighbouring gardens too. The property is unoccupied, which is why no one has tended to the garden. There has been no action on this at all despite emails being sent to the owners about the mess. This is now becoming a health hazard, as the garden is now home to a den of foxes and other vermin, including rats and mice. The foxes are intruding into the other gardens an messing these up. The neighbouring properties have small children so the foxes and rats are quite a nuisance. Is there anything the council can do in this instance, and if so, who can I write to notify of the problem? Thanks for your help!
  19. I think the overgrown trees now that the summer growth is in full bloom is more of a problem. It is nigh on near impossible to walk up Barry road now that all the leaves are out. I would prefer the council trimmed these down now, rather than focussing on overgrown hedges, which can be tackled later in the year...
  20. While I am grateful that the council now has addressed the junction of Barry and Underhill roads, I cant see how the work done is going to allieviate the problems. Granted there has been no crashes on this intersection since the work was completed, but I have heard and witnessed numerous near misses from this junction, with the two main problems being, speed of cars coming down Barry road, and the lack of vision when looking right up Barry road from Underhill road. I feel the slight elevation that has been added to the Underhill road entry and exit on Barry road has done nothing to improve this situation, and I still think this is a very dangerous intersection. Perhaps removing the cars on the right hand side of Barry road up from this intersection might be a better option? Just my 2p worth....
  21. Bit of a generalisation there. I wasnt moaning before the works started, and I sure as hell wont miss the trek to and from the station when it is over. It has been a poorly coordinated project from start to finish, and should have by no means taken this long to complete (which it still hasnt been) I sincerely hope it will soon be finished, but if not, I am sure they will post another tiny sign telling us when the next delay will run onto, and then some on this forum can continue to defend what has been and is a complete shambles.
  22. Again, I will believe that when I see it. The Council's dealing with the whole of the ongoing (and going and going) saga that is Rye lane has been quite frankly, tardy. I, along with every commuter (and shop owner) who has to use either Peckham Rye station or any of the stops on Rye Lane now have been inconvenienced for so long now, it has gone far past the stage of being a joke. Oh, and if they further direction as to where these ramps currently are:
  23. This could be effective.... http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/New-Barnett-BLACK-WIDOW-Slingshot-Catapult-FREE-Ammo-/230491682038?pt=UK_SportingGoods_Hunting_ShootingSports_ET&hash=item35aa5ff4f6
  24. Hi James, Thanks for your reply. I think the issue here is that people are not upset that the work took place, or even the time it took place, it was the lack of notification that it was going to take place. From what I have been told, there was only a bus diversion sign in place (I did not see this personally), but this did not indicate the time, reason or exact location of the work, so for the heavy machinery to turn up when it did was quite an unpleasant surprise for the local residents. If we personally had been given notice that this work was going to take place at this time - we would have made arrangements for my wife and daughter to stay at the Grandparents place. Unfortunately, this did not happen, and with very loud noisy machines outside, and our house shaking from the work that was going on, it was an impossible situation in my household. Dont get me wrong, I am glad this particular work is now done - as it has (or should have) fixed a problem that was affecting my house and a number of other abodes around me, but I question the forethought on the notifcation, and also the timing of this work, especially if this is separate to the Underhill / Barry junction - where it will likely be dug up again in the next 5 weeks. Cheers
  25. I am pretty sure that the works that were carried out last night were separate to the junction works that have been happening throughout the day in the past few days. The reason being is that I have been emailing the council about fixing the potholes in the light controlled crossing, which were getting worse and worse, and only ever being remiedied by filling with hotmix, which washed away in the next downpour. When buses and trucks hit the potholes at speed (how can they when everyone only ever travels at 30mph or less on this road apparently?) the fall into the holes with such force that it causes severe vibrations in the surrounding properties leading to cracking in masonery etc. I think last nights work was to fix this finally, as they stripped the road right back then relaid the tarmac. I wonder if this has been coordinated with the Underhill - Barry Road crossing, or if it will be dug up again sometime in the next 5 weeks worth of work scheduled for this junction. No notice whatsoever for this work at this time at night for the surrounding abodes is very bad form though. I have a 5 week old baby at home and my wife would have definately taken her to the grandparents last night given notice, rather than try and sooth her through that racket - during the lead up to the work, the work itself and then in the early hours of the morning when they took the machinery away - was near on impossible. However, no doubt though that my (valid) observation points that I have made in this post will be rebutted by some as rubbish and untruths as is seemingly commonpractice on this forum now.
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