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Everything posted by fabfor

  1. hpsaucey Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Well, I've been following this with interest and > the odd comment. This is slightly off topic but > I'm looking for advice. > > My 8-year old has been waking early for ages, and > I just assumed he was an early riser. Don't know > why. He said yesterday that its actually usually > the planes waking him up early. Don't know why I > didn't ask him before. Children usually just > accept whatever's happening as the 'norm' so he > didn't think to say. > > Any tips to help him gratefully received. He's > looking permanently shattered at the minute. > > HP Hi HP, sorry to hear that your 8-year old boy's affected by this. The only thing I can think of trying is to use soft music near his bedside, not to drown out the aircraft noise but to, hopefully, provide a steady focal point for his mind. It's just a suggestion. Perhaps HACAN Clearskies might have come across this before??
  2. Jah Lush Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Well fabfor, I only started posting on this thread > today but I'm concerned that you're concerned > about something that for me and many others simply > doesn't exist or aren't affected by and I'm quite > puzzled as to why you persist in trying get other > people to sign your silly little petition that > will come to nothing. If it really does affect you > and you're obviously such a light sleeper get some > earmuffs, take some downers to help you sleep or > move somewhere where you think it won't affect > you. AND: Posted by Jah Lush February 17, 11:12PM fabfor Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > What's the word for people who get involved in > matters that, by their own admission, don't > concern them? What's the title of this thread? I shan't be signing your petition and that is my last word on the matter. NOW: Posted by Jah Lush Today, 11:14AM fabfor Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Puzzled at the "arrogant" comment? Seriously? > Why not leave this to us little obsessives then? > You're not helping.... Bye. Dogs returning to their own shit. You're pissing in the wind. Looks like the "obsession", in this case, is personal. How much do body guards charge?
  3. Puzzled at the "arrogant" comment? Seriously? Why not leave this to us little obsessives then? You're not helping.... Bye.
  4. Google is great! Found this:http://brockleycentral.blogspot.com/2013/08/heathrow-restores-brockley-peace.html?m=1 Brockley made some noise!! What happened to our fighting spirit? Stolen by the obsessive trolls?
  5. BTW, Hacan stats for last summer show that there were more complaints from Brockley than from all other areas combined! Strange. I wonder why that is?
  6. SplendidLikePeckham Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > "Why do Jah Lush KidKruger *Bob* El Pibe amongst a > number of posters on here appear intent at one > level or other of insisting / telling those of us > who have become increasingly bothered by the every > increasing aircraft noise to bury our heads in the > sand.?????????? > > Are they the missing link between us normal Humans > and Ostrich? > > Do they have some other agenda ? > Shares in Heathrow associated companies a desire > to avoid negative topics Re East Dulwich? > FFS The mind does boggle!" > > > This thread has clearly gone a bit ranty, but I > have to say I too find it very odd that those not > affected by an issue would take the time and > effort to even read, let alone then post such > vociferous comments a) denying the issue's > existence and b) denegrating those who claim to be > affected by it ("176 bus overcrowded? RIDICULOUS! > IF you want to get into the West End MOVE NEARER. > Or just BUY SOME ROLLERSKATES!") > > The noise clearly varies depending on wherabouts > in the area you live, quality of windows, how > light a sleeper you are etc - and I am genuinely > pleased that many aren't affected by it - but to > attack those who post here saying they are is > downright peculiar in my opinion. > > The only people I can think of who would go to the > effort to do so would be a)the incredibly bored > b)estate agents and/or house owners fearful of the > effect "East Dulwich/Peckham blighted by > flightpath" headlines might have on houseprices > c)shareholders/employees of BAA/British > Airways/Virgin etc. > > It would be fascinating to know whether those > descriptions are accurate in this case, but sadly > we'll never know. Such is the beauty/frustation of > an internet forum like this..... > > Ho hum Indeed, OP. Why are they hell bent on stopping our protest? It's more than strange. Normal people look down the list of topics on the forum, read any threads that interests them then decide whether (or not!) to bother to post a comment. It takes a real no-lifer to REPEATEDLY return to something that they consider a waste of time. In fact, a psychologist would describe it as OBSESSIVE behavior!
  7. Just found an interesting blog on noise here:http://hacan.org.uk/blog/?p=233 I found this particularly interesting: "What happened when the fourth runway at Frankfurt opened is instructive. The shock to the system of a plane coming over every 90 seconds or so brought thousands on to the streets in protest. These protests still continue well over two years after the runway has been open" Of course, it's stable doors and horses all over again.
  8. Surprise!surprise! Looks like 4 times more people are suffering (some here excepted) than we were previously told: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2565835/Report-reveals-one-million-people-suffer-Heathrow-aircraft-noise-FOUR-times-official-estimates.html
  9. OMG. It's pathalogical. I'll say it slowly. Listen carefully if you can. 1. It's hurting people. Fact. 2. A minimum standard protects everyone, even you and yours should it get worse in the future. Fact. Really, what is wrong with you? Your neighbours are disturbed by this and you don't give a ....? And what's more, you're only too proud to say so. Empathy, what's that? What's wrong with you?
  10. 12am to 6am. 6 hours noise free. That should be a minimum standard. It protects everyone from babies to sensitive adults. What's wrong with you??
  11. galexa Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > A couple of phone snaps attached but do go and > look if you can. Wonderful! Thank you very much, galexa.:-))
  12. I fly 12,000 miles every year and I love aircraft. My point is that I am entitled to protection from noise pollution (from any source, e.g. hgvs) from, say, midnight to 6am. That's a modest demand;what's so hard to understand?
  13. What's the word for people who get involved in matters that, by their own admission, don't concern them?
  14. I wonder why people who aren't bothered by aircraft noise are posting here repeatedly?!! After all, this thread is primarily for those of us who are concerned. Plus, while wasting their time being vociferous about something that doesn't bother them, they're advising us not to waste the 5 minutes it takes to sign a petition!! Why??? I've no idea but it's clear that they would do well to find a thread that does concern them, while we do whatever little we can to fight Goliath. Please consider "wasting" 5 minutes by signing the petition (above).
  15. I fail to understand how anyone can fail to understand. Please consider signing the petition above. Thanks.
  16. I can sleep happily with loud reggae music blasting nearby but I accept that some people might be disturbed by that - different folks, different strokes. Derogatory labels are not called for, just sensible rules like not after midnight and not before 6am.
  17. So, there we have it. Hidden away in the report is their intention to start by (more than) doubling the number of flights before 6am! Unbelievable! Experience has taught me to be wary of anyone who advises me to settle for poison because good food isn't obtainable- and have no doubts about it, early morning flights will lead to more deaths. From the standard article:Mr Govindia added: ?I don?t think the Airports Commission has done enough work on noise to understand the problems of people under the flightpath. This council has fought for years for a night flights ban. We?ve challenged the current scheme in the courts. One arrival before 6am is one too many. Our community is entitled to a decent night?s sleep.? Amen:one arrival before 6am is one too many! We are entitled to a decent night's sleep. That says it all. Don't give up the Fight! Start by signing the petition (link above) and ask others to sign too.
  18. All I can say is well done, Buddug. It's so encouraging to know that others, like you, are standing up to the bullying. It's also nice to see that you're happy to give credit where Credit's due; they're not all bad, after all. It still irks me, though, that I'm having to give up my free time to deal with their mistakes and, in so doing, I'm helping to keep them employed!!
  19. Speaking of ghosts, I found this after writing about Lammtarra here: http://www.independent.co.uk/sport/lammtarra-joins-legends-1585844.html Wooo....
  20. Ok, here?s the story. It?s not an easy one to tell because whenever I think about it, my mind starts working on a multitude of threads and my breathing deepens automatically. Wooo?. Ok, here we go: Take a look at a horse named Lammtarra, winning a very exciting 1995 Epsom Derby: I started betting on the horses from the age of 16. It took me about 10 years to decide that it was a hobby for people much richer than me and by the time Lammtarra?s Derby came along the once familiar betting shop had become a strange land to me. So I was very surprised when I woke up one morning with three numbers in my head and the belief that they represented the first, second and third of the Derby - in correct order! In fact, I didn?t really believe it, but, at the same time, I had to believe it. I checked to confirm that the Derby would be run in a couple of days? time, decided how much of my scarce cash I could afford to risk on this madness and asked my friend, Viv, to place some (hedged) bets for me ( I was busy at work and also felt uncomfortable at the thought of setting foot in the Bookies). I didn?t even watch the race live and only recently discovered it on magical Youtube. Anyhow, I popped round to a sheepish and embarrassed Viv that evening, only to learn that he had done some more ?hedge-ing? of the bets, resulting in a reduction in my winnings. The money came in handy but, to tell the truth, I didn?t really care about that. I?d been interested in the paranormal from childhood but this experience broke all the rules. By 1995, I?d already discovered J. Krishnamurti, the philosopher, and agreed with him, 100%, that the future and the past did not exist except as projection and memory (and, of course, wonderful sci-fi stories). I still hold the same view today and so remain at a loss to explain my Derby experience. I?m hoping someone on the forum might be able to shed some light on the various aspects of this experience (and yes, I do expect the usual ?woo-ing?!). Oh, I nearly forgot (really!) a most important part - my horses came in first, second and FOURTH!!
  21. Thanks for the clarification, spider69. Writing to a mortgage lender before responding to a leaseholder's query is .. what - the punitive response of a bully?
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