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Everything posted by mumra

  1. Would welcome it if there was a variety of prices and types of clothing, a friend and I went into ED in search of a raincoat for her 2 year old and could not find one under ?25, so we traipsed into Peckham and purchased one for ?5 from woolworths. However, if you want a nice dress for an occasion then Pratridges et al are the ones. Soup dragon have a range of products and prices and do better for it I think.
  2. Lovely blog Ruth! Hanging in the balance at the mo whether I can make the fair as the outlaws are staying but will make some flapjacks anyway, just let me know when/ where to deliver them Annt. Also, have some patterned and flowery bunting (!) which we could hang around our table/stall if we so desired....
  3. Hmmm. Only if you can honestly say you are a beginner MFP.
  4. My husband and I play occasionally and are very much in the beginners league, so would be interested in playing anyone else in that league, but nothing further!
  5. Will be great to get going and was lovely to put a few names to faces, e.g, Kathryn, who recommended a rather lovely wine. Think wine tasting could be an ongoing theme for the EDWI...
  6. I am going to try my best to make it but will have to see. My commitment is now with the WI! We use the OSW (official scrabble words) book, the only problem is that it has no definitions for when you're feeling curious. We play some rounds where you only check after you laid but sometimes have a free for all when you can check anytime. Probably why I'm a slow player!
  7. Ooh like this thread, don't know where to start. SMBS are always helpful about random foods I want as are Dulwich 'Supermarket' Also like Health matters (because he holds the door open for my buggy) Ros in Review And you may laugh Cafe Nero as they always say hello to my little girl Also, another Bellenden nomination the girls in Fenton Walsh as they are like personal shoppers and never make you but anything but are so helpful
  8. There is the eggman who can be found frequenting any of Bellenden's cafes daily. He wears a cowboy hat and walks with a stick but I believe he supplies a lot of eggs to local people. He appears to be quite friendly. I also know someone near me keeps chickens as I hear them all the time, but can't work out who it is.
  9. Will be there, but may not get there till 730 as Mr M working late.
  10. What we could do is to book a back room in a pub, Rye maybe? Then we could have a couple games going on at once- whoever turns up really, armed with board. I have a couple of the basic sets, not deluxe with turntable unfortunately.
  11. Mumra is obviously my real name. But some people do call me Lynn for some reason.
  12. Could not agree more Ultraconsultancy. Criticism is hard to take but noone makes it up and it is silly to take it as a personal attack when you are running a business. I personally regard good customer service above product and often go to shops/cafes where me and my buggy get a smile and the door held open rather than a shop that has the best produce. Would love to see the 2 combined but not always possible.
  13. I too, would love to join. Am excellent at 2 letter words in awkward places, though do confess I am a slow player. Husband very good at 7 letter words much to my jealousy. Would be good to play other people.
  14. Would love to meet on Tues as well, jam making skills a bit rusty but can give it a go!
  15. Yes, have always avoided the shop when am buggy handed for the obvious and previously stated reasons. But this is a shame, as we live in a real world where children have a place and it is not always possible to go shopping without them. I do think the layout needs serious consideration and think it would be better if you could go in the unused door on the right handside and leave on the left.
  16. Could we all wear something very similar to identify ourselves? Or is that too freaky a thought? I like a reason to accessorise!
  17. Does The White Horse do a veggie substitute does anyone know? Like a quorn sauasge or pie. I know it kind of defeats the object of sunday ROAST....please don't lecture.
  18. Dear dulwichmum, Have to tell you that I went to Sainsbury's today and there is a plan up of the new store and - wait for it - Starbucks is on there! Now, please check for yourself and don't take my word for it but I'm pretty sure the Vente Lattes and gingerbread men will be back.
  19. Thought the thread title was genius! James, I have to admit I loved Prefab Sprout and even went to see them at Hammersith Odeon in my youth. Sad I know.
  20. Dear Kathryn, Try the book 'Cool Camping' as that has lots of suggestions of places that are not too dire, and some that are a bit boutique-y even! Must admit to loving the Mr and Mrs Smith bk as well despite not being of budget to use it that frequently, though I have just booked a night at Cowley Manor as a treat - been there before and it is fab.
  21. Yes I have seen Daniel in Dulwich park singing with a friend. I guess any opportunity is better than none.. Also, my sister sat next to Tracey Barlow in GM's hair salon on Melbourne av recently.
  22. Dear Alan, I would recommend looking in the area of Bellenden for a hse - slightly cheaper than ED, but often (like ourselves) actually closer to Ed station or P Rye (which is better transport link wise but smellier).
  23. Has anyone been to The(very hard to get into for a Sunday lunch) Herne Tavern? Is it worth the week or 2 to book ahead?
  24. Would love Carluccio's for their pasta dishes and coffee but it would be yet another place selling olives. I'm sure there's enough now. Bodyshop I have not heard of, I thought they were closing shops rather than opening.
  25. Under the title of 'The Lounge' on the homepage the administrator says we can 'discuss the price of fish'..... Would that be relevant here?
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