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Everything posted by muffintop

  1. Expressing a view is one thing, but being offensive with your views is another. No disrespect is intended to Mr Administrator but at what point would you actually step in and say, "calm it down a bit now folks, getting a bit offensive there"? (oops, belatedly scurries off to read rules!) :-S
  2. I went to a predominantely white school, to really experience racism you had to be mixed race/black/non-white child in a mainly white school and have books readily available in your class like "the little black sambo", (he liked eating pancakes) (BTW did anyone else ever have that book read to them at school? or have it in school?) the only pictures of black people were ones with groups of natives standing round a huge cooking pot and they all had bones through their noses and were really dim, my teacher (primary) actually asked me, "and melinda, how many pancakes are you having for dinner tonight?", mortified! in front of the whole class. I remember groups of feral skinheads who would just go on what they disgustingly referred to as "queer bashing patrols" and would attack anyone they thought was gay, mind you that went for black/Asian non-white people too though, they were twisted and full of hate (I grew up near the old Millwall football ground! so that didn't help, I used to go to Millwall Market on a Sunday and my brother got spat on and we never returned), but even I have to admit things are not quite as bad as that today, society has come a long way, well some members of it! in relation to both race and sexual orientation. A lot of people misunderstand and think sexual orientation or being gay/bi is a lifestyle choice, and not something they are born with, i.e. their skin colour! some people wrongly see it as well thats the choice they made so they think well if she/he is openly gay, then they should accept the reaction they get and just deal with it. Thats probaby why some people think racist verbal abuse is worse than homophoebic verbal abuse.
  3. Damn! I never thought of it that way, I could be couldn't I! Lol, but I wuv the ED Forum and most of the peeps on here ((((((((hugs)))))))) >:D<
  4. Sorry, read in Gumtree on a post (few weeks ago) ("which forum shall we hijack next?") that there are a few unsavoury people who actually take pleasure in trying to hijack forums as group,although they pretend not to know eachother, just back up eachother's sick claims or beliefs, their rantings and ravings are of a particularly offensive nature and include topics such as racist views, sexist views etc. their whole purpose is to cause as much racial/any other offensive tension or upset people and offend people on forums. I have checked out a lot of the dates that some of the particularly nice "newbies" have joined, and surprise surprise quite a few of them are newly registered. DO NOT GET DRAWN INTO THEIR DISCUSSIONS (Leave them to talk amongst themselves, they'll get bored and go away soon or if you do wish to interact, do so knowing they set out to inflame and offend.
  5. Chav, if you think this is bad, look what the heck is going on in the general issues section, thread - "woman gets stabbed in Peckham" thread, absolutely shambolic!
  6. Forgot that I'd said I was not taking part anymore, retracted final post on that basis only, am not retracting anything else, only 25% of white children brought up by a lone parent, slightly stretching the truth by any standards no matter where you get your "statistics" from, seriously, think about it, do.
  7. Dyu know what, I can't even begin to be arsed addressing the many issues going on with certain members of the forum, be it about Rye Lane, Peckham itself or black people in general, there has been a lot said over the past week or so in relation to these topics, people there is bad everywhere, in all walks of life etc. why some people focus solely on Peckham or its people is beyond me, I've had enough to be honest and will refrain from taking part in discussions of this kind because some people are just never going to get it. Lets really put the cat amongst the pigeons now and bring up the topic of massively increased numbers of sexual abuse by paedophiles on young children in this very same area. Guess what? Doesn't involve black people so you won't have heard very much about it! Oh, I'm sorry, did I insinuate that 85% of paedophiles are white, or did I get that from the same kind of stats the some of the thread posters on this site get their stats from.
  8. NatashaD Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > stabbings/murders, are more prevalent in Peckham. > Well.....there is a higher number of young black > fatherless males there with an alternative > 'culture' which came to this country from the West > Indies: 'street culture', feckless fathers, > violent rap, a nihilistic brutalism which has no > past - or future - but festers in the present. We > should recall, however, that Damilola Taylor was > just as much its victim as Tom ap Rhys Price. > > Challenging that culture is not racist, and it > would possibly make places like Peckham safer for > everyone. > > I believe that last year, Tony Blair said > something along the lines of the violence is not > going to be stopped by "pretending it is not young > black kids doing it". Excuse me, but my grandfather who came to this country from the West Indies in the 50's, is absolutely appalled at the behaviour of the youth, and not just black youths, of this country youths as a whole. The lack of respect, discipline, I think he would argue about the origins of it though as you appear to be saying that it was brought over by immigrants of the West Indies when they came over to England. When he was young, corporal punishment was prevalent at school as well as getting a whupping from your parents/and sometimes grandparents too if you did not do well, or were rude at school, you cannot blame immigrants of the past for bringing bad behaviour into this country. There are just as many errant white fathers as there are black ones, please do your homework before you come onto the forum spouting unsubstantiated twaddle. I would say that the majority of gangsta rap etc. shootings, drive bys etc. have been encouraged by what is going on in the USA and our youths ever wishing desire to emulate all that is American or think that whatever is cool over there is actually cool, when it is most definitely not.
  9. Now now, aren't we lowering the tone of the EDF forum dear! >:D< (Apologies, couldn't resist that one
  10. James, just to make a point I will reveal that personally I am bi-sexual, not that you and all the rest of the people on this forum really needed to know that, but what the heck! I happen to know that quite a few "fully" gay people look down on us "bi's" as being the lowest of the low as apparently we don't know whether we are "arthur or martha", but you don't hear me harping on about it. Anyway, that is another whole new can of worms and doesn't really have much to do with this current discussion other than to try and express the fact that I know what both sides of most fences feel like and how it feels to be personally attacked. Muffintop has left the building....(swishes huge long mac around bod and flounces out)
  11. James Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Oh come on, it's hardly like she's going into > counselling! Get a grip... Wow that was nice James, I'm sorry, I hope someone offers you as much understanding one day as you have personally expressed on here with regards to my situation, there is no doubt in my mind that you view racist verbal attacks as nothing more than "flippant remarks!" "I do sympathise with Muffintop to some degree" Stop being so angry and get a grip (I have, you won't hear me mentioning this 2 years down the line!) .
  12. *muffintop smiles coyly and gets up from her rest by Nellies tootsies, and wanders over to Moos who cannot see the concealed contents of a full bucket of Nellies latest offerings being hidden behind her back, she now has an *evil grin* (ok I'm not that mean, make it water hehe!)
  13. Damn Mockney! missed again, ouch!! thats the third time this week! I told Louisa to keep him away from the booze! (hurrys off to the first aid room where handsome first aid gent attends to my punctured hand!) hike sequinned miniscule thong leotard out of butt! and turn down Mockney's attempts to assist me in relation to the same! Sorry not very good at this hence all the edits! :-S Groan.....i'm dying, somebody have mercy and help me out, not good at all at this kind of thing (wishes had just chuckled along reading other people's posts!)
  14. Wow, the feelings and differing opinions threads evoke eh! but thank you so much for all your support, found it quite overwheling and touching, although I didn't think it would cause so much of a stir, sorry. I abhor every type of discrimination, be it racial, religious, sexual the whole spectrum, not necessary in today's world, am glad I kept (an albeit) unintentional "dignified silence", looking back on it I probably would have just gotten through half of the retort and then blubbered through frustration/anger! Will try and make it to the next forum drinks, muffintop and all! thought the name was very apt!
  15. Well doubt those type of people will be gettig dates for the next two decades or so then!! feeling better now, sorry for the outburst!:-S
  16. mockney piers Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > "and you're quite pretty for an ignorant prick, > but I normally keep those observations to myself > thanks very much" ? Mockney, my knight in shining armour! >:D< good one!
  17. Any suggestions anyone? By the way I am mixed race, but invariably get classed as black, I don't have a problem with it, but I am half white too and people rarely acknowledge that fact.
  18. Sorry, ranting and raving this morning, I overheard the above comment directed at me on the train this morning, and I can't believe people wouldn't know that to me that is a really offensive comment! I was so insensed and upset I could not even think of a scathing retort, I just quietly steamed, I wished I had one of those really witty comeback comments to shut idiots like that up if I get into that situation again, it just completely took me by surprise. Incidentally came from two middle aged, obviously white, business type so-called men. Afterwards I thought of "I wouldnt **** you even with my mum's **** ya tosser, you've got more chance of troding in rocking horse poop!" but by then it was way too late and already after the fact, and slightly on the crass side for me.
  19. As far as she is aware from internal sources, there are no plans for any BP garages extending to include internal M&S shops going up in the East Dulwich area, another 200 are about to open over the country but not here, she's gona get back to me in relation to an actual shop branch of M&S in East Dulwich, sorry took so long to get back to you, extended drink fuelled weekend, hangover yadah, yadah!
  20. Sent an e-mail, can't get hold of anyone in that dept at mo, I have half day today, but have asked her to text me and will let you know the minute I do. Yay! I love half days, mine starts in exactly 15 minutes!
  21. Will find out definitely for you, (just give me a mo!quick internal call or e-mail as she is not answering her phone) Nothing like going directly to the horse's mouth and having a quick word in someone's shell-like, at least can put a stop to rumours either way XX
  22. muffintop

    Euro 2008

    Ha! Yo Mockney, come to mama! (a bit closer than Vienna I feel!) >:D< Only joking (peeps round furtively just incase there is a Mrs Mockney around!) hehe!
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